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When Harry told me that he was leaving the company, one of the first things he said to me was that he didn’t like emotional goodbyes. I have decided to take him at his word. Everything you will hear me say tonight is straightforward and _________, just like the man himself.

Harry has been in the finance department for seven years. In that time, he has not done anything remotely _________. I asked several people if they had anecdotes (轶事) about him, and the best they could come up with is that he once accidentally changed a formula in the annual budget spreadsheet. Since the _________ was quickly spotted and fixed, it had no impact at all.

Will Harry be _________? Not at all, though for reasons that he may not fully grasp. This is an evening in which the person who is leaving receives presents (as well as a card from people whose names you don’t recognize but who just loved working with you). But the _________ goes both ways. The leavers have a parting gift of their own to present: a convenient scapegoat (替罪羊).

When someone dies, the convention is not to speak ill of the departed. When an employee _________ a company, it’s the opposite. Things that don’t work as well as they should can be laid at the door of someone who won’t _________. Frustrations that have been suppressed can finally be blamed on someone. When we speak of you, we will say things like “Harry had many strengths but...”, and we will _________ ourselves that you held us back a bit. This will not be true, but it will be _________. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you that we are grateful for this __________ act of service, which can last for as long as a year after someone has actually left the building. After that, memories tend to fade. I wish I could promise you that you are part of company folklore, or that your role in banning plastic straws from the office will ring through the ages. __________, the only guarantee I can give is that no one here will ever read your exit-interview notes.

This may all seem a little __________. You have spent many years at the company, and yet will probably __________. But in spite of that, you should still feel __________ in your time here. To have done your work well and to leave at a time of your choosing are achievements that are beyond most people. So please raise your glasses to Harry. He has been an excellent colleague and won’t really be __________.

A.off the guardB.to the pointC.in the swingD.on the horizon
A.come upB.answer backC.leave offD.back away
A.make no differenceB.leave little traceC.have some sayD.produce much impact
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When the host announced that my choir (合唱队) won the second place of the World Choir Game, I couldn’t believe what I heard. All the_________that we made was worthwhile. Through this unforgotten experience, I _________much.

In the semi-finals (半决赛), we were supposed to sing four songs. When we played the third song, I suddenly heard an unexpected _________— a girl in the alto (女低音) got quick. The other students in the alto were _________ by the girl and were getting quicker and quicker. Our choir’s leader, Mrs Li noticed it and_________used her hand to keep time, but she _________. After the song, the smile on Mrs Li’s face froze and some of our members turned and tried to find the person who first got_________. My mind was blank, but quickly I realized the only thing we could do was to _________the performance. Then with a smile, Mrs Li became a _________again, who seemed to have totally forgot what we had done. We sang the____________song as usual.

After the competition, I was disappointed. Just because of one person’s fault, the whole choir must afford the fact that we might lose the game. I cried, but then I found nothing would change no matter how hard we____________ the girl who played poorly.____________, I came to her, encouraged her, and practiced the whole melody with her. In the finals, we got the medal because of our____________performance.

Never blame a person when she makes a mistake, but help her to solve the problem when you are struggling____________the same goal. No matter what you will experience with others in the future, successes or failures,____________or tears, these will surely become your precious treasure and memory.

A.driven awayB.led awayC.given outD.turned down
A.upB.on toC.forD.in

To escape my mother's firm grasp, I rushed forward. However, I made a vain _______. She insisted it would only_______for a second, and then it would be all over. But inside my four-year-old mind, I could only_______ great pain. Fearful tears streamed down my light pink cheeks_______ she slowly lifted up mu shirtsleeve. I attempted to break _______again, but she was clever and held me tight. She stared at the Band-Aid(创可贴) on my skin, urging me to _______, and she placed her hand on my pale skin, and in one quick movement, _______ the Band-Aid. I screamed.

Ever since that _______day twelve years ago, I have not been a fan. of Band-Aids. Their _______is to protect a wound, but is it really worth the suffering one ________at the end of it? Life gave me the ________I have been called “the indecisive one” in my family for years. Whether I am asked to make simple decisions about what to have for dinner or what movie to watch, my________is typically a meaningless shrug(耸肩).

One day, while I was driving a car, I came across a ________Superheroes by The Script filled me with a powerful feeling,________ me not to be afraid of decisions. I realized that in past years, the trust bonds I formed with others had been broken, which led me to being________. The faith and love I placed in a friend ________ after he repeatedly betrayed me. I built a firm wall around myself. The situation was like Band-Aids that________ pain.

Replaying the song over and over again, I made the ________to rip off(撕掉) the Band-Aids. It was. ________ that it would not be easy and that ________ did exist, but it had to be done.

A.worries aboutB.goes throughC.gives upD.figures out

I come from a long line of farmers. When my parents moved to Wisconsin, farming allowed them to _________ back to Laos, to the culture, and the land. Wisconsin’s cornfields _________ the rice fields of Laos. But for me as a child, farming was just a _________. I would be assigned (分配) a row of green beans. My mom _________ me a big basket and it was my _________ to fill it. That was how I spent my summer vacation _________ my friends were either at camp or doing other fun activities.

I didn’t _________ how farming brought hope to my parents until I was an adult. I am a _________ removed from Laos and I have found that farming allows me to _________ my parents’ story. It allows me to see a little bit into their story. What I’ve __________ from my mom is that you can grow just about anything. My mom wants to start growing __________ like she did back in Laos. With a snowy climate, it is something I never thought __________ here. To me, this shows resilience (适应力). Maybe it __________ and maybe it doesn’t. But there is __________ in that.

As a kid, I hated doing farm work and I never thought that someday I would say that I kind of __________ putting my feet in the mud and weeding (除草) the corn.

A.give awayB.make upC.act outD.relate to
