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My name is Jaimic Eckert and I’ve been into volunteer work since childhood. As a girl, I volunteered at animal shelters, played music at nursing homes, and helped with community cleanup after disasters. In college, I volunteered heavily at a large yearly conference for young adults, which is where I fell in love with my husband-to-be, who was on my team of co-volunteers. Since getting married in 2013, we’ve been living in Beirut, Lebanon. I actually have an online coaching business but I’ve had many opportunities to volunteer with projects for Syrian refugees(难民) and youth education.

Volunteering has been a way of life for me for a very long time, and I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it. Most of the time, you do feel that you’re making a difference. Once I was leading out a project that provided food boxes to Syrian refugee families. When it was nearing Ramadan, the biggest holiday season in Islam, I literally stuffed the food package with extra treats... dates, nuts, olive oil and sweets. We took the package unannounced and ended up arriving just as the Syrian family was sitting down on their floor for breakfast.They had nothing more than a few pieces of bread and a pot of tea. The mother was in tears as she received us. I’ll never forget their gratitude.

Another time, back when I was in college in the US, a group of friends and I volunteered to drive to a distant church that was way out in the suburb and had only a few elderly members. The building was in disrepair and the church yard needed attention. We stayed the weekend in the home of one of these old ladies so we could clean and repair the church. I’ll never forget how new life sparkled in her eyes. She couldn’t repair broken doors or pull weeds. but her love for us was unmatched. It breaks my heart to remember this old lady beaming with joy for such small efforts that we made. Sometimes, volunteer work is fulfilling not because of the actual job you get done, but because of how your presence impacts the people around you.

Volunteering makes me a better person because it gets me outside of myself. It puts my focus on others. It makes me grateful for what I have.

【小题1】In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to____.
A.provide an explanationB.introduce a topic
C.reach a conclusionD.propose a definition
【小题2】What does Paragraph 2 focus on?
A.We brought food to Syrian families.
B.Ramadan is the most important holiday season in Islam.
C.Volunteering affects people in some way.
D.Volunteering is a way of Eckert’s life.
【小题3】Why was the old lady happy?
A.Because finally someone came to comfort them in the church.
B.Because she could clean and repair the church with us.
C.Because of our presence and help.
D.Because we made efforts to entertain her.
【小题4】What message does the story convey?
A.Eckert’s volunteer dream.
B.What volunteering means to Eckert.
C.How volunteering has changed Eckert’s life.
D.Eckert volunteers for Syrian refugees.
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When Arsh was a young boy, his parents, Divya Pal and Sanjeev, signed him up for extracurricular activities such as piano, karate (空手道) and gymnastics, but he preferred art. When Arsh turned 8, he received a watercolor paint set as a birthday gift. He spent all his spare time painting. That’s how he started painting.

Around the same time, Arsh often visited a local nursing home, where his mother works. Spending time there inspired him to start selling his art for a good cause. “I want to help people in need through my paintings,” he said.

And so began his fundraising (筹款) program, which he called “Art by Arsh”. He sold his paintings at local art shows, restaurants and libraries, as well as on his Instagram account and Facebook page. He donated his first $1,000 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in 2018, and has since reached various other charities.

Arsh, now 12, mostly makes commissioned (委托创作的) pieces, and several of his customers have come back wanting more. That includes his neighbor, Jolene Schaver, who has five of Arsh’s creations hanging in her home and has bought many more for friends and family. “I was amazed at how talented he was at such a young age, without any formal training,” said Schaver.

Along with selling his paintings to benefit nonprofit organizations, Arsh now also teaches art lessons at the local nursing home. And he thought about accessibility, and realized not all people have the resources (资源) to make art—which has the capacity to comfort and heal (治愈). “One of my future goals is to make art accessible for kids who want to express themselves,” Arsh said. He has already started offering free art lessons to local children, and he hopes to expand (扩展) his classes further in the future.

【小题1】What do we know about the young Arsh according to the first paragraph?
A.He received a painting as a birthday gift.B.He made a living through painting.
C.He showed a lively interest in art.D.He got a place at an art school.
【小题2】Why did Arsh start “Art by Arsh”?
A.To raise money by selling his paintings.B.To introduce his paintings to more people.
C.To donate some of his paintings to charities.D.To decorate local libraries with his paintings.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes Arsh?
A.Warm-hearted and humorous.B.Hard-working and honest.
C.Gifted and generous.D.Kind and brave.
【小题4】What does Arsh expect to do in the future?
A.Form more nonprofit organizations.B.Learn more about the healing power of art.
C.Do more voluntary work at the nursing home.D.Create more opportunities for kids to make art.

My daughter is a middle school student who still plays with her American Girl dolls. Dolls have been a huge part of her life ever since she was a baby. When she got her first doll at the age of 5 she spent hours brushing its hair and changing its clothes. Some people think my daughter should stop doing that as a teenager. But I think quite differently.

Considering the less attractive activities that are out there and what else she could be doing, I find playing with dolls seems like a nice choice. It’s better than playing computer games or something alike. I’ve also noticed it doesn’t make any difference to her social life. She has her friends and spends time with them.

Playing with dolls is helpful for my daughter. “When I play with them,” my daughter told me, “it makes me feel that I can express problems going on in my life and that I’m not the only one who has those problems. They’re in their lives, too, and they have to live with them.” I’m glad she finds a safe place to stay when she faces school tests, changeable social groups, and a changing body in middle school.

Moreover, the girl dolls can be hortatory. Most come with an amazing back story. For instance, Luciana becomes interested in science and technology and wants to become an astronaut because of them. How cool it is to set an example for kids!

【小题1】What does the author say about her daughter?
A.She has a lasting interest in dolls.
B.She likes collecting some special dolls.
C.She has got bored with her childhood dolls as a teenager.
D.She spends too much time with dolls instead of her friends.
【小题2】According to Paragraph 2, what does the author think her daughter’s behavior means?
A.Developing her social skills.B.Doing poorly in school exams.
C.Missing other amazing activities.D.Avoiding some harmful activities.
【小题3】What did the daughter’s words in Paragraph 3 suggest?
A.Playing with dolls gives her a sense of responsibility.
B.Playing with dolls helps reduce her stress in life.
C.She has problems different from other teenagers.
D.She has been worried about her school life.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “hortatory” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

Amy, a day old, was abandoned at a police station in Seoul. Her birth parents couldn’t afford to give Amy the appropriate healthcare then. She spent her first three months in an orphanage before she was adopted. “I always thought, why should I be more thankful to my adoptive parents than the next person?” she says.

In 2011, Amy reconnected with her birth mother in South Korea, her adoptive mum by her side. “My Korean mother took my American mother’s hands in hers and said with tears, ‘Thank you.’ After that, my whole world changed,” Amy says. At the time, she was working in the e-commerce sector and struggling with anxiety, depression and an eating disorder. Reconnecting with her birth family, however made her feel like the luckiest person in the world and she wanted to actively share her good fortune. That year, she quit her job and co-founded the Global Gratitude Alliance, which partners with grassroots organizations to create community-led solutions or social and economic change.

Since then, a reflexive sense of thankfulness has become Amy’s frame of reference for work, relationships and daily life in general. She tried to rethink her world view, appreciate the little things and make connections with others. For Amy, the attitude shift helped her overcome health issues—she didn’t need the drugs any more after she returned from Korea.

Those positive effects inspired Amy to share the experience with others. Through a partnership with a home for orphaned children in Nepal, the Global Gratitude Alliance provided teachers with workshops that concluded with a ceremony of giving thanks. The participants used those techniques to help their students and community after the destructive earthquake of 2015. Children from the school recently visited a local seniors’ home to build relationships with the residents there. “Gratitude creates a cycle of giving and receiving,” Amy says.

【小题1】What can we know from the passage?
A.Amy was raised by an American couple.
B.Amy received proper treatment as an infant.
C.Amy was more thankful to her birth mother.
D.Amy was orphaned three months after her birth.
【小题2】What played a key role in Amy’s change?
A.Her job quittingB.The reunion with her birth mother.
C.The struggle against her disease.D.The connections with volunteers.
【小题3】What can we know about members of the Global Gratitude Alliance?
A.They hosted ceremonies in workshops.
B.They sought partners for orphaned children.
C.They built relations with adoptive parents.
D.They contributed to post-disaster service.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Good fortune inspires people a lot.B.Reflection helps build frame of life.
C.Family reunion gets positive effects.D.Gratitude needs to be widely spread.
