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Chimps live in a male-dominated society, where most of their valuable partners are other males. However, as young male chimps become adults, they continue to maintain tight bonds with their mothers, a new study finds.

“The dramatic changes of adolescence are difficult for chimps, just like they are for humans,” says Elizabeth Lonsdorf, an expert on primates (灵长动物) at Franklin&Marshall College who was not involved in the study. “Sure enough,” she adds, “their moms remain a key social partner during this time.”

Previous research has shown chimp mothers provide their sons with support that goes far beyond nursing. Young male chimps that are close with their moms grow bigger and have a greater chance of survival. What’s more, losing their mothers after weaning (断奶), but before age 12,gets in the way of the ability of young chimps to win other males and reproduce.

To see whether this bond extends later into life, researchers followed 29 adolescent (9 to 15 years old) and young adult (16 to 20 years old) male chimps at a research site in Kibale National Park in Uganda and observed them from a distance for 3 years. The team found that the young adult males spent less time with their mothers than the adolescents did—26% vs. 76%. As the male chimps grew older and more independent, they began to travel over wider ranges and spent more time away from their moms.

However, when these young adult males happened to be in the company of their mothers, they acted just like the adolescents. They groomed (梳理) their moms just as often and kept track of them. “Many mothers remained the males’ ‘best friends’ or ‘social partners’ they associated with most frequently,” says study co-leader Rachna Reddy from Harvard University.

Such persistent ties are also common in humans after sons leave their mothers and live on their own—especially in tough times, Reddy says. “We really feel what it’s like to not be able to see our mothers when we want to in tough times. The importance of those bonds in our lives and the comfort we get from them have deep evolutionary roots.”

【小题1】What do we know about Elizabeth Lonsdorf?
A.She is in favor of the new study’s finding.
B.She played a supporting role in the new study.
C.She did a different study on chimps’ adolescence before.
D.She thinks chimps actually live in a female-dominated society.
【小题2】What may happen when a male chimp loses its mother at 8?
A.It may be easier for it to produce babies.
B.It may be easier for it to interact with other chimps.
C.It may be tough for it to defeat other males.
D.It may be much more aggressive than other males.
【小题3】What did the researchers probably do during their study?
A.They took care of some motherless chimps.
B.They recorded the chimps’ social interaction.
C.They worked hard to win the chimps’ trust.
D.They limited the chimps’ range of movement.
【小题4】What does Reddy aim to do in the last paragraph?
A.To stress the purpose of the study.B.To improve humans’ mother-son relationship.
C.To call on us to protect chimps.D.To emphasize the significance of the study.
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“They are our guests,” Ghulam Mohiuddin Dar said on an extremely cold day as he and his colleagues broke the ice and dropped grain at bird feeding points on the Hokersar wetland in Kashmir.

Dar and his colleagues are hired by the local government to feed the hungry birds as weather conditions in the region became worse. “Since December, temperatures have dropped to—10℃ and there have been two heavy snowfalls, which have blanketed the vast rice fields and fruit farms in the area. Scores of wetlands and lakes, including parts of the famous Dal Lake, have been covered up by thick ice in Kashmir,” Dar added.

The cries of hundreds of thousands of birds that visit Kashmir during their winter migration (迁徙) have long been a welcome noise for the locals. They arrive from as far away as eastern Europe, Japan and Turkey to feed and produce babies in the wetlands. Officials say at least 700, 000 birds have moved to Kashmir in the past two months and expect more to arrive as temperatures improve in February.

In recent decades, the number of visiting birds has declined, which experts say is due to climate change and urban development. “Construction around the Hokersar wetland, poisonous waste and the changing climate in the area are robbing the birds of their traditional watering holes and nesting areas,” Dar explained.

According to a recent study by the University of Kashmir, the Hokersar wetland shrank (缩小) from nearly 19 square kilometers in 1969 to 12.8 square kilometers today. Fortunately, environmental groups and local residents are also joining hands to feed the hungry birds in the icy conditions.

“It’s not just our official duty to feed them but also an order from Nature,” Dar told me.

【小题1】What does the second paragraph focus on?
A.The icy conditions.B.The lack of snowfalls.
C.The variety of birds.D.The warming climate.
【小题2】Why did fewer and fewer birds visit the Hokersar wetland in winter in the past decades?
A.The wetland was damaged.B.The watering holes became very salty.
C.The locals tried to poison them.D.The authorities stopped feeding them.
【小题3】What do the locals most probably think of those birds?
A.It is a big waste to feed them.B.They may destroy the crops.
C.It is annoying to hear their noise.D.They are their lovely guests.
【小题4】What does Ghulam Mohiuddin Dar want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.The Hokersar wetland has to be protected.
B.Wildlife groups and locals did a good job.
C.It is absolutely necessary to help those birds.
D.The recent study provides valuable information.

Ever wondered if dogs can learn new words? Yes, say researchers as they have found that talented dogs may have the ability to grasp new words after hearing them only four times.

While previous evidence seems to show that most dogs do not learn words, unless eventually very well trained, a few individuals have shown some extraordinary abilities, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports.

“We wanted to know under which conditions the gifted dogs may learn novel words,” said researcher xuekw Claudia Fugazza from the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary. For the study, the team involved two gifted dogs, Whisky and Vicky Nina. The team exposed the dogs to the new words in two different conditions.

In the exclusion-based task, presented with seven known toys and one new toy, the dogs were able to select the new toy when presented with a new name. Researchers say this proves that dogs can choose by exclusion when faced with a new word, they selected the only toy which did not have a known name.

However, this was not the way they would learn the name of the toy. In fact, when they were presented with one more equally new name to test their ability to recognize the toy by its name, the dogs got totally confused and failed.

The other condition, the social one, where the dogs played with their owners who pronounced the name of the toy while playing with the dog, proved to be the successful way to learn the name of the toy, even after hearing it only 4 times. “The rapid learning that we observed seems to equal children’s ability to learn many new words at a fast rate around the age of 18 months,” Fugazza says. “But we do not know whether the learning mechanisms(机制) behind this learning are the same for humans and dogs. ”

To test whether most dogs would learn words this way, 20 other dogs were tested in the same condition, but none of them showed any evidence of learning the toy names, confirming that the ability to learn words rapidly in the absence of formal training is very rare and is only present in a few gifted dogs.

【小题1】What was the purpose of the study published in Scientific Reports?
A.To better train dogs’ ability to learn new words.
B.To further confirm previous evidence about dogs.
C.To prove extraordinary memory abilities of gifted dogs.
D.To explore favorable conditions for gifted dogs’ new-word learning.
【小题2】How did the dogs react when exposed to two new names in the first condition?
A.Slow to understand.B.Quick to learn.C.At a loss.D.In a panic.
【小题3】What was found about dogs’ new-word learning in the social condition?
A.Learning through playing applied to most dogs.
B.The social condition helped dogs learn new words.
C.Dogs’ new-word learning turned out to be less effective.
D.Dogs shared similar learning mechanisms with children.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Gifted Dogs Can Learn New Words Rapidly.
B.Dogs Identify Newly-named Toys by Exclusion.
C.Dogs Can Acquire Vocabulary through Tons of Training.
D.Gifted Dogs Have Similar Learning Abilities to Humans.

Bees are unimaginably territorial(地盘意识强的), fighting to death to defend their home with painful stings (螫刺). But killer bees are particularly fierce. They appeared after African bees were imported to Brazil in the 1950s. By the 1980s, they had spread north to the United States, outgunning native bees along the way. Their massive attacks have killed more than 1,000 people.

Mario Palma, a biochemist at Sao Paulo State University in Brazil, who studies social behavior in bees, wanted to understand the basis of this aggression. So he and his colleagues swung a black leather ball in front of some killer bees and collected the bees whose stingers got stuck in the ball during the attack. They also collected killer bees that remained in the cell. The analysis suggested that killer bee brains have two proteins that—in the aggressive bees—quickly break into pieces to form a so-called “neuropeptide( 神 经 肽 )”, they reported this week in the Journal of Proteome Research.

Palma and his colleagues already knew that bee brains have these two proteins. “We were astonished when we identified some very simple neuropeptides, which were produced in a few seconds,” Palma said. Killer bees that remained in the cell did not make these neuropeptides, he reported. And when his team put these neuropeptides into young, less aggressive bees, they “became aggressive like older individuals”.

Palma added that these neuropeptides also increase the production of energy and alarm chemicals. They could also encourage the nerve cells in killer bees needed to make the stinging attack. “There is a fine biochemical regulation in the killer bee brain,” he said. Researchers have found these neuropeptides in other insects, but few had associated them with “fight” behavior.

【小题1】What is special about bees?
A.They are particularly fierce.B.They show territorial behavior.
C.They were imported to Brazil.D.They live in harmony with other insects.
【小题2】What finding surprised the researchers during the experiment?
A.There are two proteins in killer bee brains.
B.Young killer bees are fiercer than older ones.
C.The killer bees make an attack immediately.
D.Killer bee brains produce neuropeptide quickly.
【小题3】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Killer bees fight to death to protect their home.
B.Aggressive killer bees killed many people with neuropeptide.
C.Neuropeptide makes killer bees have “fight” behavior.
D.Neuropeptide has a great effect on killer bees.
