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Humor: An Essential Life Skill

Mark Twain said, “Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.” He’s certainly not wrong. Humor may very well be the great thing.【小题1】

Having a good sense of humor is possibly one of the best things you can do for your physical fitness.【小题2】Besides, it can improve your cardiovascular (心血管的) health.

【小题3】Study has shown that individuals who score highly in humor have higher self-respect, greater self-competence, and perform better in social interaction. They tend to get along well with others and are more often associated with better overall health.

Albert Einstein owed his brilliant mind to having a child-like sense of humor.【小题4】Researchers in Austria discovered that those who have a sense of humor have higher verbal (言语的) and nonverbal intelligence than their less humorous peers, because it takes both cognitive (认知的) and emotional abilities to process and produce humor.

The benefits of humor are so great that universities like Stanford are offering business courses on humor in the workplace.【小题5】Students will be taught how to “better achieve business goals and develop stronger bonds”. It doesn’t stop there, though. Researchers believe humor has the power to actually “make change in the world”.

A.Students will be strictly evaluated.
B.These courses have specific goals.
C.And your mental health benefits as well.
D.It touches upon nearly every aspect of life.
E.Apart from that, humor also improves your overall quality of life.
F.Research has shown that laughter can relieve the tension in your muscles.
G.Indeed, studies have found an association between humor and intelligence.
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Do you ever worry about your study? Your health? These kinds of worries are quite common. However, for some people, worrying may become constant (连续发生的). 【小题1】 If so, understanding how to stop worrying can be a key step towards a more satisfying life.

Realize your styles of thinking

【小题2】 Do you tend to focus on only some details instead of the whole picture? Or do you exaggerate (夸大) things so that relatively small events seem very bad? If so, try to notice when you get into these styles of thinking.


Another step you can take to reduce your worries is to consider what aspects (方面) of a situation you can control. Once you have considered this, focus on what you can control, For example, if you are worried about your health, focus on lifestyle changes that you can make. If you are worried that you may fail an exam, focus on studying well.

Practice mindfulness (正念)

When we worry a lot, it often means that we are caught up in our past or our future. 【小题4】 Therefore, practicing it can help you live in the present instead of being caught up in the past or future.

Exercise more to help you stop worrying

Exercise such as running or going to the gym can help give you a break from your thoughts and worries. 【小题5】 It may help you deal with stress and handle your worries. Therefore, regular exercise is a great habit to have if you want to worry less.

A.Are you one of them?
B.Why do I worry too much?
C.Talk to someone about your worries.
D.It also has many useful effects on the brain.
E.Focus on changes you can make to worry less.
F.Mindfulness is a practice of focusing on the present moment.
G.You now need to have some understanding of your styles of thinking.
It is a hot summer day,and you feel thirsty. A friend gives you a glass of cold lemonade.How do you feel when you see the glass? Will you describe your feeling as happiness or as pleasure? I believe you will say it is a feeling of pleasure.There is a connection between these two kinds of feelings,and sometimes one causes the other,but they are not the same.Pleasure is more dependent on the five senses while happiness is independent of them.
When you are happy,little unpleasant events usually do not disturb you.When you are unhappy,you feel as if everything is against you.You may compensate for it by eating chocolate and sweets because this gives you pleasure;yet you stay unhappy.A person may smoke cigarettes because it gives him pleasure,yet,this does not make him happier,especially if he knows the fact that it is not good for his health
The physical world is always in a changing state.At each moment a new thing is being created,changed,transformed and then destroyed.This is the normal state of things and no one can change it.If we stay still in a certain state,we are sure to experience unhappiness sooner or later.On the other hand,if we adjust to the environment,nothing can influence our moods.Then outer events have nothing to do with our inner joy of mind.
The room of the mind was filled with worry or fear.If you are free of thinking about them, the room has been emptied,and then you will see what is happening and experience it When your mind stays quiet,you will see that happiness comes from the inside.
【小题1】What does the underlined phrase“compensate for”in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
A.to make a suitable payment for
B.to let out your anger for
C.to provide with a balancing effect for
D.to solve the problems for
【小题2】According to the passage, in which of the following situations can you feel happy?
A.A friend gives you a glass of cold lemonade when you feel thirsty.
B.You eat chocolate and sweets when you feel as if everything is against you.
C.Smoke cigarettes even though you know the fact that it is not good for your health.
D.You are free from worry or fear when your mind stays quiet.
【小题3】We can learn from the passage      
A.happiness is more dependent on the five senses
B.pleasure sometimes arouses happiness
C.you feel happy when nothing around you changes in a certain state
D.you feel unhappy because you have to adjust to the environment
【小题4】Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.Pleasure Leads To HappinessB.Happiness Changes Us
C.Happiness Is Within UsD.Stay A Quiet Mind

Humor: An Essential Life Skill

Mark Twain said, “Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.” He’s certainly not wrong. Humor may very well be the great thing.【小题1】

Having a good sense of humor is possibly one of the best things you can do for your physical fitness.【小题2】Besides, it can improve your cardiovascular (心血管的) health.

【小题3】Study has shown that individuals who score highly in humor have higher self-respect, greater self-competence, and perform better in social interaction. They tend to get along well with others and are more often associated with better overall health.

Albert Einstein owed his brilliant mind to having a child-like sense of humor.【小题4】Researchers in Austria discovered that those who have a sense of humor have higher verbal (言语的) and nonverbal intelligence than their less humorous peers, because it takes both cognitive (认知的) and emotional abilities to process and produce humor.

The benefits of humor are so great that universities like Stanford are offering business courses on humor in the workplace.【小题5】Students will be taught how to “better achieve business goals and develop stronger bonds”. It doesn’t stop there, though. Researchers believe humor has the power to actually “make change in the world”.

A.Students will be strictly evaluated.
B.These courses have specific goals.
C.And your mental health benefits as well.
D.It touches upon nearly every aspect of life.
E.Apart from that, humor also improves your overall quality of life.
F.Research has shown that laughter can relieve the tension in your muscles.
G.Indeed, studies have found an association between humor and intelligence.
