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One day, off the coast of a small Brazilian island, Joao Pereira de Souza headed out fishing. He was disheartened to find that an oil leak had polluted the waters. Staring at the waves with oil, he decided it was not a good day to fish. But walking the beach that day, he found a struggling penguin(企鹅) ,covered in oil and starving. Pereira took the penguin home, gently cleaned it and spent the next week nursing it back to health. He named it Dindim.

Dindim is a Magellanic penguin, a species known for living in the seas of South America. In order to breed(繁殖) ,they must return to Patagonia,8,000 kilometers from Pereira’s home. Pereira patiently took Dindim back to the ocean and taught him how to swim again. Soon enough, it was time for Dindim to return to life in the wild. Pereira watched Dindim swim away, believing it would be the last time he saw him.

But the next June, Dindim returned and stayed for a month, walking around the fisherman’s house The time to leave arrived, and Pereira thought this surely would be the last time he would see Dindim. Bu   11 months later, the penguin with a long memory returned again

It is a common belief among scientists that animals have short memories. So a couple of them put tracking equipment on Dindim to see if it was indeed the same penguin that returned year after year. To their surprise, but not Pereira’s, Dindim returned, year after year, for more than a decade.

Love and nurture create a bond so deep that we can’t always explain it. It’s just something we feel, something we long to provide. And when we do, it lasts much longer than we ever expected. Pereira and Dindim share a bond that bridges human life and the natural world. Their friendship is the embodiment(化身)of hope

【小题1】Why was Dindim in bad shape?
A.It traveled too far.B.Oil covered its body.
C.The waves attacked it.D.It was trapped in a net.
【小题2】What did Pereira think originally when he saw Dindim off?
A.He wished it healthy growth.B.He was going to travel with it.
C.He would never see it any more.D.He should have made it stay with him.
【小题3】What surprised the scientists about Dindim?
A.It had a long life of more than a decade.
B.It was not the same penguin coming back every year.
C.It found its home with the help of tracking equipment.
D.It had a long memory of the location of Pereira’s home.
【小题4】How did Pereira feel about Dindim’s return year after year?
知识点:人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Asian elephants are an endangered species. Their numbers are somewhere between 39,000 - 44,000 and they spread across the vast continent — though almost half are located in India.

The main threat faced by Indian elephants, like all Asian elephants, is loss of habitat,which then results in human-elephant conflict. In South Asia, an ever-increasing human population has led to much illegal occupation of elephant habitat. Many construction projects of roads and railway tracks also break habitat into separate areas. Unable to mix with other groups, they run the risk of reproducing. Habitat loss also forces elephants into farmers’ fields for fowl. Once a farmer’s crops are destroyed, a conflict between humankind and the elephant is unavoidable.

Even though suitable habitat exists, illegal hunting remains a threat to elephants in many areas. In 1989, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) banned the international trade in ivory (象牙). However, there are still some ivory markets in a number of countries which make an illegal international trade. Although most of this ivory comes from poaching African elephants, Asian elephants are also poached for their ivory, as well as for their skin.

Catching wild elephants has become another threat to some wild populations, seriously reducing some numbers. Men would catch elephants to live with them and carry their heavy loads. India, Vietnam and Myanmar have banned catching elephants in order to protect their wild groups, but in some countries elephants are still caught each year for tourist industries. Tourists pay to ride the animals to the scenic spots to have their pictures taken.

Why are their numbers becoming so desperate? It is time that we humans should pause and reflect (仔细思考).

【小题1】Which is the direct cause of human-elephant conflict?
A.The loss of the elephants’ habitat.
B.The construction of new roads.
C.The failure of the elephants’ reproduction.
D.The increase of human population.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “poaching” in Paragraph 3 mean?
C.Illegally hunting.D.Fiercely fighting.
【小题3】Why do people catch wild elephants?
A.To increase the elephants’ numbers.
B.For industrial research.
C.To watch over people’s homes.
D.For family use and income.
【小题4】What is the reason why illegal hunting cannot be banned?
A.The existence of elephant habitat.
B.Most elephants living in Africa.
C.The international trade in ivory and elephant skin.
D.The decrease of farmers’ crops.
【小题5】What’s the best title of the text?
A.Reflection on Ivory Trade
B.Asian Elephants Are in Danger
C.Effects of Protecting Elephants
D.Indians Face Elephant Problems

One day while in the forest, Margaret heard a squeak (吱吱声). She followed the sound, and in the bushes found a little fox. Margaret wanted to leave, but the fox ran after her, limping (跛行) on one leg. Margaret brought the fox to her apartment. She fed it, and decided to take it to the doctor, and then return it to the forest.

Before going to the doctor, she posted several pictures of the animal online. Many people looked at these photos. Margaret decided to read the comments under them. She thought that this cute creature could only bring warmth and joy. And in most people, these photos caused these feelings. However, there were others. They lashed out at Margaret. “You think you have done a great job, but you hurt it,” read one comment. “This is a wild animal, and it must live in the wild!”

The next day, Margaret brought the fox to the doctor. The doctor examined the animal and said that nothing could be done. An animal trap must have broken its leg in the past, and it didn’t heal (康复) properly. The doctor also said if Margaret had not taken the fox home, he would have died of hunger, since he would not have been able to hunt.

Margaret made posts about it. But people did not calm down. Some said it was nice to save a wild animal. But others argued that the apartment was not a good place even for a wounded fox. After all, he needs space. Margaret did not know what to do to satisfy everyone.

But the situation was solved. A zookeeper offered to take the fox because their animals lived in large open-air cages. Margaret agreed. She took the fox to the zoo and often visited the fox. And she was also surprised that the fox taught her a life lesson. From different points of view, any deed (行为) can look either like an absolute evil or a kind deed.

【小题1】Why did Margaret decide to take the fox home?
A.Out of fun.B.Out of pity.C.Out of fear.D.Out of thankfulness.
【小题2】What does the underlined part “lashed out at” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】What can we infer from the doctor’s words?
A.The fox was saved in time.
B.It was illegal to kill the fox.
C.It was dangerous to set animal traps in the wild.
D.The fox should have been taken to the doctor earlier.
【小题4】What lesson did Margaret learn from this experience?
A.People are born kind.
B.People see things differently.
C.People are critical most of the time.
D.People should put themselves in others' shoes.

A team of psychologists led by Dr. Karen McComb at the University of Sussex in the UK have discovered an effective way for humans to communicate with cats through slow blinking (眨眼睛), similar to how cats interact with each other.

Dr. McComb and her team conducted two experiments to study this phenomenon. In the first study, owners were instructed by researchers Tasmin Humphrey and Andrew Wood to slowly blink at their cats from a distance while being recorded. Humphrey and Wood found the cats were more likely to respond with slow blinking of their own compared to when no interaction took place.

To follow up on these findings, McComb, Humphrey, and Wood designed a second experiment without considering the exsisting relationship between humans and cats. Researchers, including McComb, performed the same slow blinking action. Like in the first experiment, the cats in this study also responded more favorably to slow blinking by returning the gesture and more readily approaching an extended hand, according to Humphrey’s analysis.

The slow blink expression involves partially closing the eyes briefly, copying a relaxed, friendly facial expression in humans. McComb notes that for cats, it appears to signal good intentions as constant staring could be seen as threatening. Wood says that cats may have developed this language to acknowledge humans who react positively to the signal. Being able to effectively communicate acceptance in this subtle cat way seems to strengthen the bond between cats and their owners, McComb adds.

McComb, Humphrey and Wood hope their findings can provide insight into cat behavior and thinking. They also aim to apply this knowledge of cross-species communication to evaluate cat health in various places like veterinary (兽医的) clinics and shelters, according to Humphrey. A deeper understanding of how cats interpret and respond to humans can improve our ability to properly care for household and outdoor cat populations, McComb concludes.

【小题1】How was the second experiment different from the first one?
A.It recorded the interactive behavior of cats.
B.It required cat owners to blink from a distance.
C.It studied how cats communicate with each other.
D.It focused on how cats react to strangers’ slow blinking.
【小题2】Why may cats develop slow blinking according to experts?
A.To attract their owners’ attention.
B.To show friendliness to other animals.
C.To respond to humans’ positive reactions.
D.To send out a signal for help to their partners.
【小题3】What do the researchers hope to apply their findings to?
A.Improving cat behavior and habits.
B.Assessing health conditions of cats.
C.Developing ways to treat cats’ diseases.
D.Helping cat owners train their cats quickly.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Humans can communicate with cats by blinking slowly.
B.Extending hands to cats can strengthen the bond with them.
C.Cats respond favorably to humans’ friendly facial expressions.
D.Understanding cat signals improves humans’ ability to care for them.
