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Sputnik, the world’s first satellite, was sent up in October 1957. About 100 trillion human-made objects are circling the planet now! The jaw-dropping number was provided by an international team of researchers writing in the journal Science. There are 9,000 active satellites in space, the scientists report. That could grow to more than 60,000 by 2030.The rest of that 100 trillion figure includes everything from used-up rockets and stray bolts(螺栓) to metal pieces and paint chips.

Don’t think a tiny piece of debris(碎片) is harmless. Traveling at 17,500 miles per hour, it can strike a spacecraft hard. The International Space Station is dotted with dents(凹陷) and holes. Astronauts often take shelter in an attached spacecraft to wait out a passing group of space pieces. That way, if the station is severely damaged, they can escape out in a hurry.

For years, this waste has formed an ever-growing mass near Earth. All of these pieces will eventually fall to Earth and burn up in the atmosphere. But we’re replacing the waste more quickly than it’s falling.

The mess we’ve made in space is like the mess we’ve made in the oceans. We’ve had centuries to pollute the oceans. But it has taken just decades for us to do the same in space. That’s why the Science authors include experts in satellite technology and in ocean plastic pollution. Cleaning up space has a lot in common with the challenges of dealing with environmental issues in the oceans.

In March 2022,170 countries signed a global plastics treaty(条约) in the United Nations. This is an agreement to throw away less plastic in the oceans and get rid of what’s already there. There could be similar rules for how many pieces a launch can create. Old satellites could be taken out of space. And technologies could be developed for cleaning up the waste.

【小题1】Why are small space pieces harmful to spaceships in space?
A.They travel at a high speed.B.They can be attached to spacecraft.
C.They carry damaging weapons.D.They contain poisonous matter.
【小题2】What can we know about the space waste from the text?
A.It flies over the earth forever.B.It is removed faster than produced.
C.It can be reduced in the existing ways.D.It can cause serious pollution to the oceans.
【小题3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.A global plastics treaty.
B.Possible effort to clean up the space.
C.Satellites collecting the space waste.
D.Technologies developed for cleaning up the waste.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Space DebrisB.Ocean Pollution
C.Space ChallengesD.Man-made Spacecraft
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Some breathtaking blue lakes may not be so blue in the future, thanks to climate change.

In the first global record of lake color, researchers find that roughly one-third of Earth’s lakes are blue. But, should average summer air temperatures rise by a few degrees, some of those clear waters could turn a cloudy green or brown, the team reports in the Sept. 28 Geophysical Research Letters.

The changing colors could change how people use those waters and offer information about the balance of lake ecosystems. Lake color depends in part on what’s in the water, but factors such as water depth and surrounding land use also matter. Compared with blue lakes, green or brown lakes have more algae (水藻) and organic matter, says one of the researchers.

The scientists then looks at local climates during that time to see how they may be linked to lake color around the world. Lakes in places with average summer air temperatures that was below 19°C were more likely to be blue than lakes with warmer summers, the researchers find. If average summer temperatures increase another 3°C — an amount that scientists think is possible by the end of the century — those 3,800 lakes could turn green or brown. That’s because warmer water helps algae produce more flowers, which changes the qualities of the water, giving it a green-brown color, Yang says.

If some lakes do become less blue, people will probably lose some of the resources they have come to value, says O’Reilly, a scientist at Southern Methodist University in Dallss. But the color changes wouldn’t necessarily mean that the lakes are any less healthy. “Humans don’t value lots of algae in a lake, but if you’re a certain type of fish species, you might be like this is great, ” O’Reilly says.

Lake color can hint at the balance of a lake’s ecosystem and it gives sickness a baschins for assessing how climate change is affecting Earth’s freshwater resources. Continued increasing of lakes could help scientists discover future changes.

【小题1】Which factor connecting lake color isn’t mentioned?
A.Water depth.B.People’s use of water.
C.Surrounding land use.D.Contents in the water.
【小题2】Why could lake color change if average summer temperatures rise by 3°C?
A.Because people will lose what they value.
B.Because the quantities of the water is changed.
C.Because algae grows more in warmer water.
D.Because 3800 lakes could turn green or brown.
【小题3】What is O’Reilly’s attitude toward color change of the lakes?
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Climate change could change lake color.
B.Lake color shows the heath conditions of lakes.
C.The change of lake color affects the lake ecosystem.
D.Color change in lakes does harm to the environment.

If you’re a fan of fast fashion, your choices may be narrowing in the near future.

At the end of 2020, fast-fashion giant H&M said it would close 350 stores worldwide. Recently, Spanish fashion giant Inditex announced that it would close all its Bershka, Pull & Bear and Stradivarius stores in China. It all indicates that fast fashion is slowing down, noted the website Fast Company.

A major reason is the shift in the mindset (心态) of consumers. Millennials, those who were born in the 1980s or 1990s, are now the largest consumer group. Unlike their predecessors (前人), millennials are more financially stable,and thus low-priced fast fashion is not their priority. According to The South China Morning Post, more people are starting to care about quality and the stories behind a product.

Another factor is the growing concern over the fashion industry’s effect on the environment. As The New York Times noted, the fashion industry is one of the largest polluters of clean water and three-fifths of clothes produced in a year end up in landfill (垃圾场). As there is more awareness of the climate crisis, younger people are pursuing more eco-friendly choices.

Molly, 22, is one of them. Before she went to college, she used to frequent fast-fashion shops like Forever 21 and H&M. But after taking a class that focused Fast fashion slows down on the environmental impact of clothing production, her preference changed. Now, she tries to shop in a way that is both sustainable (可持续的) and affordable: She shops second-hand. “My friend showed me how easy it was to be thrifty (节约的) and I developed a new personal style that focused less on trends but on basics that don’t go out of style.” she told MTV News.

In order to survive in the competitive market, many fast-fashion brands are making changes as well. For example, Inditex said that the company plans for all of its clothes to be sustainable by 2025.

“Sustainability is a never-ending task in which everyone here is involved.” said Pablo Isla, CEO of Inditex.

【小题1】Why is fast fashion unpopular among millennials?
A.Millennials follow former generations’ style.
B.Millennials prefer cheaper clothes.
C.Millennials attach more importance to quality.
D.Millennials like brands with a long history.
【小题2】What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
A.Unsold clothes are a threat to the environment.
B.Low-quality fashion products don’t last long.
C.Climate change should be blamed on the fashion industry.
D.More people prefer eco-friendly fashion products.
【小题3】What is Molly’s new way of shopping?
A.She likes thrifty brands.
B.She buys used clothes.
C.She prefers trendy clothes.
D.She buys only necessary clothes.
【小题4】The author used the example of Inditex at the end to show _________.
A.how competition is becoming more fierce in the fashion industry
B.how sustainability has become the top priority for most fashion brands
C.how the fast-fashion industry is suffering a big loss
D.how a major company can change their products to fit the market
【小题5】What is the author’s opinion on the future development of fast fashion?

In 1561, King Philip Ⅱ of Spain made the decision to move the capital to Madrid, which had a significant impact on the city’s environment that is still felt today. Some suggest that the move was motivated by a desire for a healthier environment for his wife, as well as Madrid’s closeness to the Manzanares River. However, the removal of the surrounding woodlands to support the royal court exposed the city to severe weather, leading to the saying “nine months of winter and three of hell”.

Today, Madrid continues to struggle with environmental problems, such as pollution from a large number of vehicles that enter the city each day. To battle with this issue, Madrid’s city planners are constructing a 75-kilometer-long Metropolitan Forest, which is one of the most ambitious initiatives of its kind in Europe. This forest will consist of 1.5 million trees of species native to Madrid, along with eco-friendly bridges and recreational centers. Additionally, a 23-kilometer-long Forest Avenue for cyclists and pedestrians will connect the new forest with existing parks, schools, offices, and the airport. In 20 years, the Metropolitan Forest should be able to remove more than 800,000 tonnes of CO from the city’s atmosphere.

The idea for the forest was born in 2019 when Madrid councilors for urban development asked the children what kind of Madrid they would like to see in 2040. The dominating response was a “green city”, which motivated the city council to plan seriously. The city council has been aware of Madrid’s environmental problems since the 1990s, but it wasn’t until 2019, when a survey revealed that over 40 percent of the citizens cited the environment as the city’s number one   problem that they decided to take action.

The Metropolitan Forest project represents a significant investment in Madrid’s future, demonstrating how a willingness to listen to the next generation’s ideas and the public’s concerns can lead to positive change.

【小题1】What was the consequence of King Philip Ⅱ’s decision?
A.Water shortage.B.His wife’s better health.
C.Sufficient wood supply.D.Worsened climate.
【小题2】What is the expected outcome of the Metropolitan Forest plan?
A.More automatic public service systems.
B.Wider spread of tree species unique to Madrid.
C.Greener transportation and cleaner management.
D.More investment and advanced city management.
【小题3】What stimulated the idea for the Metropolitan Forest?
A.The proposal of Madrid’s city planners.
B.Madrid’s urgent need for urban development.
C.Younger generation’s vision of future Madrid.
D.The result of a survey among Madrid’s councilors.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To call of Madrid’s citizens to go green.
B.To introduce an eco-friendly initiative of Madrid.
C.To describe the struggles of Madrid’s urbanization.
D.To argue that city plans should agree with citizens’ will.
