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Every fall, my family and I would mark dead trees, cut them down, haul (拉拽)the wood and store it in the basement. On Christmas eve, the basement was half full of dry wood.As usual, my sister Shelly and I were home from school, and she did as either of us had done a thousand times before: checked the stove in the hall, tossed a few more logs and slammed the stove door shut.

At the time, I was upstairs having a sink full of dishes to wash, homework to tackle and my grandfather, who was mentally disordered and hated by our family,to care for. Stomping(跺脚)around the kitchen,I thought about how I couldn’t wait to finish washing. The house seemed a little smoky, but that wasn’t unusual since it often went that way after the stove had new logs to chew up. I simply waved the smoke away and continued my business, meanwhile daydreaming of getting away from my grandfather. Suddenly, my sister Shelly hurried in and said, “Don’t you think it’s a little too smoky in here?” I shrugged, uttering nothing, and kept washing. But after another minute, I knew something went wrong.

Without a word to each other, we shot through the kitchen and stared in disbelief as smoke and flames boiled out from the hall. A flush of panic sweeping over me, I hurried Shelly to lead our grandfather out before I was ready to call 911. Unfortunately, my phone was dead.I glanced out the window and saw Shelly, in a sweeter, jeans and slippers and my grandfather, in pants, a T-shirt and socks, shivering in the bone-biting snow, with no place to await help. With the only neighbor living far away, we were likely to die in the freezing cold outside. But if we stayed inside, smoke would surely choke us. However, if I could get my grandfathers phone in his room and probably, if the flames didn’t spread far, there would be a slim chance of survival.

Though overwhelmed by extreme panic, I decided to take a chance.
Fire sent me into despair before the familiar figure of my grandfather came into my sight.
知识点:家人和亲人 个人经历生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I was crossing a very busy street when I heard something familiar. I later asked my sister Jeanne how she had known it was me! She said it was my laugh. I wouldn’t say my laugh is unusual, but I guess to a family member it can spread to him or her in some way. It hits their hearts and makes a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time in their minds. I would tell you our story right here.

I come from a broken family. After we grew up, I haven’t seen my other three brothers and sisters for many years. And that is where this story begins.

My sister Jeanne was only 14 months older than me,but by the time we were teenagers we had lost touch with each other. By age 19, I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my father’s horse farm in Virginia,where I worked to treat sick or injured animals. I was told that Jeanne got married at 18, and moved to Chicago. And our connection somehow ended since then.

About five years flew by. I was 24 and on a trip with my husband to New York City,a place where I had never been before. It was a very,very large city. I was used to riding my horse to the corner store where everyone knew everyone and everything going on in the quiet little town of Driver, Virginia. We went to New York to visit my husband’s cousin. We went to Little Italy, the Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, and several other places of interest. I had never seen so many taxis in one place in all my life.

One day, we were crossing a very busy street filled with people. Everyone was in a hurry. I laughed at something my husband said, and I suddenly heard my name called from somewhere behind me: “Chery!” I stopped in the middle of the road. Tears rolled down quickly at once from my face. I knew without a doubt that it was my sister Jeanne.

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Paragraph 1:

I shouted back before even turning to look. “Jeanne?”

Paragraph 2:

Since that time,my sister and I have never been separated.


After little William’s parents died in an accident, he lived with his grandparents Julia and Todd. Todd loved writing children’s books. William often listened to Julia read him Trees, his favorite book written by Todd. And every New Year, William and Todd would sit by the fireplace, listening to Julia read that book.

When William was 22, he got a job and moved out of his grandparents’ house. Years later, Todd died. Before long, Julia had a fall and lost legs. William moved in again to care for her. Later, Julia bought a smaller house. When the moving company was moving their things to this house, the book Trees got lost, which made them quite sad.

After moving into the new house, William began working at home to take better care of Julia. Months later, William became quite busy with his work; he often stayed in his own room, doing his work. Julia wrongly felt William had got tired of caring for her. “Dear, I know you’re thinking I’ve become a burden (负担). You can leave and live your life to the fullest,” Julia said one afternoon.

William was surprised and felt sorry for failing to spend enough time with her. When deciding to show Julia that he actually still loved her, he thought about Trees. Being a limited edition, the book had few copies. After theirs got lost, William failed to find another copy. Thankfully, he learned a woman in another city just had one. So he decided to fly to the woman’s city, begging her to give it to him.

After buying the plane ticket, he employed a woman to care for Julia. William would keep his journey a secret. The next day was New Year’s Day. He wanted to bring Julia a surprise. The next early morning, William left for the airport. When Julia woke up, she only found a stranger. The woman introduced herself.

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Hearing it, Julia said to herself, “William surely has planned to move out of my house.”


Just then, to Julia’s surprise, William appeared at the door, smiling, with a book in his hand.


“Judy, hurry up! Let’s go to the beach!” That was a familiar morning call from my older brother, Sirin. Hearing that, I would spring up quickly and we would set off on our journey. Raised by our grandparents in Savanna, we experienced our happiest moments there. Nestled between the mountains and the sea, with its lush green trees, crystal-like ocean, and clear blue sky, Savanna was like a small village from a fairy tale.

Sirin and I often enjoyed the gentle sea breeze as we explored the breathtaking coast, with the endless, open water beside us and the vast, clear sky overhead. We felt a sense of freedom to wander the sandy beach or experience the excitement of sailing out to sea, delighting in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature’s wonders. When we grew tired, leisurely walking on the soft, warm sands to collect unique, fascinating seashells brought us a different kind of peaceful joy. The friendly, warmhearted villagers treated us like family, often sharing their freshly-caught seafood with us.

Three years later, we were taken away from the village to receive a better education by our parents. Occupied with our study, we rarely visited our beloved grandparents, only calling them occasionally. We gradually adapted to the fast-paced city life and found it more efficient and convenient. Whenever we had an appetite for seafood, our dad would simply order it through his phone, and it would be delivered to our doorstep within minutes. In addition to seafood, we could order anything our hearts desired, no matter how late it was. What we loved most was the convenience of not needing to wash the dishes after eating, as they were all disposable, designed for single use.

However, deep within us, we sometimes longed for the simple pleasures of village life. We were told by our grandparents that more and more tourists flooded into the village, which strengthened our desire to return. So, when the eagerly-awaited summer vacation arrived this year, we finally made our dream trip back to our childhood paradise. After greeting our grandparents with hugs and smiles, we eagerly headed towards the sun-kissed seaside to relive our cherished memories.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

Paragraph 1: However, what we saw shocked us.


Paragraph 2: Hearing Grandfather’s words, we couldn’t wait to do something to tackle the pollution.

