阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷165

How much time do you spend doing research before you make a decision? There are people who go over every detail exhaustively before making a choice. 【小题1】 Psychologists call this way of thinking a cognitive bias (偏见), a tendency toward a specific mental mistake.

To study “jumping”, we examined decision-making patterns among more than 600 people from the general population. We found that jumpers made more errors than non-jumpers on problems that require thoughtful analysis. 【小题2】 In a quiz about US civics, they overestimated the chance that their answers were right much more than other participants did – even when their answers were wrong.

So what is behind “jumping”? Psychological researchers commonly distinguish between two pathways of thought: automatic system, which reflects ideas that come to the mind easily, spontaneously and without effort, and controlled system including conscious and effortful reasoning. Jumpers and non-jumpers are equally influenced by automatic thoughts. 【小题3】 It is the controlled system that helps people avoid mental biases introduced by the automatic system. As a result, jumpers were more likely to accept the conclusions made at first blush without further questioning. A lack of controlled thinking is also more broadly connected to their problematic beliefs and faulty reasoning.

【小题4】 A method called metacognitive training can be used to target their biases, which can help people think more deliberatively. In this training, participants are confronted with their own biases. They can learn about the missteps and other ways of thinking through the problem at hand. It helps to chip away at participants’ overconfidence.

In everyday life, the question of whether we should think things through or instead go with our guts is a frequent and important one. 【小题5】 Sometimes the most important decision we make can be to take some more time before making a choice.

A.Happily, there may be some hope for jumpers.
B.Also, jumpers had problems with overconfidence.
C.But a fair number of individuals are quick to jump to conclusions.
D.It is certainly possible for them to overthink things to take a decision.
E.We plan to continue the work to trace other problems introduced by jumping.
F.The jumpers, however, did not engage in controlled reasoning to the same degree as non-jumpers.
G.Recent studies show that even gathering just a little bit more evidence may help us avoid a major mistake.
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Walking has been considered as one of the best possible exercises. For many people,daily walking offers massive and long-term physical and mental benefits. 【小题1】A Stanford University study found that participants were more creative when walking as opposed to sitting.

【小题2】You’ve probably heard the phrase“exercise your creativity”,which referee to the brain as muscle.Our creative mindset is triggered by physical movement,which is exactly why walking-with your dog, a friend, or alone-feeds creative thinking.

But the scenery is almost as important as the sweat. Just by going outside, you are stepping out of your habitual surroundings and your comfort zone,which is necessary if you want to open your mind to new possibilities. You can walk through a tree-filled neighborhood. 【小题3】Even when you walk down a busy street, you can’t help but get distracted by the sweet smells from a food cart or the child pointing to a building you hadn’t even noticed before.

Our brains work harder to process indifferent environments. Therefore, walking outside cultivates our ability to collect new ideas and take in new sights,sounds,smells, and flavors. Shinrin-yoku, a common form of relaxation in Japan, suggests that being in the forest and walking among the trees can lower your stress levels. 【小题4】Research has shown that immersion in nature and the disconnection from multimedia increased performance on a creative problem-solving task in a group of hikers.

So instead of setting a fitness goal, why rot set a creativity goal that just starts with walking outdoors?【小题5】For example,you can turn off your phone and give yourself the chance to be present in the world,to hear conversations and natural sounds, and to notice the way people move and the way the sun reflects in a lake. Walk not just for exercise.Walk for wonder.

A.In fact,you often fail to do it by yourself.
B.Engage more closely with your surroundings.
C.Without enough energy, you cannot wonder or create.
D.The physical movement during walking is obviously key.
E.You can walk through a park and observe people relaxing or birds singing.
F.But you don’t have to live near a forest to receive the psychological benefits.
G.However, this habit isn’t just a healthy habit but a necessary element of creativity.

We sometimes think that everything was much better and easier in the past. It’s one of the tricks our minds play on us, especially when we are in low spirits.

Actually, it’s unlikely that things were objectively better in the past. This form of thinking is called rosy retrospection, which is a well-studied cognitive bias. It happens because when we think about the past, we are more likely to focus on positive generalities than annoying details.

If you think back to a holiday with your family five years ago, you’re likely to recall the beautiful views rather than the uncomfortable bed. In other words, the negative details disappear from our memory over time while the positive ones remain.

Rosy retrospection can influence how we make decisions, and it’s one of the reasons why we easily return into problematic relationships. The longer it is since we experienced the negative influence of a relationship, the more likely we are to let the good memories outweigh the bad memories and to perhaps forgive unforgivable behavior. It’s always a good idea to review our nostalgic (怀旧的) feelings with a healthy degree of doubt.

But rosy retrospection does serve an important purpose. It keeps us in a positive state of mind in the present and is important to our psychological wellbeing. In fact, people who tend to remember negative experience s more than positive ones are likely to exhibit psychological disorders. Research generally suggests that our happiest days are still to come. And even if they’re not, it’s still important to believe that they are. Don’t shy away from looking upon the past with a certain degree of nostalgia. But, for the same reason, don’t use the past as an excuse to be unhappy in the present.

【小题1】When we think about the past, we usually __________.
A.improve present living conditionsB.beautify past experiences
C.focus on mind mappingD.play games to forget bad things
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “rosy retrospection” in Paragraph 2mean?
A.Having a preference for good memories.B.Remembering exactly about the details.
C.Concentrating on impossible things.D.Thinking objectively about the past.
【小题3】Which of the following is encouraged by the author according to Paragraph 4?
A.Reviewing the nostalgic feelings critically.
B.Ignoring the nostalgic feelings absolutely.
C.Forgiving the unacceptable behavior generously.
D.Getting back to the problematic relationships bravely.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward rosy retrospection according to the passage?

On Nov 8. Wang Yaping, a female taikonaut of Shenzhou XIII mission, became China’s first and the world’s 16th female spacewalker. The expected six-month journey in space has left many people curious about the differences between male and female astronauts, especially in terms of performing extravehicular(舱外的)activities (EVAs). Despite physical challenges, female astronauts have unique advantages.

Mutual understanding between astronauts is very important for carrying out EVAs, which is the basis of excellent communication skills. Women arc superior in communication and language expression, and this helps female astronauts conduct EVAs. Female astronauts’ strong communication skills and energy also help the crew maintain high team spirit throughout their stay, according to Pang Zhihao, a spaceflight researcher in Beijing.

Men and women are different in body size, which also gives women unique advantages for spacewalks. A different body shape requires a different spacesuit. A tailor-made spacesuit was prepared for Wang’s EVAs, which was lighter than the male version. Designers optimized (优化) this spacesuit to make it more suitable for astronauts with slimmer figures.

Many studies have found that female astronauts are well adapted to carrying out space missions, and have advantages over male astronauts in qualities such as attention to detail and thinking from all angles. Besides, men often do well in shorter-term, goal-oriented situations, while women are better in longer-tenn, habitation-type circumstances, according to National Geographic.

Women’s participation in EVAs is a necessary part of space missions, and we are witnessing (见证)history thanks to Wang’s bravery, according to Pang.

【小题1】What can female astronauts’ communication skills help do?
A.Conduct various tasks.B.Do some space research.
C.Keep the crew’s spirits high.D.Rise to physical challenges.
【小题2】Which of the following is an advantage females have over male astronauts?
A.Females can adapt to space more quickly.
B.Female bodies are stronger and more flexible.
C.Females deal with goal-oriented situations better than males.
D.Females pay more attention to details and think comprehensively.
【小题3】What do we know about Wang’s EVAs?
A.She is the first ever female spacewalker.
B.The spacesuit she wore was specially designed.
C.The mission she carried out showed the power of China.
D.She performed some tasks that her male partners couldn’t do.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The importance of female astronauts.
B.The advantages of females performing EVAs.
C.The preparations for the first female spacewalk.
D.The challenges female astronauts face during a spacewalk.
