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Imagine that you’re approaching a coffee shop. Suddenly, your eyes are drawn toward an interaction between two _______ happening outside its doors. One man sits, leaning against the glass window, with a plastic bag of belongings on the sidewalk. A woman, with her hand tenderly outstretched, _______ him some bills. As you walk past the _______ and enter the coffee shop, do you _______ pulling out few bills and giving them to the man?

If you answered yes, you’re probably _______ what social scientists from UCLA’s Bedari Kindness Institute call “elevation” — an uplifting emotion often accompanied by a(n) _______ feeling in the chest, sometimes even by tears. _______, that feeling comes with some contagious (有感染力的) kindness. Researchers from the institute have studied _______ kindness can be contagious.

What they found, in short is yes.

In the study, half of the participants watched a video titled “Unsung Hero”, which follows a young man as he _______ his daily routine often ________ to help others. The other half watched another video of a man performing impressive parkour stunts (跑酷特技). These participants ________ five $1 bills as payment for their time. Then researchers invited them to make ________ to charity. Compared with the parkour ________ , people who watched the “Unsung Hero” video gave 25% more to charity.

________ by the insights obtained from the study, researchers at the institute teamed up with YouTube Kids to plan a series of videos to encourage K-12 kids to show others ________ as a way to remove bullying.

A.turns downB.goes throughC.settles intoD.complains about
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In a culture obsessed with measuring talent and ability, we often overlook the important role of inspiration because of its complicated nature. Its history of being treated as supernatural hasn’t helped the______. But as recent research shows, inspiration has a major effect on important______.

Inspiration is the springboard for creativity. Being in a state of inspiration ______the creativity of writing samples across scientific writing, poetry and fiction. Inspired writers are more ______and productive, and spend less time pausing and more time writing. The link between inspiration and creativity is in line with the surpassing aspect of inspiration, since creativity involves seeing possibility beyond existing restrictions.

Inspiration facilitates progress toward goals. In a recent study conducted by Marina Milyavskaya and her colleagues, college students were asked to report three goals they intended to_______ throughout the course of the semester. They then reported on their progress three times a month. Those who scored higher on the Inspiration Scale displayed increased goal progress, and their progress was a ______of setting more inspired goals. ______, people who were generally more inspired in their daily lives also tended to set inspired goals, which were then more likely to be successfully achieved. ______the relationship between inspiration and goal progress was mutual: goal progress also predicts future goal inspiration. Finally, inspired individuals reported experiencing more purpose in life and more gratitude.

Inspiration increases______. In another study, those who were exposed to Michael Jordan’s greatness experienced higher levels of Positive Affect, and this increase in Positive Affect was completely explained by their score on the Inspiration Scale. This inspiration was not______ though, foretelling positive well-being (e.g., life satisfaction) three months later!

Inspiration was more strongly______ future than to present satisfaction. The extent to which inspiration lasted was explained by self-reported levels of purpose and gratitude in life.

These findings show that inspiration______ a lot, which may put the burden on someone to become inspired and helpless to do so. The writer Elizabeth Gilbert rightly expresses this ______in her inspiring TED talk. I agree with Gilbert that one should not put______ on oneself to become inspired. These key scientific findings suggest that inspiration is not______— it happens. Knowing this should free you from the pressure to make inspiration happen.

A.moral lessonsB.academic careersC.writing dreamsD.life outcomes
A.related toB.based onC.impressed onD.addicted to

Mice are at their best at night. But a new analysis suggests researchers often test the nightly creatures during the day, which could alter results and create ________ across various studies, if they record time-of-day information ________. Scientists assume that waking up lab mice in the daytime may twist research.

Of the 200 papers examined in the new study, more than half cither failed to report the timing of behavioral testing or did so ________. On the contrary, they found only 20 percent reported ________ testing. The analysis was published in Neuroscience & Bio-behavioral Reviews.

West Virginia University neuro-scientist Randy Nelson, the study's lead author, says this is likely a matter of human ________. “It is easier to get students and schools to work during the day than at night,” Nelson says. But that advantage ________.

“Time of day not only impacts the intensity of many ________, including mice activity, aggressiveness of their behavior, and hormone levels,” but changes in those factors can only be ________ during certain parts of the daytime cycle, says University of Wyoming behavioral neuro-scientist William D. Todd. This means that “failing to report time of day of data collection and tests makes ________ of results extremely difficult,” adds Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center staff scientist Natalia Machado. Neither Todd nor Machado was involved in the new study.

________, the study researchers say it is critical that scientists report the timing of their work and consider the fact that animals' behavioral and physiological responses can ________ with the hour. As a first step, Nelson says, “obviously, taking time-of-day into consideration seems like ________ fruit in terms of line assing behavioral neuroscience research reliability, reproducibility and rigor (严谨性)

University of Calgary psychologist Michael Antle, who was also not involved in the analysis, says such differences in how studies are run ________ a “reproducibility crisis” in science, with other laboratories unable to ________ study results. “Running a study at the wrong time,” he says, “could lead to us completely ________ a finding altogether.”

A.comes at a costB.comes to the pointC.comes into beingD.comes to an end
A.Vice versaB.In comparisonC.For exampleD.Therefore
A.belong toB.contribute toC.result fromD.go through

Have you experienced a condition when listening to a very loud music makes your heartbeat so fast that you can actually feel the_________beating? From this experience, we can conclude that loud and fast music increases the heart rate. Therefore, we have a feeling of high_________and stress when we listen to loud and fast music. On the contrary, soft music is _________tons lower heart rate. People who listen to relaxing music have as lower heart rate,_________to those listening to loud and fast music, or those not listening to music at all.

But why does this happen? Experiments found that the _________of music on the heart is based on the functioning of the brain. When we hear music, the sound waves are _________into electrical impulses(神经冲动) by the brain. As it can increase and decrease the heart rate, the related effect is produced. Now, is it that only soft music _________this effect? Well, listening to soft or relaxing music is surely more _________.However, listening to any type of music you like can be _________, rather than not listening to any music at all.

It is believed that people who havens lower heart rate have a longer life.__________, people having a faster heart rate are at a greater__________of suffering from cardiovascular (心血管的) diseases. Therefore, having a slower heart rate makes you live a longer and healthier life. When music__________the heart rate, there is a feeling of__________

Therefore, it is used as a__________technique, We can conclude by saying that the phrase “Music__________the heart” is not just a saying, but a(n) fact!

A.brings outB.brings upC.brings aboutD.brings in
A.speeds upB.holds upC.slows upD.puts up
