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How to Get into a Competitive High School

Similar to admissions at best colleges, getting into a top competitive high school can be difficult. You should have super academic grades, excellent test scores, proof of focus and interest in a special subject, and maturity and intellect shown through interviews and personal essays. 【小题1】 . Here are four tips on how to prepare.

Build your academic profile early

The pathway to attending a competitive high school starts with strong performance in middle school. To get into competitive high schools, students always want to take the strictest subjects at your middle school. 【小题2】 .They also need to earn top grades in these subjects. The student pretty much has to have straight A’s in seventh and eighth grade in order to even think about that level of a school.


Selective high schools use a number of standardized tests in admissions decisions, including the SSAT, the High School Placement Test, and the Independent School Entrance Exam. For example, students looking to attend one of the nine specialized high schools in New York City must score highly on the Specialized High School Admissions Test.

Prepare heavily for high school interviews

Grades and test scores are key, but equally important to the admissions process is how students present themselves during interviews, which are often required, especially at private schools. Unlike college admissions, students typically tour a school and interview before applying. 【小题4】.


One way students can stand out in essay writing and interviews is to thoroughly research the school. This helps students tailor their essay and interview responses to show their knowledge of the school, and it’s also an important piece of judging the school itself.

A.But it’s not enough
B.Perform well on standardized tests
C.So students should first prepare for it
D.Be fit for the school’s culture and mission
E.Conduct thorough research on high schools
F.It is also necessary to do plenty of research and planning
G.Students are typically good at every part of their performance
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Successful individuals do things just a little differently than the average people. 【小题1】 Here are four key habits that athletes have to create success.

· They get real.

Don’t let the professional athletes fool you. Achieving racing success is not easy, even though there are some people out there who always seem to make it look so. 【小题2】 They set realistic goals with each event. They equip themselves with effort, patience, and persistence(坚持) because they know the journey can sometimes be long and difficult.

· They have grit (勇气).

Anyone who wants to take charge of their own future must have grit. It takes courage and thick skin to become a successful athlete. Fear of failure can be very unpleasant. There will always be naysayers (爱唱反调的人). 【小题3】

· They believe in being their best, rather than being the best.

Successful athletes know that there is always room for improvement. It’s like squeezing (挤) the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Just when you think it’s empty, you squeeze out just a little more. 【小题4】 Sometimes it involves a different technique, strategy, or even a different coach. It also may involve learning a new skill altogether.


Successful athletes surround themselves with positive energy and other successful people. There is a quote that says, “Surround yourself with people who support your dreams.” In order to create success, you should find those people and groups that support your goals.

A.They hang out with good apples.
B.The same goes for athletes as well.
C.They put themselves in others’ shoes.
D.Successful athletes know this and plan accordingly.
E.Success, therefore, is built on small sustainable changes.
F.In order to do this, you must first believe in your ability to do so.
G.However, you must commit to your goals and hold firm in the face of difficulties.

Many kids find math difficult or boring. That feeling needs to go extinct as soon as possible as math is a pillar (支柱) of education. Beyond numbers, math pushes kids to think critically and become problem solvers. 【小题1】? Let’s find out!

Change how you talk about math to kids

When you hear the word “math” come up, put on a wide smile on your face. Our kids feed off our energy. Let’s be clear, we aren’t trying to make math cool. 【小题2】. This goes double for those struggling with math.

Integrate (融合) math into daily life

【小题3】. You can do this at home, during grocery shopping or even at a restaurant. Getting kids a quick math practice session when they aren’t expecting it makes them think on their feet and put things they’ve learned into practice. They get a moment to shine and you get an opportunity to praise them for showing what they learned.


Does your child love sports? Math helps them keep track of their performance and improve. Figure out a way to take the current math they are working on in school and then apply it to something they like. This may take some homework on your part, but it will pay off in no time!

Go along with math games

Let’s not try to force math homework to be fun, rather find a teaching aid that puts math in a new light. With advancement in technology, math games have become designed to teach entire lessons and concepts rather than simple problems like the games of days past. 【小题5】

A.Listen to the outer voice
B.Connect math to kids’ interests
C.What is your learning approach to math
D.But how do we help kids build math confidence
E.A simple everyday event can turn into a math problem
F.Your kids will explore a different world while playing math games
G.Instead, we are trying to make math a positive part of a child’s education

Many international students choose an English name when they go to the UK. Some of them might have difficulty in picking their English names. Adopting an English name shows a willingness to integrate into British life. However, the process of choosing a name is open to unintended consequences which can result in involuntarily funny names.【小题1】

Do not name yourself after food items.

Even if you really love food, the name like “Pizza” or “Cheese” are totally inappropriate, not least because your taste in food may change as you get older! Sugar-sounding names such as “Candy” or “Sweetie” are most likely chosen because they sound cute. 【小题2】 Because they are quite suggestive names in the UK, often connected to the “Ladies of the night”.

Do not choose an old name.

Many students choose old-fashioned, unusual names which they may have read in an old book or seen in an old film. 【小题3】 So if you choose a name which is not commonly used today, it will sound strange and out of place. For English people, the names “Norman” (most popular in 1931) and “Clyde” (most popular in 1904) suggest old men with walking sticks and flat caps.


Though the idea is nice in theory, “Dumbledore” is not a common name in Britain. By calling yourself “Dumbledore” people may assume that you are associated with the magical. But names like “Harry” from Harry Potter is fine because it is a common English name. 【小题5】

A.Trends in names change over time.
B.The trend of choosing an English name is nothing new.
C.But choosing these sweet names has associated risks.
D.Be cautious when naming yourself after a fictional character.
E.So you should never choose the name of a fictional character.
F.Here are tips on how to avoid misunderstanding when choosing English names.
G.Therefore, just check whether it is a commonly used English name before using.
