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In February, the publishing company Puffin released (发行) new editions of some books by Roald Dahl that had been edited to remove or replace rude language. Dahl’s original work included terms that were once considered acceptable but that many people today find upsetting, such as describing characters as “fat” and “ugly”. Puffin said it changed those words and others so the books “can continue to be enjoyed by all.” Many people argued against the move, however, saying it amounted to censorship (bans on people’s ideas or language). Others say it’s good to remove outdated and hurtful language. What do you think? Should publishers revise old books?

Yes — times and language change. Society’s values are always changing. What would have been acceptable to say or do 50 years ago might not be OK anymore. People are right to point out when somebody says something hurtful, so the same should apply to books with rude language. A careful editor is able to successfully remove words or terms that upset people without changing what originally created by the author. The most important thing is that children (and adults) read books — and lots of them. Any minor changes to the text that make Dahl’s — or another writer’s--stories more accessible and inclusive are a good thing.

No — books should be left as they are. Censorship is dangerous because it limits what a person can say or how they express themselves. If we allow people to censor one author’s work, what’s to stop them from doing the same to every author’s work in the future? If somebody disagrees with an opinion or is angered by an idea, it doesn’t mean no one else should hear it. A healthy society hugs many different beliefs and points of view. If some people find certain words or descriptions upsetting, the best approach isn’t to ban or change them but to discuss, debate, and make people aware of why the material is hurtful. It can help people learn and understand.

【小题1】Why did Puffin revise the books by Roald Dahl?
A.To replace some childish words.B.To maintain its popularity.
C.To have people express freely.D.To make people accept the books.
【小题2】What is people’s reaction to Puffin’s move?
A.Showing full support.B.Showing total disagreement.
C.Holding varied opinions.D.Holding no special thoughts.
【小题3】Which point of view would the “No” group agree with?
A.It is necessary to replace the outdated words.B.Books can attract more readers by updating.
C.It is important to adjust our way to read.D.Books should be treated the way they are.
【小题4】In which part of a newspaper does this passage probably come from?
A.The big debate.B.Around the world.C.National news.D.Science and technology.
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There are a variety of things to do with old books that you no longer want, depending on their condition and content. 【小题1】 Others might be able to find a good use for them. You might choose to sell old books to a bookstore, donate them, pass them on to friends, or simply throw them out if they are in poor shape.

When you are deciding what to do with old books, assess their condition first. If it is an old paperback with torn cover and pages, sell it to the recycle bin. If the book is a hardcover and the cover is still in good shape, sell it to a used bookstore. 【小题2】

When selling old books to a bookstore it is important to be aware of the content of old books. 【小题3】 Fiction is usually a safe bet, for example: Travel guides are not.

If donating old books to charity, avoid donating books that are in truly poor condition. If a book is dirty, or missing the cover a charity cannot sell it or give it out. What’s more, it is preferred that you walk into the charity and donate the book in person. 【小题4】

【小题5】 You could simply place a shelf of old books that you don’t want by the door, and encourage your friends to take books that look interesting. If your entire social network followed this practice, a constantly circulating library of old books could be formed. You could also have a book swap party.

A.It could also be donated to charity.
B.There is no reason to allow old books to accumulate.
C.Donating old books can form a constantly circulating library.
D.Some topics are more attractive than others.
E.Leaving it on the doorstep will make it potentially damaged.
F.Book buyers know what sells in the store and what does not.
G.You may also want to consider exchanging books with friends.

My mother in-law(婆婆) seemed slightly uncomfortable when she told me what she’d bought for my two young daughters, her granddaughters.

“It’s Nancy Drerw,” she said, avoiding eye contact. “I hope that’s OK.” I tried to be comforting her. “Of course, it’s OK!” I said.“I loved Nancy Drew when I was a kid!”

But to be honest, I wasn’t sure what I thought. My girls loved reading. But their books tended to be about kindness, equality, being nice to people who are different and having self-confidence. They had read nothing to prepare themselves for gangsters (匪徒), car ruins, and grown-ups who lied.

I had tried to protect my girls from the dark corners of the world. I wanted only positive role models, and only sunshine. Through this standard, many of my old favorites didn’t make the cut. The Secret Garden? Within the first few pages, there is death, and an emotionally distant mother. Babar the Elephant? Almost immediately his mother is shot bya “bad” hunter and baby Babar is left crying. Nancy Drew? The old- school Nancy has some totally violent experiences.

And yet the books were attracting. So one afternoon we sat on the couch and read. Within pages, my kids were interested. So was L. Nancy was a superhero. She saved friends from drowning, faced down thieves, and drove in car chases, She comforted the sad people and wasn’t afraid to risk going into dark places. Yes, she was all girl power. And girl power, I saw, meant more to my daughters when it was faced with something real. It was fiercer when its opponents (对手) were fierce.

A week into Nancy Drew, I realized something. Nancy had solved a trouble mystery for me. She had helped me discover that my girls will go out into the world as the powerful. confident, and morally centered young women. And she had helped me uncover the world again, with strength, not fear.

【小题1】What did the writer’s mother-in-law worry about?
A.Whether books were too cheap as a gift.
B.Whether her gift of books was outdated.
C.Whether Nancy Drew suited her grandchildren.
D.Whether Nancy Drew was too difficult to understand.
【小题2】What kinds of books did the writer usually ask her daughters to read?
A.Books that help become super models.
B.Books that show their own interests.
C.Books that describe brave girls in life.
D.Books that reflect the better side of the world.
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase “make the cut” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Lose their value.B.Reach the standard.
C.Win the popularity.D.Live up to their names.
【小题4】What did the writer realize after reading Nancy Drew?
A.It helped women enjoy equal rights.B.It prepared her girls for their real life.
C.It challenged her girls to seek for power.D.It exposed her girls to a dangerous world.

You know you have to read “between the lines” to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading want to persuade you to “write between the lines”. Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.

I insist, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of damage but of love There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of buying is only the first step to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. A comparison may make the point clear. You buy a piece of beef and transfer it from the butcher s icebox to your own. But you do not own the beef in the most important sense until you eat it and get it into your blood. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your blood to do you any good.

There are three kinds of book owners The first has all the standard sets and bestsellers—unread, untouched. The second has a great many books—a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third has a few books or many—every one of them worn shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled(涂写) in from front to back.

Why is marking up a book necessary to reading it? First, it keeps you awake (And I don't mean only conscious: I mean wide awake.) In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written The marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.

【小题1】The third kind of owners of books must be _______.
A.generous readersB.active readers
C.untidy readersD.careless readers
【小题2】Marking up a book _______.
A.damages a beloved book
B.establishes the property right
C.is the most efficient kind of reading
D.means regarding reading as a part of self
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT correct according to the last paragraph?
A.Active reading involves thinking
B.Thinking is often expressed in words
C.Marking up a book awakens memories
D.A marked book reflects lots of thoughts
