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At 63, Jerry Valencia was determined to get his college degree — and his master’s degree, too. The student arrived early, sat front and center, and stood out in my classroom in more ways than one. I’d say that he had about 40 years on his classmates in my undergraduate communications class at California State University, Los Angeles. He eagerly jumped into class discussions, with his modest humor and wisdom of experience. And he was always respectful of the other students’ views, as if each of them were a teacher. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile — and he left with one, too.

Valencia always said that these students gave him the confidence and joy that he didn’t need to feel bad about his age.

One day, I found Valencia sitting on campus. He said he would have to stop taking classes that semester and reapply for next year. By then, he hoped to have earned enough money from construction jobs he used to take to pay for his tuition. But he said he would still come to campus to attend events, see his friends and take the final exams. He asked seriously whether he could still sit in my communications class.

“Sure,” I said.

Soon there he was again, back at his old desk, front and center, jumping into our discussions on how to find and tell stories in Los Angeles-a 63-year-old junior with as much energy and curiosity as any of the youngsters in my class.

For an assignment on changing neighborhoods, Valencia wrote about a favorite local chain restaurant that was “unceremoniously (随便地) closed”. He called it as a theft of childhood. “It is almost as if someone has stolen that childhood and replaced it with a slippery hill where everything they cherish will slide away,” he wrote. A lot of Valencia’s classmates apparently knew he couldn’t pay that semester’s tuition. However, he was still making his efforts to do the homework well.

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In my eyes, Valencia is an old man with strong will.


I was pretty astonished when hearing what he had said.

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“ Rachel Pettingill! ”

As Truman came home from school, he repeated the name in his head. Throughout third grade and the year before, Rachel Pettingill had earned the highest science grade in the class. Truman was used to being second best.

“ But science is my thing, ” he declared.

Truman’s parents were scientists, and he would be a scientist. That was just a fact. Somehow, with only one week and one assignment left before break, they were neck and neck. Dead even.

The subject of the project was beehives (蜂窝). As his teacher had explained, to earn an A+, he needed a “ new angle. ”

Truman pushed open the front door to find his four-year-old brother, Bryan, playing his paper towel tubes on the living room floor, hard at work.

Bryan leaped to his feet. “ Truman, help me build a city! ”

“ I’d like to, but I have to do a report on beehives. Bryan. Sorry. ” Truman stepped carefully between the tubes. He went to his room, dropped onto the bed, and studied the ceiling.

“ Rachel Pettingill! ”

Her report would be extraordinary.

“ Truman? I know where there’s an old beehive. ” Bryan poked his head in. “ Follow me. ”

They marched to the firewood. Bending down, Bryan pointed out the hive deep inside the tree. Truman carefully removed the hive from its hole.

Back in his room, Truman sat at his desk, turning the delicate hive under a lamp. Each cell was a perfect hexagon (六角形). How did the bees fit the cells together so neatly? And how did they make each cell six-sided? Could they count?

“ Boys, dinner’s ready! ” his mother called.

As he walked to have dinner, his foot came down on something strange.

“ Truman! You’re ruining my city! ” Lost in thought, Truman hadn’t seen Bryan settle in behind him with a mess of paper tubes. Bryan began to cry. Loudly. He gathered an armful of his tubes, threw them into a sink and ran sobbing into the living room.

Truman sighed and gathered the rest of the tubes in both hands.

Paragraph 1:

As he held the tubes over the wastebasket, they suddenly reminded him of something.

Paragraph 2:

Truman ran to the living room and gave his brother a big hug.


Sometimes, the support and encouragement that we give each other can spread and truly change people’s lives. In the case of one Florida student David Smith, the support of a local network of strangers and his school made memories he will never forget.

When Laura Snyder, an elementary school teacher at Altamonte Elementary School, celebrated “College Colors Day” with her class, David melted her heart.

Despite being a devoted fan of the University of Tennessee (UT) sports teams, he did not own any official merchandise (货品) and resorted to his creativity to show his support. The young student drew the school’s logo on a piece of paper, and attached it to an orange T-shirt to resemble (相似于) the school colors of the UT sports teams.

“When the day finally arrived, he was so excited to show me his shirt,” Snyder revealed on Facebook. “I was impressed that he took it one step further to make his own label.”

Unfortunately, by mid-day, David was in tears.

“At lunch, some girls made fun of his sign that he had attached to his shirt. He felt extremely depressed. He has lost his former confidence and smile, and rarely talks about his favorite sports team.” said Snyder.

Determined to make the situation right, Snyder went on Facebook with the hope of reaching the staff members from the university. Though she originally just planned to get David some official merchandise, what happened next took everyone by surprise.

In a week, the post had gained so much attention that tens of thousands of people had shared the story, standing up for the student, who had been bullied (霸凌) at school. Tennessee fans from all over the country poured in with comments of support and encouragement, and soon the university even got in touch to send the boy an official package of merchandise, including T-shirts, hats, pens, towels, and water bottles.

When the package arrived at the office, Snyder called David in.


Wearing a big smile, David walked into the classroom, followed by Snyder.


The familiar smell of garlic and onion filled the air as I opened my lunch bag to see what my mom had packed for me. On any other occasion, I would have been delighted to eat my mom’s pan-fried tofu: a Chinese dish that I often ate for dinner. But not today, the day a nice girl had invited me, the new girl at school, to sit with her friends during lunch.

“Charis, over here!” My new friend was waving her arms, trying to get my attention.

As I prepared to walk over to the table, memories of elementary and middle school lunchtimes resurfaced. I remembered my embarrassment as my friends would hold their noses when I brought homemade Chinese food. I remembered how my embarrassment shifted to anger when I complained about the smell to my mom.

I had argued with my mom that I wanted “normal” food for lunch. I remembered the look on my mom’s face, a mix between disappointment and confusion. But I was determined and she gave in. So for the remainder of middle school, my mom packed odorless (没有气味的), non-Chinese food like ham and cheese sandwiches. However, that day, she was in a rush and packed me leftovers from dinner.

As soon as I got to my new lunch table, I tried to hide my lunch bag down under my seat. I sat quietly, trying not to be noticed when Katrina, a new acquaintance, asked where my food was. “I’m not really hungry,” I replied in an insecure voice. But Katrina had already seen me carry my lunch so she spoke out, “Then, I’ll eat it!” The other girls laughed — apparently Katrina was known to be a big eater.

I didn’t want to be rude to a potentially new friend, so I reluctantly dragged out my lunch bag. The moment I lifted the lid (盖子) of my lunch container, I could practically taste the garlic and onion. The girls, piqued (激起好奇心) by the smell in the air, all curiously looked at the oval-shaped container. I expected an “Ew” or a “What is that?”


I expected them to turn away — and turn me away.


When I arrived home, my mom asked how my day went.

