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In 1931, Americans were suffering through the Great Depression. It was The Good Earth by Pearl Buck that brought comfort, the top-selling book that year.

Born into a religious workers’ family in 1892, Pearl Buck left the United States and moved to China with her parents. Her education began at home with her mother teaching her American school things while a Chinese tutor taught her other subjects, including writings of Confucius. In 1910, she went back to America to study philosophy. After graduation, she returned to China and married John Lossing Buck, an agriculture expert, eventually settling down in a small village in the north of China.

Had it not been for their first child Carol, who had an unusual disease causing her to have trouble learning, Pearl Buck might never have become a famous writer. The reason was money. She needed it to pay for her daughter’s care. She recalled why she chose China and its people as the subjects, “If none of you want to write these wonderful farmers. I will write about them. So, I wrote The Good Earth.”

The Good Earth tells the story of a poor Chinese man named Wang Lung and his wife O-Lan. It recounts how they work hard and finally make enough money to purchase some land for a farm. They stick to the land even in times of starvation, themselves begging on the streets. Experiencing ups and downs, Wang finds happiness in owning land and raising crops. He even forbids his sons to sell the land after his death.

Pearl Buck told her China stories with honesty and Americans were impressed by the new images of the Chinese totally different from those in Hollywood movies. The book earned Pearl Buck the Pulitzer Prize and was later adapted into an Oscar-winning movie. In 1938, she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

【小题1】How did Pearl Buck benefit from her education?
A.She thought the best education lay in home.
B.She highly appreciated education in the countryside.
C.She preferred Chinese education to Western education.
D.She gained a lot from a combination of different styles of education.
【小题2】Why did Pearl Buck decide to write books?
A.Some Chinese advised her to do it.B.She was in desperate need of money.
C.She couldn’t bear the boring rural life.D.She desired a good education for her kid.
【小题3】What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Good fortune always favors the characters.
B.Owning land is the lifeline for Chinese farmers.
C.Chinese farmers lead a terribly miserable life.
D.The characters make a fortune by buying and selling land.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The moral values of The Good Earth.
B.The fighting spirit of Chinese farmers.
C.A woman writer’s sacrifice to save her ill child.
D.A woman’s great China-themed literary achievements.
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Growing up, I had always been told that girls only take the money from their parents but never look back to taking care of them. I always wondered if it was true.

I got married at the very early age of 22. I had always been a quiet girl, but with a loving heart I wanted to have a huge family. I found a husband but as we grew older things changed. I have been judged, accused, and blamed over and over again to the point where I was broken down emotionally. I was not able to make anyone understand what I felt. I would just keep on smiling and just focused on taking care of what was necessary, which was my family. Whenever I needed a friend to talk to, I felt judged to the point where I felt that opening my mouth was wrong. I lost my self-confidence, my belief, my faith, and my trust.

One thing I never gave up on was reading, because I have learned that to cut down the negative in life I had to keep adding positive things in my life. Sometimes reading did not help me right away but I knew it was working internally. The Secret Book is one of my favorite books that I have on my phone and next to my pillow. I am a firm believer in the saying, “There is light at the end of the tunnel.” No one knows how long the tunnel is, but yes, there is always light at the end of it. My tunnel was filled with judgments, accusations, and blaming. I have not overcome it completely yet but I know that I will overcome all of it soon to become the best version of myself.

One of the biggest lessons I have learned is to never judge anyone without knowing the real story. I have also learned to always encourage and pour positive things into people to build them up.

【小题1】Why did the author feel bothered?
A.She had no friend due to her character.
B.She couldn’t make herself understood.
C.She had to support her family by herself.
D.She broke up the marriage with her husband.
【小题2】Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Quiet but strong.B.Kind and energetic.
C.Smart and hard-working.D.Lazy but knowledgeable.
【小题3】What has the author learned from these experiences?
A.Don’t judge a person from his appearance.
B.Always do positive things and never give in.
C.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
D.A house without books is like a room without windows.

Emily Bhatnagar has always loved reading. “Growing up, I was really shy, so I always turned to books,” she said. “They became my best friends when I didn’t have one.”

In 2019, when Emily was in her second year of high school, her dad suffered from cancer. The news was difficult for the family. Books became an even bigger comfort, and she started thinking about families in similar situations. When her father recovered, she came up with a plan to help others. “The idea came from the fact that there were kids who were facing the same problem,” she said.

Then, Emily started the book drive in her hometown, Gaithersburg, Maryland. The goal was to collect books and give them to kids being treated for cancer in local hospitals. Her father was not surprised by this plan. “She always wants to do things for the neighborhood,” he said. Since the start of the book drive, which she calls For Love & Buttercup, Emily has collected more than 10,000 books.

Emily had no idea how much attention her work would get. She started by posting on social media, asking people in her area to donate. “I was expecting maybe two or three neighbors to do it,” she said. “But it ended up blowing up,” especially when newspapers began reporting it.

The Children’s Inn is one of the places where Emily has donated books. “Donations like Emily’s share a piece of the world with kids and families that they may not experience,” said its director, Aisha Campbell. Emily continues to run the book drive with her parents’ help. She hopes to one day make it reach more kids. The memory of the first time she visited children who’d received her books sticks with her. “It was the best day of my life,” she said. “I realized I wanted to do this type of work forever.”

【小题1】What made Emily come up with the book drive?
A.Her father’s illness.B.Her care for others.
C.Her habit of reading.D.Her own shyness.
【小题2】What did Emily’s For Love & Buttercup want to do?
A.Help her father defeat cancer.B.Give her father a surprise.
C.Comfort other kids in need.D.Collect books for hospitals.
【小题3】How did Emily feel about the book drive at first?
【小题4】What is Emily’s future plan?
A.Getting more help from her parents.B.Starting another book drive very soon.
C.Making her program benefit more kids.D.Writing books about her experiences.

Cecilia Chiang, named the “mother of Chinese food in American”, a famed restauranteur who helped introduce real Chinese food to America in the 1960s, died on October 28, 2020 at the age of 100. Opened in 1961, Cecilia’ legendary San Francisco restaurant, the Mandarin, was arguably the best Chinese restaurant in the US for over 30 years. She challenged the American idea of Chinese food and transformed their appreciation for authentic Chinese cuisine.

Ms Chiang was born in Wuxi in 1920 as the seventh daughter in a wealthy family. After her parents died, Cecilia managed the businesses’ finances while still in her teens.

Ms Chiang came to San Francisco in 1959. Once in San Francisco, she met two acquaintances who wanted to open a restaurant. Ms Chiang agreed to put up a huge deposit. But when the two women quit, Ms Chiang found to her horror that the deposit was not refundable. She decided to open the restaurant herself. “I began to think that if I could create a restaurant with Western-style service and the dishes that I was most familiar with-the delicious food of northern China — maybe my little restaurant would succeed,” she wrote in her book.

The Mandarin, which was opened in 1961 as a small restaurant, introduced customers to mainly Sichuan, Shanghai and Canton dishes. The early days were especially tough. But little by little, Chinese diners, and a few Americans came regularly. Overnight, the tables filled and became a huge success.

Ms Chiang enjoyed many extraordinary honors. In 2013, when she was 93, she received the long overdue Lifetime Achievement Award from the James Beard Awards, known as the ”Culinary Oscars“ at New York’s Lincoln Center. Cecilia considered it her legacy to have redefined what Americans know about Chinese food and culture. In her acceptance speech, Cecilia said, ”This is an incredible honor. James Beard was one of my close personal friends, so this award holds a special place in my heart.“

【小题1】When did Ms Chiang start to manage the businesses’ finances?
A.In the 1920s.B.In the 1930s.C.In the 1950s.D.In the 1960s.
【小题2】Why did Ms Chiang open a restaurant alone?
A.She wanted to live a better life.
B.She needed to get her deposit back.
C.She decided to help her acquaintances.
D.She wished to spread Chinese food across America.
【小题3】What can be Ms Chiang’s chief achievement?
A.She changed American’s eating habits.
B.She won an Oscar award for her restaurant.
C.She showed Americans the charm of Chinese food.
D.She recorded many recipes for Chinese dishes in her book.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Ms Chiang?
A.Smart but stubborn.B.Adventurous but careless.
C.Devoted and brave.D.Enthusiastic and ambitious.
