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Phebe Cox grew up in what might seem an unlikely mental health danger zone for a kid: tony Palo Alto, California. But behind its surface of family success and wealth, she said, is an environment of heavy pressure on students to perform. By 2016, when Cox was in middle school, Palo Alto had a teen suicide (自杀) rate four times the national average.

Cox’s family lived by the railroad tracks where many of the suicides occurred. She got counseling (咨询). But that choice is not always easily available to teens in crisis — and she and her peers regarded school mental health services as their last choice because of concerns about privacy.

A new program provides an alternative. Called Allcove, it offers unattached health and wellness sites to those ages 12 to 25. Although Allcove is built to support a wide range of physical, emotional and social needs, its main goal is to deal with mental health challenges before they develop into deeper problems. Cox said, “I felt pretty helpless as a young teenager, but Allcove is all about the students and the students’ needs.”

About half of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14 and 75% before age 25, according to researchers. Yet access to mental health care in the U.S. is lacking. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, some 30 million adults and children with mental health conditions go without treatment, and 129 million people live in areas with shortages of mental health professionals.

Allcove provides fully staffed safe spaces for teens and young adults to discuss and deal with their health, both mental and physical. Dr. Steven Adelsheim, a psychiatrist, who created the Allcove in 2014, said, “There is a crying need in the U.S. to reach kids with early intervention and help.” Sometimes a kid may come in with a physical complaint, and only after a few visits is the mental suffering brought out into the open. When that happens, Alcove can make a “warm handoff” to a mental health specialist onsite. Success, say Adelsheim and Cox, would mean the establishment of hundreds of Allcove centers up and down the state and, eventually, around the country.

【小题1】Why did Cox and her peers regard school mental health services as their last choice?
A.They were indifferent to the program.
B.They were concerned about their health.
C.They were upset about the occurrence of the suicides.
D.They were worried about their personal information leak.
【小题2】How does the author prove the lack of mental health care in the US?
A.By giving examples.B.By listing data.
C.By showing comparison.D.By analyzing cause and effect.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 7 mean?
A.The sense of mental suffering.B.Involvement of health experts.
C.Complaints about physical suffering.D.The pressing call for assistance.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes the impact of the program?
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When you got sick,did your parents and doctors make you drink a“terrible soup”?【小题1】,but it can really make you feel better in several days.The“soup”is actually a kind of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).

In recent years,TCM has become more popular around the world.【小题2】.China has 10 TCM centers abroad,such as in France and the United States.Doctors give TCM treatment to local people there.They also teach TCM knowledge to local people.Now,there are over 100,000 TCM clinics,with about 300,000 TCM workers around the world.

TCM came from China thousands of years ago.It is based on the Chinese philosophy(哲学)of yin and yang.Humans should follow the natural rules to keep healthy.Old Greece and Egypt created western medicine.【小题3】.Western doctors check people’s height,weight,blood pressure and body temperature.

【小题4】.“Bringing together western medicine and TCM can use collective knowledge,rather than create competition between them.It can develop the great effects of both of them,”said Bernhard Schwartlander,a World Health Organization representative in China.

On Dec 6,a government document reported that 86 countries and regions are now developing TCM together with China.In 2015,Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize.【小题5】.Today,with more and people paying attention to TCM,it will definitely have a bright future.

A.Let’s see some facts and figure
B.It is difficult to compare which one is better
C.It might be a bad drinking experience for you
D.There are many women of great achievements in history
E.Then the idea took shape in Europe in the 19th century
F.It’s because she made an important drug using traditional Chinese medicine
G.Many people believe western medicine is more effective than traditional Chinese medicine

Walker didn't realize the dangers of e-cigarettes last December when he bought his first one. "I thought it was cool," says Walker, who moved to Florida Atlantic University a month later. Within weeks, given the pressures of adjusting to a new campus, he was smoking a pack or more a day. "After about a week and a half," he says, "I'd get nervous and anxious if I didn't have it."

In early March, Walker went to a hospital emergency room near campus complaining of chest pain, fever and feeling sick. "Eleven days later my chest hurt so bad that I couldn't even sit straight," says Walker. X-rays showed that Walker had what looked like pneumonia (肺炎) in his left lung. Within days, Walker was put on a respirator (呼吸器) and later sent by air to another hospital. "He was dying," says his mom, Candy, a nurse.

It took seven days for doctors to confirm that Walker's infection was caused by the adenovirus (腺病毒). But they were at a loss to explain how the virus had nearly killed an otherwise strong and healthy college student. The answer became clear in mid-April after his father Dave was terrified by what he found — so many e-cigarettes. "Most likely," says Dr. Hunley, "it was the e-cigarettes that led to his breath failure, which contributed to the spread of the adenovirus."

By the time Walker finally left the hospital in July he'd lost 80 pounds, and his left lung and both his kidneys(肾) had been destroyed. Doctors say he now needs to have the kidney transplanted. Walker admits he is shaken by his experience. Meanwhile, Candy says, "Every time I see someone smoking e-cigarettes, I show them pictures of Walker in the hospital and ask, 'Do you understand that you could end up like this?'"

【小题1】Why did Walker smoke e-cigarettes heavily?
A.He thought smoking e-cigarettes cool and safe.
B.He unwillingly entered a new environment.
C.He couldn't adapt to the new campus quickly.
D.He was given much pressure by his teachers.
【小题2】How did the e-cigarettes cause Walker's disease?
A.By reducing his weight sharply.B.By giving off poisonous gas.
C.By spreading the adenovirus.D.By speeding breath failure.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Walker has realized the dangers of e-cigarettes.
B.Walker promises to warn others of e-cigarettes.
C.Walker had kidneys transplanted before leaving hospital.
D.Walker has recovered completely from his disease.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.The Smoking ExpensesB.Walker and E-cigarettes
C.The Harm of E-cigarettesD.A Brave Teenager—Walker

A new breakthrough in material science could revolutionize medical implants. Scientists at Southeast University in China have developed a piezoelectric material that is not only highly effective but also biodegradable. This innovation surpasses previous biodegradable options by a factor of 13 in terms of piezoelectric performance.

Piezoelectric materials have the unique ability to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. This property makes them ideal for various medical implants, like pacemakers and drug delivery devices. However, traditional options lack biodegradability, necessitating a second surgery for removal after serving their purpose. This additional procedure can be expensive and carries inherent surgical risks.

The newly developed material, the discovery of which was led by Zhang Hanyue and Professor Xiong Rengen, is a kind of ferroelectric molecular crystal. The crystal offers the remarkable combination of both piezoelectricity and biodegradability. Notably, the material boasts a piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of approximately 138 picocoulombs per newton, a significant 13-fold increase compared to previous biodegradable materials.

Furthermore, the material is conveniently combined with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), granting it high flexibility and biocompatibility within the body. This translates to safe implantation that can eventually dissolve naturally, eliminating the need for removal surgery.

The researchers envision this innovative material being utilized in a diverse range of next-generation medical implants. This research, published in the March 29 issue of Science magazine, represents a significant leap forward in the field of medical implants. Media outlets in China called the discovery a landmark breakthrough since the discovery of the piezoelectric effect by the Curie brothers in 1880.

【小题1】What makes piezoelectric materials suitable for medical implants?
A.Their ability to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
B.Their biodegradability after serving their purpose.
C.Their unique ability to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
D.Their low cost and ease of availability.
【小题2】The piezoelectric material is significant because it _____.
A.increases the piezoelectric coefficient by 13 times
B.is only suitable for pacemakers
C.requires a second surgery for removal
D.lacks flexibility and biocompatibility
【小题3】The new material is combined with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to _____.
A.improve its piezoelectric performance
B.make it biodegradable
C.enhance its flexibility and biocompatibility
D.reduce its cost of production
【小题4】Why it is considered a landmark breakthrough?
A.It was the first piezoelectric material to be developed
B.It surpasses previous biodegradable options significantly
C.It was discovered by Chinese scientists
D.It has been mentioned in Science magazine
