阅读理解-七选五 较易0.85 引用23 组卷64

After entering high school, you must wonder how to study well. Here are some good skills for you.

Go to class.

If you want to do well at school, going to class is the first step in studying well. If you miss classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you’ll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test. 【小题1】

Take good notes.

Try not to write down everything. 【小题2】 Write down unfamiliar terms. After class, review your notes as soon as possible. You can fill in details that you missed and review the material while it is still fresh on your mind.


If you are struggling in class, talk to your teacher. He or she may be able to give you more help before or after class. Most teachers have little sympathy(同情) for students who just become worried about failing during the last few weeks of the grading period.

Take part in class discussions.

In order to learn more in class, it is helpful to take part in class discussions. Asking questions and having eye contact with your teachers and classmates can increase your focus during the class discussion. 【小题4】 This helps you make your point clear in class.

Form study groups.

Get students together who want to do well in class. Make sure that everyone is familiar with the material because you do not want to spend time re-teaching material to people who do not understand it. 【小题5】 Sometimes group sessions(上课时间)can become chatting sessions

A.But be careful!B.Don’t be late for your class.C.Talk to your teacher if you need help.D.You should write down all the new terms.E.So if you want to study well, go to every class.F.All you need is to put down the main points in your own words.G.In order to learn more in classit is helpful to take part in class discussions
知识点:方法/策略学习 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How to express your angerThe best way to manage anger is by dealing with it directly—you must learn to express your anger in a healthy and helpful way.Expressing yourself when you are very angry can be difficult. But it can also be very helpful.【小题1】They feel better about themselves. And most importantly, they are taking control of their own emotions. They are reacting to their anger in a good way.【小题2】First, stay calm when you are expressing yourself. It is also important to be clear and direct when you express yourself. You should also show respect to the other person.It is also important not to blame other people. Blaming other people can lead to arguing and fighting. Instead, people should express their anger by saying what they are feeling. For example, if a person is angry, she should use “I statements”. These are simple sentences that state how a person feels. For example, you should not say “You never help me clean the home”!【小题3】When people are expressing their anger, they should remember to think about the other people who are involved in the situation.【小题4】Often, when people look at a situation in this way, they can admit that they are not always being fair. People can admit that their anger is not being helpful. People cannot always control what other people do or what happens around them. But people can control the way they react!Do not let your anger build up inside of you! As a person once said:“It is not good for me to hold on to anger.【小题5】

A.You can talk to a doctor.
B.I am the only one that it is really hurting.
C.Words can be extremely damaging to a relationship.
D.Try to look at the situation from the other person’s point of view.
E.When people can express their needs, they feel like they are solving the problem.
F.Instead, you could say “I am angry that you did not offer to help me clean the home”.
G.But there are things people should remember when they express their needs when angry.

Work Smarter Not Harder

In Dan Pink’s Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself, he closes the book with a long, excellent list of “Work Smarter Not Harder” type advice for people who want to start working for themselves. 【小题1】 Below are my favorites.

●Make a “to don’t” list. Prepare a list that contains all the things you shouldn’t waste your time on—useless tasks, unnecessary meetings, worthless phone calls, and so on. 【小题2】

●Carry a notebook and pen. Thomas Edison did it. Virginia Woolf did it. And so did Charles Darwin. They carried a notebook with them everywhere and wrote down ideas that popped into their heads. 【小题3】 Trust me: This is a fantastic way to explore ideas and to weave creativity into the fabric of your life.

【小题4】 Become a learning machine. Ask questions. Take smart people to lunch. Read. Read some more. Listen to audiobooks. Take classes. Added benefit: This makes life more interesting. Yet another benefit: Studies have shown that people who make constant learning part of their lives end up living longer.

●Guard your calendar. Make sure your time is focused on your one or two top priorities(优先解决的事物). Ask yourself: “Is this how I want to be spending my time right now?” Remember: You are your calendar. 【小题5】

●Respond to calls and e-mails quickly. Even if your response is, “I’ll get back to you,” try to get back to people within 24 hours. They’ll appreciate the politeness.

B.Be quick, but don’t hurry.
C.So treat your calendar with respect.
D.Try to begin your day the same way.
E.Page through the notebook occasionally.
F.Then place it next to your “to do” list and stick to it.
G.Frankly, the list is so good I think everyone would benefit from it.

Popularity is a social phenomenon and being popular refers to the quality of being widely liked or accepted by the people. Being popular is very important because being popular boosts your self-esteem and makes you feel good about yourself and popularity is positively linked to job satisfaction, individual job performance and group performance. Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. 【小题1】 In fact, it is very simple.

Look your best.

First impressions and positive impressions are very important to being popular, so pay attention to how you look. Looking your best doesn’t mean you have to wear the most expensive clothes or have the fanciest, most costly hairdo. 【小题2】


Smiling is just the very first step in you becoming one of the most popular guys. It makes people feel good when you smile. But you don’t have to pretend to do it all the time.【小题3】 Even when things aren’t going too well and you force a smile, the sensitive person picks this up and can research into reasons for your mixed feelings.


One way to be popular is to focus on being “interested”, not “interesting”. Eye contact shows you’re interested in someone, both in general situations and in romantic ones. The expression in your eyes conveys a lot and people can notice levels of warmth and concern.

Listen more than you talk.

【小题5】 When you’re listening, try responding with your body to what’s being said-it will help you a lot. In other words, you can nod at a proper time and make facial expressions to convey information. If you come across as a person who listens, other people will want to be around you.

If we can do all of the above, it is certain that the popularity will come your way.

A.Express your interest in the eyes.
B.Just be sincere.
C.Looking your best does mean that whatever you wear fits and that your hair style is appropriate for you.
D.What is the secret of being popular?
E.Be interested in yourself.
F.You can’t listen with your mouth open.
G.Force a smile.
