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You see people making big life changes, like going to medical school at 45, because they couldn't imagine being an accountant (会计师) for 20 more years. It seems magical, like one day they just decided to make it happen. For some people, it might work that way. 【小题1】 In truth, it takes years of thinking and planning. I’ve figured out how to streamline things a bit. You may want to try it yourself.

First, accept the uncertainty of life. As much as we don’t like to admit it, life is uncertain. 【小题2】   If you doubt me, go back 10 years and ask yourself where you thought you'd be now. I doubt it looks exactly like you planned.

Second, be open to possibilities. Many times, we know we want to do something, but we don't know what “it” is. Explore a bit. Brainstorm. 【小题3】

Then, once you decide on something, it's time to plan a bit. 【小题4】 As you meet different difficulties, make sure you spend time questioning your assumptions (设想). Maybe something you always considered true is nothing more than someone else's opinion.

Finally, as paths (路线) open, head down them. Don’t worry if you experience false starts. 【小题5】   Almost all of the stories readers shared with me about doing life-changing things involved changing plans, disappointment and lots of hard work. But in the end, it was worth it.

A.That might seem a bit obvious.
B.At this point, difficulties start to show up.
C.We never know exactly where it will take us.
D.It stops you from just making big life changes.
E.However, most of the time, it's much less magical.
F.Allow things to come up and be open to new ideas.
G.There will be plenty of those, and you may only need a quick course correction.
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Taking care of your body is an important part of your mental and physical health at any age. But do you enjoy sticking to all the universally acknowledged healthy habits? Here are 4 activities that will help keep you healthy and bring you joy at the same time.

*Eating dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is made from the seed of the cacao tree. 【小题1】. It can improve your brain function, reduce the effects of stress on your body and lower the risk of heart disease. It’s also one of the best choices of sweets to satisfy your sweet tooth.


There is no need for equipment or any knowledge. 【小题2】. Dancing is a full-body workout, and it helps to reduce stress. You can dance in your living room, garden, bathroom, or anywhere you like! You don’t have to be a trained dancer to enjoy the movement and let loose.


Studies have shown that a simple walk and just being outside can decrease cancer risks, help with your mental health, and regulate your blood pressure. Go outside to sit in your garden or find a beautiful spot in the park and relax for a few minutes. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and improve your vitamin D levels.

*Making sure you are well-rested

Being well-rested is something that affects the quality of your day after waking up from sleep. If your sleep has been restful, you will feel refreshed and restored throughout the day. But what if even after sleeping for 6 — 9 hours you still feel tired? 【小题4】.

Make sure you do all the little things that can help you to feel better and be more joyful. 【小题5】. Therefore, take time to enjoy the life you’re living!

A.Being in nature
B.Exploring the wild
C.Your life is as exciting as you make it be
D.Taking a nap during the day might be your answer
E.Dance is an art practiced largely by professional performers
F.It’s so rich in nutrition that it can positively affect your health
G.All you have to do is let your body move to the rhythm of the music

Have you ever looked in your food-waste bin? 【小题1】 It’s estimated that families in the U. K. create more than six million tonnes of food waste each year. “Food waste” means food that could have been eaten but instead is thrown away. Apples, bananas, bread, potatoes and salad are the most common items that are binned.

With food prices rising, it’s a good time to become a “food-waste warrior”. Not only will it save money, but it is good for the environment. After all, growing, packaging and transporting food use a lot of Earth’s resources such as energy and water. 【小题2】 First, it’s a good idea to find out just how much food goes into your bin. Keep a diary and note down the foods that get chucked out most often—and why. Planning meals for the week with your family can save time and money. For instance, meat from a Sunday roast could go into sandwiches on Monday.

【小题3】 Weigh out pasta or rice you need before you cook it(there are portion sizes on the packet but they are for adults, so adjust them), and before you pile your plate, check how hungry you are so you don’t end up leaving food because you’re too full.

Your freezer is a good way to save food. Keep a sliced loaf in there; you can put frozen slices straight into the toaster. You can freeze leftovers in a sealed container for another day. 【小题4】 It’s hard to keep track of food that’s gone to the back of the fridge. You could label a shelf an “Eat me first” spot for anything that has been there for a while.

Finally, use your senses. Some U. K. supermarkets have taken “best before” dates off fruit and vegetables. 【小题5】 Ask an adult to help. Don’t forget to update your diary to see how much change you can make.

A.Cooking the correct portion size helps too.
B.However, heat defrosted leftovers thoroughly before eating.
C.Fruit that looks bad can be made into a juice for a Friday treat.
D.Potatoes and carrots, however, last a long time if kept in a cool, dark place.
E.Here are some simple tips that can help your family become food-waste warriors.
F.This is done to decide whether something is still fine to eat with your noses and eyes.
G.It may sound unpleasant but in fact it tells you how much food your family throws out.

Minimalism is characterized by extreme simplicity. The essence of it is learning to live with fewer material possessions while still being content land at peace with oneself. Its advantages have been recognized by a wide range of people.【小题1】Here are a few steps you may take to get going.

Set your minimalist goals.【小题2】What are your goals? What exactly are you seeking — a cleaner home, mental clarity, or something else? Writing down your ideas and emotions will help you come up with a set of motivations. Even better, make a vision board to describe the result you seek. If you get off track, they can help you get back on track.

【小题3】If is a crucial step to tidy up your area. Take away anything that is broken, useless, or no longer makes you happy. Get rid of the most obvious clutter. Next, make certain that everything you possess, has a home for. As a result, everything seems neater and you can further reduce your belongings.

Work, room by room. Breaking down the de-cluttering process into small steps is a smart idea.【小题4】This may be the messiest or the room you spend the most time in the house. Go through everything you have in this area slowly, which will serve as a source of inspiration for the rest of your home once you’ve finished the first room.

Final reflections. Keep in mind, simplicity requires patience and effort. Minimalism had to be born, not out of a short-lived idea or longing for a new lifestyle, but from a sincere desire and strong need to rethink our lives.【小题5】

A.Remove your belongings.
B.Clean up your own space.
C.Decide why you choose to go on minimalism.
D.Choose the space that gives you the greatest trouble.
E.However, it can be difficult to start living a simple life.
F.Anyway, we must develop our own brand of minimalism.
G.The basic goal is to live a life that is peaceful and stress free.
