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Farmers and hunters are calling for an extension (延期) to the Victorian duck hunting season, saying certain species are doing great harm to crops and waterways and need to be controlled. This season runs from 8:00 am today and will end in 20 days, down from the usual 12 weeks, with a bag limit of five listed game ducks per day.

Wayne Shields grows leafy greens on the Mornington Peninsula and he said the decision to reduce the duck hunting season would take its toll on farmers. “The wood ducks are the ones causing all of the damage; the black ducks are no problem around here. The wood ducks come in at night and they just clean me out completely and they’ve done it a number of times over a number of years,” he said.

Mr. Shields and his wife, Natasha, run Peninsula Fresh Organics and he said there was nothing he could do to stop the invasion (入侵). “I nearly went broke a few years ago. Back then I was planting 10,000 lettuce (生菜) a week and they would quite happily eat 10,000 lettuce a week.” Due to the damage caused by the wood ducks, Mr. Shields said there should be a year-round open season on the wood ducks and farmers should be allowed to shoot birds.

Professor Richard Kingsford, Director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science at UNSW, said although the wood ducks ate crops, extending the duck season may not achieve what farmers wanted. He is calling on the government to invest more in research to address the threat certain species of waterbirds caused for some farmers, so other nonlethal (非致命的) ways to destroy the birds can be found.

【小题1】How is this year’s duck hunting season different?
A.It is put off.B.It is cut short.
C.It is about five species.D.It takes place mainly on farms.
【小题2】What does the underlined part “take its toll on” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Make way for.B.Keep an eye on.
C.Cause damage to.D.Take control of.
【小题3】What did Mr. Shields experience several years ago?
A.The invasion of the black ducks.
B.The difficulty of keeping business.
C.The negative influence of the hunting season.
D.The daytime trouble caused by the wood ducks.
【小题4】What does Richard Kingsford suggest concerning the wood ducks?
A.Scientifically managing them.
B.Encouraging hunters to catch them.
C.Extending the duck hunting season.
D.Using deadly ways to drive them away.
知识点:人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In the past 50 years, the amount of water in the open ocean with zero oxygen has gone up more than fourfold. In coastal water bodies,including river mouths and seas, low-oxygen sites have increased more than tenfold since 1950.Scientists expect oxygen to continue dropping even outside these zones as Earth warms .

“Oxygen is fundamental to life in the Oceans,” said Denise Breitburg, a marine ecologist with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. “The decline in ocean oxygen ranks among the most serious effects of human activities on the Earth ’s environment. Actually, it's a great loss to all the support services that rely on recreation and tourism, including hotels and restaurants and taxi drivers and everything else. The reverberations(严重影响) of unhealthy ecosystems in the ocean can be extensive.”

In areas traditionally called “dead zones" , like those in Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Mexico,oxygen plummets(大幅下跌) to so low levels that many animals die. As fish avoid these zones, their habitats become smaller and they’ re easier to be attacked or caught. But the problem goes far beyond “dead zones”. Even smaller oxygen decline can prevent growth in animals, hinder reproduction and lead to disease or even death. It also can cause the release of dangerous chemicals such as nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas up to 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. While some animals can boom in “dead zones”,overall biodiversity falls.

Climate change is the key criminal in the open ocean. Warming surface waters make it harder for oxygen to reach the inside of the ocean. Furthermore, as the ocean as a whole gets warmer, it holds less oxygen. In coastal waters, too much nutrient pollution from land creates algal blooms, which use up oxygen as they die and break down.

People's livelihoods are also on the line, the scientists reported, especially in developing nations. Smaller fisheries(渔场)may be unable to relocate when low oxygen destroys their harvests or forces fish to move elsewhere. So we humans have to carry on a war now and win the war.

【小题1】What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The ocean has been losing its oxygen.B.The amount of sea water is increasing.
C.The coastal water bodies are dangerous.D.The Earth becomes warmer and warmer.
【小题2】What can we infer from Denise Breitburg's words?
A.Different oceans have different levels of oxygen.
B.The decline in ocean oxygen has great influences.
C.The future of tourism relies on the levels of ocean oxygen.
D.The decrease in ocean oxygen is the most serious environment problem.
【小题3】How does the “dead zone" affect sea animals?
A.It offers more food.B.It forms dangerous gas.
C.It reduces their living areas.D.It produces more carbon dioxide.
【小题4】How can we win the war according to the text?
A.By closing smaller fisheries.B.By controlling humans' bad activities.
C.By improving people's living standards.D.By stopping nutrients entering the ocean.

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best one. That seems to be the case when it comes to the issue of wind turbines (涡轮机)killing birds.

According to a study conducted at a wind farm on the Norwegian archipelago of Smøla, changing the color of a single blade(叶片)on a turbine from white to black resulted in a 70-percent drop in the number of bird deaths.

In the past few years there has been a huge increase in global wind power, with more than 60 GW of new generating capacity(发电量)added worldwide in 2019. If the turbines are placed correctly, wind power is cheaper, cleaner and more sustainable(可持续的). Not to mention that a turbine farm is easier on the eye than a huge power plant.

But these farms aren’t good for everybody - especially not for local bat and bird populations. The US Fish and Wildlife Service calculated that nearly 300,000 birds were killed by wind turbines in 2015, which is a lot fewer than those that die as a result of hitting electrical power lines each year. Yet it still remains an environmental issue, even as bird deaths from turbines seem to be going down as the industry moves to larger turbine blades that move more slowly.

Studies have suggested that birds may not be skillful at noticing obstructions to their flight path, and adding different colored fan blades can increase birds’ chances of spotting a rapidly turning fan.

At the Smøla wind farm, regular checks of four particular wind turbines found the four turbines killed 18 birds that flew into the blades over six years. In 2013, on each of the turbines in the test group, a single blade was painted black. Over the next three years, only six birds were found dead due to hitting the wind turbines.

Researchers said the results are a step in the right direction toward better, more sustainable treatment of our flying friends.

【小题1】Why have wind turbines killed birds?
A.Their blades are too large.B.They are too high in the sky.
C.They are too close to each other.D.Their colors are unnoticeable.
【小题2】What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.What future wind turbines will look like.
B.Why wind power is more and more popular.
C.How much wind power has been produced.
D.Which way of generating electricity is cheaper.
【小题3】Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “obstructions” in paragraph 5?
【小题4】What can be inferred from the text?
A.Man is learning to protect nature.
B.Birds like colorful things.
C.Birds are good at choosing flight routes.
D.Human activities lead to environmental problems.

Planting more breadfruit trees could help make food supplies more stable (稳定) as the planet warms. Climate models suggest they will grow well across the tropics. There is an especially big opportunity in tropical Africa, where large areas are suitable for growing breadfruit trees and will remain so until the end of the century.

Breadfruit is a bit like a potato that grows on a tree, says Lucy Yang at Northwestern University in Illinois. The fruits can be cooked in many ways and also turned into a flour. “They are highly productive and very valuable to the body as food,” she says. “In addition, once a tree is planted, it is quite resilient (适应力强的).”

Yang and Daniel Horton, also at Northwestern, worked together to look at where in the tropics breadfruit grows now and to identify the climatic (气候的) conditions the trees require. Next, they used climate models to see where breadfruit could still be grown between 2060 and 2080. They found that the crop will not be affected, with reduction of the overall suitable area by just 4 % globally.

This is important because some studies suggest the production of main crops such as rice could be hard hit by rising temperatures and more extreme weather. There are expected to be many more food shocks like that of 2010, when Russia stopped exporting wheat because of a serious heatwave.

The team’s findings also made known a big opportunity in tropical Africa, where only a little breadfruit is now grown. “There’s possibility there to develop breadfruit production,” says Horton. “This tree may be able to have really positive effect on food resilience and safety.”

【小题1】What can we learn about breadfruit trees?
A.Their fruits are very delicious.B.They can be planted anywhere.
C.Their fruits grows underground.D.They will help solve food problems.
【小题2】What is the possible factor that affects the growth of breadfruit trees?
A.Scientific farming.B.Production methods.
C.Climatic conditions.D.Reduction of suitable area.
【小题3】Why does the writer mention what happened in 2010?
A.To stress the growing risk of heatwaves.
B.To show the result extreme weather may cause.
C.To tell the difficulty Russians once experienced.
D.To explain why Russia stopped exporting wheat.
【小题4】What can we infer from Horton’s words?
A.People will still worry about food shocks.
B.More Breadfruit trees might grow in Africa.
C.Breadfruit growing areas may remain the same.
D.The production of rice will become impossible.
