书面表达-读后续写 较易0.85 引用6 组卷249

It was in the early morning of one summer holiday that I was flying to Bali, Indonesia to see volcanoes. And my best friend was waiting for my arrival there. When I got off the plane and stepped out of the airport, I was thinking how unbelievable it was to stand in front of the spectacular volcano mountain. The imaginary sights distracted me, for a moment, from my current problem.

Only when I stood by the bus station to Bali, did I realize that I had no enough cash on me. The only ATM nearby didn’t seem to have any power, and I nervously looked down at my credit card, my only lifeline. I hoped there might be a way to convince the bus driver to let me on and pay him once I reached the destination and got the cash from my friend.

When the bus door opened, I stood behind a young lady and her little girl. I started to worry, wondering what I’d do if the credit card didn’t make the cut. They boarded the bus, paid in cash and sat down in the first row. When I approached the driver and held out my credit card, he looked at me seriously and shook his head.

“I don’t have any money,” I said. I showed him my wallet to confirm that I was telling the truth. He stared back blankly and then said no. I still wanted to convince him again. I pulled up my flight information on my phone and showed it to him. I pointed to the nearby ATM and signaled that it didn’t work. This time, he looked at me and apologized to me. “I’m really sorry. Can you make way for the other passengers?”

I stood aside. “What should I do?” I hesitated. It was the first time that I had visited the city. I was unfamiliar with everything around me. I searched the locations of other ATMs in the area. They were too far away. It would take me at least two hours to get there on foot. I really didn’t want my friend to wait for me too long, but unfortunately, I had to.

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I was about to get off the bus when the young lady stood up.


Once we arrived at Bali, I followed the young lady and her little girl off the bus.

知识点:善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Today I had two exams, physics in the morning and English in the afternoon. Now I was waiting outside the exam room, upset. Lily looked back at me, then looking away quickly. I thought she must be guilty. I was angry with her, who was good at all subjects. The reason was that she promised to help me review for the physics exam, my worst subject, but finally ate her words ignoring all my calls and texts. I went to her house, but nobody answered the door. I didn’t know what had happened. When Mr. Green came, he let all the students go into the exam room.

In the middle of the exam, I raised my head, seeing Lily sitting in front of me, holding her phone on her knee under the desk and reading from it. I felt greatly shocked. Was that how Lily always getting such good grades? I didn’t know what to do.

After the physics exam I wanted to talk to Lily, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Then I went to the library to study, but couldn’t concentrate. I didn’ t know what to do about Lily. “Lily is my friend, so I should trust her, ”I thought, “but what if she really does something wrong? ”Just then, Mr Green walked by. I told all that to Mr Green without a second thought.

In the afternoon I was sitting behind Lily again in the English exam, feeling terrible. Mr. Green wanted me to look at him and nod my head if I saw Lily using her phone again. Although having confidence in Lily, I was still a little worried. I prayed in my heart that Lily would never look at her phone in the exam again, but it seemed that God didn’t hear me.


I was working on the last question when I saw Lily had her phone under the desk.


Walking towards the school gate, I heard footsteps behind me.


It is exciting and enjoyable for one to experience both being fired for being honest and being rewarded. It was a pleasant Tuesday morning. Sunray Mart, a high-end (高端的) supermarket opened its doors to its customers. 60-year-old Billy had just started his first day on the job as the store’s sales associate (业员), and he couldn’t have been happier. Getting a job at 70 was quite challenging, and Billy could not thank his fate enough for somehow bringing him this work.

Wearing a warm smile, he began his work. After a while, he noticed one customer, a man in a clean black suit, approaching the store manager at the checkout....

“Excuse me, young man,” the customer greeted the manager at the billing desk. “Could you please tell me how much this toy costs? I left my glasses in my office, so I can’t see the price clearly. Would you please help me out?” “It’s $ 800, sir!” the manager took a look and said.

Billy was quite surprised and raised a brow (额头). He had just arranged the toys from the collection the man had wanted, all of which cost at most $ 200. So Billy lifted the exact toy from the lower shelf to double check its price and learned that it was actually $ 200, not $800 like the manager had claimed. Without further hesitation, Billy decided to correct the manager and approached the two men at the checkout, “Excuse me, sir, I think there’s been a mistake... That toy costs $ 200, not $ 800,” Billy said, pointing to the toy box his manager held.

Billy’s manager frowned (皱眉) and was clearly frustrated as he stared angrily at him, “apologize on behalf of my new sales associate,” the manager rolled his eyes and turned to the customer. “He’s new here, sir... and is probably a bit confused about the items listed for sale, The toy is $ 800.” Billy realized that his manager was trying to cheat the customer.


But Bill could not openly oppose (反对) him.


All of a sudden, the man Billy “helped” appeared from nowhere.


I have always loved libraries ever since I was a boy. Over the years I have read more books than I can count and I have visited the local libraries more times than I can remember. Now in the age of the Internet and with so many faces in screens instead of books, I am concerned that places like these will begin to fade away and we will lose all the joy they bring.

I stopped at the library nearest my home just the other day. It was right off from the local grade school and had been my home since I was young. I opened the door and walked inside. The librarian, David, greeted me warmly, “Good afternoon, Jane. Welcome to the library again.” On the desk next to him sat a beautiful, black cat. “Good afternoon, Mr David. What a cute cat!” I patted the cat gently on the head and smiled.

I gave David a book I wanted to donate and then wandered into the back room to look at the books for sale. The black cat had returned to the room. She stretched. She sharpened her claws for a moment on the furniture. Then she jumped up on the shelf. She meowed (喵喵叫) and let her head up against my hand hoping that I would start petting her again. I smiled and petted her head, and spoke sweetly to her while she rolled on her back.

I thought that if only we could let our guard down as easily and openly as this cat then this world would be a lot more beautiful. I gave my new furry friend some food and then walked out. Then I picked out a book about animal protection, where I learned a lot. The world is full of life, wisdom and love. Let’s benefit from people, nature, books and libraries, and occasionally friendly cats.


After that, I brought food for the cat every time I went to the library.


One day, when I came to the library, the cat greeted me with five little cats.

