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As an actor, you’ve heard it before: Your body is your instrument. It’s a cliche for a reason—it’s true. Just as a guitar player or violinist needs to often fine-tune (微调) their instrument, you need to do the same. Here, let’s break down everything you should learn about body language exercises for actors, as well as why they’re necessary in the first place to enhance your acting skills.

Body language is the most emotive form of communication after verbal speech. You can learn so much about what’s going on inside based on what’s being externalized. Think about how some entertainment magazines often ask a “body language expert” to analyze a photo of a celebrity couple. However legit (合法的) that person’s expertise may be, there are many truths when it comes to body language.

By that same reasoning, think about how much an audience can learn about a character based on the actor’s body language. You can pass on subconscious (潜意识的) information about your role without saying a word. These exercises will put you in touch with your body and make you more aware of what you’re expressing to the outside world. They can help you get into the physicality of your character so that you can understand them inside and out.

Each performer is different and may have their preferable body language exercise. Take gait exercises as an example. How a character walks is especially telling; it’s literally how they move through the world. An individual’s way of walking can also change depending on how they’re feeling at the moment: excited, sad, scared, etc. Have a bash at different walking styles to show the person you’re playing. Besides, you can write the gestures. This one is actually a writing exercise, but it will still come in handy when we construct a performance. Write out a short scene between two characters who have an entire conversation using only their body language.

【小题1】What does the author mean by citing “Your body is your instrument.”?
A.Keeping healthy needs proper exercise.
B.Learning some music is necessary for actors.
C.Perfecting physical expression is important for actors.
D.Improving performing skills needs professional guidance.
【小题2】What can we learn about body language from the example in Paragraph 2?
A.It is presented in various ways.B.It gives us lots of information.
C.It hides deepest feelings.D.It is likely to be ignored.
【小题3】What is the benefit of taking body language exercises for actors?
A.Getting into the character you’re playing.
B.Inspiring your greater passion for acting.
C.Having realization of your inner body.
D.Receiving more performing chances.
【小题4】Which of the following can replace the underlined part “Have a bash at” in Paragraph 4?
A.Make out.B.Adapt to.C.Try out.D.Bring up.
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Body language has always been a hot topic of interesting dinner conversations. It is perhaps one of the most powerful forms of human expression or human communication!

Body language is a very important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating to other persons. If you wish to communicate effectively, besides the words, you can use your body to say what you mean.

Body language can be used to discover all sorts of things such as, knowing when someone is attracted to you, finding truth or lies, showing confidence, winning respect in any situation, and you can use body language to make people less nervous, make friends quickly, persuade and influence. So what is body language? Body language is a term used to describe the method of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or besides, spoken language or other communication. Body language also includes many movements that most people are not aware of, such as winking and slight movements of the eyebrows and other facial expressions.

Body language is one of the easiest ways for you to tell what's really going on in a conversation with another person. The body language that you observe from other people will tell you whether or no those people are telling you the truth, or whether there is something more that's not being said. Watch, look and observe. Sometimes you can tell more by a person’s body language than the words he speaks.

【小题1】The underlined word "constitute" in Paragraph 2 probably means
A.make up.B.set up.C.turn up.D.put up.
【小题2】From the third paragraph, we can learn ________
A.what body language is.B.how to use body language.
C.body language is very useful.D.body language is very impressive.
【小题3】We are advised to observe the body language of other people to
A.to remember everything they say.B.understand the hidden meaning.
C.draw their attention to them.D.show respect for them.
【小题4】Which of the following is Not true about body language?
A.It is a part of communication.
B.It helps us communicate more effectively.
C.It sometimes tells more than spoken language.
D.It's only needed when we have nothing to say.

We all know that our body language can give off signals to those around us about how we’re truly feeling. Crossed arms or closed body language suggests that we are feeling defensive (防御的) and we didn’t really believe what we’re listening to. Walking here and there suggests that we’re bored. And poor eye contact can suggest that we’re lying.

One major development in the field of body language that hit the headlines is the “power pose.” This is a theory put forward in 2011 by U.S. social psychologists Amy Cuddy, Dana Carney and Andy Yap. They proposed that when you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful.

What the theory suggests is that the simple act of holding a powerful pose can have powerful impact. For example, sitting with your legs up on the desk and arms held behind your head can raise your androgen levels and lower your cortisol (皮质醇) levels. Androgen is the hormone that affects dominance (控制); cortisol is the stress hormone. The study assessed participants’ hormone levels before and after they held high-power and low-power poses.

Just as a male gorilla beats his chest to tell his dominance, humans can use body language to enhance their confidence, increase feelings of power, and lower their stress levels. These findings build on several psychological studies suggesting that some aspects of body language can change your emotional state. For instance, someone nodding “yes” to you can make you easier to persuade, and when you smile, you can feel more positive.

So, how can powerful poses help us in the workplace? Well, the study proposes that, simply by striking a powerful pose, you can better prepare yourself for difficult or stressful situations. Perhaps you’ve got a presentation that you’re nervous about giving, or a job interview coming up. Holding a power pose, even in private, can help you to approach these events in a confident and less-stressed way. In contrast, a weak pose with closed body language can make you perform poorly.

【小题1】What can we learn from the Para.2?
A.If one pretends to be strong, he is hiding his scare.
B.If one pretends to be strong, he may need others’ help.
C.If one pretends to be strong, he is more likely to feel strong.
D.If one pretends to be strong, he may doubt what he is listening to.
【小题2】How will people feel if they have high cortisol?
【小题3】Why are the examples mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To stress the effect of the power pose.B.To show the body language of gorillas.
C.To persuade people to be more positive.D.To explain the changes in body language.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Body Language’s DevelopmentB.Body Language’s Evolution
C.The Power of Body LanguageD.The Mystery of Body Language

Body language, sometimes called "non-verbal communication", is an important tool. The way you communicate through body language can determine your success in everything from relationships to your career. Up to 93% of communication can be non-verbal. Paying closer attention to the messages you send through body language can help you succeed. 【小题1】

Have good posture(姿势).If you go to a job interview and you have bad posture? you'll probably register more poorly to the interviewer. People will associate bad posture with weak confidence or boredom. 【小题2】 To have good posture, your head should be up and your back should be straight. Sit down the front of your chair and lean forward slightly to show you're interested.

Mirror another person. Mirroring is when one partner copies the posture of the other partner. 【小题3】 Specifically? you can mirror a person's tone or position of the body. You shouldn't do this obviously or repeatedly though, only skillfully.

Emphasize your point with gestures. Have more than one gesture. 【小题4】 If you want to ensure you're not misunderstood, repeat helpful gestures when you speak the idea aloud. You don't have to use a body language gesture (or two) for every word, but it's good to have a toolbox of gestures you can use to reinforce(强化)important but easily misunderstood concepts.

【小题5】Watch for wandering eyes and constant sniffing. If you're constantly touching your face, you'll never look confident or at ease. Improving your posture and working to reduce nervous tics (抽搐)can be difficult and will take time, but you'll quickly improve your overall non-verbal communication.

A.Use hand gestures when speaking.
B.This will help you better get your message across.
C.Avoid gestures that show nervousness or insecurity.
D.Here are some ideas for using gestures to communicate.
E.Keep your legs slightly apart, so you take up more space.
F.They might even think you're lazy and unmotivated if you don't sit up straight.
G.By copying the actions of the other person, you'll make him/her feel connected to you.
