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My name is Audrey. I’m a student at Ridge Avenue High in the graduating class of 2016. Yesterday, March 250, 2016, marked a momentous milestone in my life: I was accepted into Stanford University at 3:01 PM!

Gosh, looking back on my high school career, I accomplished a lot. Not only did I always get excellent grades, I was also captain of my school’s tennis team for two years, president of the debate league, and a National Honor Society Member. Now that I’ve gotten into college, however, my life seems almost well... pointless.

For years, getting into Stanford was my only goal. So what if I lost my friends and even my own personality to pursue this dream? I remember for instance, when I worked on a group project with my classmate Hannah. Like usual, I finished my part of the assignment but Hannah, being the incompetent student that she was, struggled to understand our research topic. Although Hannah eventually finished, I sent the teacher an email informing her of Hannah’s difficulty. Sure, some people suggested I help her out, but how could I sacrifice my grade?

On my college application, I tried my best to paint myself as a typical Stanford student. I described myself as an enthusiastic engineer, because what’s better than a girl who loves engineering? In fact, engineering was my mother’s idea; to be honest, I hate engineering. I dislike writing and reading as well. I hate studying history and I cannot stand mathematics. What do I even like? Clearly, my likes and dislikes have always been based on what Stanford admired in student but no matter, I’m going to the school of my dreams, right?

For now, my future is vague. To others, I may seem extremely excited, but inwardly. I am conflicted. In a sense, I regret what I did in high school. Instead of haggling (讨价还价) for points with my teachers, reprimanding (斥责) others for costing me some points on assignments, I should have explored my talents and interests.

Whatever, I still got into Stanford.

【小题1】What do we know about the author according to Paragraph 2?
A.She performed well in school.B.She still has many dreams now.
C.She has many outstanding gifts.D.She is looking forward to college fife.
【小题2】Which can best describe the author’s feeling while writing the passage?
A.She is pretty confused.B.She is in great excitement.
C.She is confident of success.D.She is nervous of future life.
【小题3】What did the author do to her classmate Hannah?
A.She learned a lot from Hannah.B.She once gave Hannah a helping hand.
C.She sacrificed a lot because of Hannah.D.She complained about Hannah’s performance.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “paint” in Paragraph 4 mean?
【小题5】We can infer from Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 ________.
A.she was eager to be admitted into Stanford University
B.she finally majored in engineering totally out of her own will
C.she has a definite direction of her future
D.she was content with what she did in high school
【小题6】We can infer that the author probably advises high school students to ________.
A.try to get good gradesB.make some good friends
C.focus on their own interestsD.apply to Stanford University
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“Mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches will be largely banned in classrooms in the Netherlands from January 1, 2024,” the Dutch government said. The aim is to create an environment that limits the disturbance caused by these devices during lessons.

“There is increasing evidence that mobile phones have a harmful effect during lessons.   【小题1】 For this reason, mobile phones, as well as tablets and smartwatches, will no longer be allowed in classrooms from January 1, 2024,” the government said.

【小题2】 For example, they may be allowed during lessons focusing on digital skills, for medical purposes, or for individuals with disabilities who rely on such devices.

“Even though mobile phones are closely related to our lives, they do not belong in the classroom,” education minister Robbert Dijkgraaf said in a statement. “Students need to concentrate and need to be given the opportunity to study well. Mobile phones will disturb them, scientific research shows. 【小题3】

“The ban is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools, and related organizations. Schools can find their own way to organize the ban,” Dijkgraaf added, “【小题4】

A similar ban was introduced in France in 2018 for primary and middle schools to improve focus and prevent online violence. 【小题5】 In most cases, mobile phones are already banned for the majority of the school day, said the UK government.

A.We need to protect students against this.
B.However, laws will follow if the results are not good enough.
C.And parents will also have to follow the rule.
D.Pupils are less able to concentrate and their performance suffers.
E.Devices will be banned during the whole school day.
F.UK schools have also suggested that such a ban be introduced.
G.Devices will only be allowed if they are needed.

Living abroad will make you a different person and it will change you forever in a good way. I lived abroad for more than four years. 【小题1】 Here are the most important four reasons why you should study abroad and make the most of your stay abroad.

Improve your job chances. 【小题2】 HR managers value international experience highly, as candidates with experiences of studying abroad are considered to be adaptable, independent, problem-solving and open.

【小题3】 Getting out of your home is certainly not easy, but it will help you grow. Go out there and experience the world. See it as an adventure that you will tell your grandkids about. Sometimes you have to push yourself and then you will be rewarded with this awesome feeling of accomplishment.

Create a memory of a lifetime. Spending time abroad will be an adventure and those memories will last for a lifetime. I know a lot of people that once lived abroad and none of them regrets the time they spent abroad. Yes, there will be difficult times. When you don’t understand the people around you, everything is foreign and nothing makes sense. Everyday tasks seem like a major problem. 【小题4】

Become independent. Living in a foreign country all by yourself will surely make you independent. You are forced to make decisions by yourself as you don’t have other choices. 【小题5】 Show them that they were all so wrong about your being a mama’s boy (or girl)! It will feel great!

A.Get away from home.
B.Improve your language skills.
C.It was and still is the biggest adventure in my life.
D.Show yourself, your parents and friends that you can do it.
E.Different cultures have different values, traditions and customs.
F.But I can tell you from my experience that it is definitely worth it.
G.Experience abroad will give you an advantage over other applicants in the job market.

The world becomes a better place when we not only recognize that everyone has bad days, but when we also care enough to act accordingly. No matter what kind of bad experience we experience, we should treat it actively. Fourth-grade teacher Rachel Harder recognized this, and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.

A few years ago, the Kansas teacher attended a trauma(心理创伤)conference. She learned that some police stations partner with schools so they can let teachers know when one of their students has a police encounter, something that could cause them to need extra care or attention. A year after the conference, Rachel had a student with autism(自闭症)who fre-quently had tough days. To support the student, Rachel told his mom to simply text her “handle with care” to let her know when it was going to be one of those days.

The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all her students home with a note for their parents. It explained what the “Handle with Care” system was and how they could take advantage of it. In no time, parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel’s incredible act of kindness. But Rachel’s sympathy didn’t end with her class. Word spread of the amazing system, and teachers across the country began giving it a shot in their own classrooms. Printouts can be found on the Smart School House website, and the feedback has been extremely positive!

Even though teachers can sometimes tell when a student is having a tough day just by the way they’re acting, Rachel said these simple texts allow educators to make minor adjustments in advance that, in turn, make the whole day better for everyone. “It’s important for me to give kids a few minutes of extra time or space,” she said, “and it’s easy to give.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.The tough time in life.B.The beauty of nature.
C.A positive attitude to hardship.D.An extreme working style.
【小题2】How did Rachel help the student with autism?
A.By getting assistance from some police stations.
B.By knowing his state at home from his mother.
C.By discussing his trauma in a conference.
D.By supporting him to do what he wants.
【小题3】Why did Rachel send notes to the parents of all her students?
A.To prove the behavior is efficient.
B.To explain the kindness to the parents.
C.To gain the parents’ sympathy for herself.
D.To show her concern about every student.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Rachel?
A.Responsible and considerate.B.Energetic and grateful.
C.Curious and courageous.D.Humorous and warm-hearted.
