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Remember boiling tap water for drinking? Who has the time now? Instead, bottled water is everywhere, in offices, airplanes, stores, homes and restaurants. But what’s in that bottle? Beautiful names and labels depicting romantic scenes have convinced us that the liquid is the purest drink around. But given the lack of labeling requirements for bottled water, how much do consumers really know about what’s in the bottle? “The public should not assume that water purchased in a bottle, is better regulated purer, or safer than most tap water. Water utilities are required to tell the public more about the tap water than bottled water companies are,” says Mae Wu, a bottled water (expert at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a nonprofit organization in the US devoted to protecting health and the environment. Sure, some bottled water comes from sparkling springs and other, sources. But in the US, alone, more than 25 percent of it comes from a municipal (市政的) supply. The water is treated, purified and sold to us, often at a thousand fold increase in price. Most people are surprised to learn that they are drinking glorified tap water, but bottlers aren’t required to list the source on the label.

According to the Asian Bottled Water Association, water from municipal supply does not have to state on its label that it is from a community water system. However, there are some brands like Nestle Pure Life that indicate whether the water comes from public, private or deep well sources. Advertising can be misleading at best and deceptive at worst. In a recent case, a food and drink manufacturer boasted in a TV commercial that its mineral water came from a “high-quality water source” but it turned out that, that was no more than plain tap water.

The potential health risks are important to understand, but bottled water also affects the health of the planet. While we struggle to, cut down on our consumption of fossil fuels, bottled water increases it. Virgin petroleum (石油) is used to make PET, and the more bottles we use, the more virgin petroleum will be needed to create new bottles. Fossil fuels are burned to fill the bottles and distribute them. Some brands of water come from islands and countries thousands of kilometers away, and shipping bottles can cause carbon pollution to spill into the water and spew into the air.

【小题1】Compared to the tap water, bottled water             .
A.is much better, than the tap water
B.is better regulated, purer and safer
C.spends more money on advertisement
D.is required to list the source on the label
【小题2】What can you infer from the second paragraph?
A.We can never trust the TV commercials.
B.Advertisements on bottled water always cheat the audiences.
C.Some companies choose to state where the water comes from.
D.The government asks the company not to state the source of water.
【小题3】How is the third paragraph organized?
A.Through listing, figures.
B.Through making comparisons.
C.Through adding background information.
D.Through cause and effect argumentation.
【小题4】What’s the author’s attitude towards the bottled water?
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It’s hard to be a bird in a world which is in the charge of mankind.

You can hardly hear yourself sing, let alone hear the songs of your friends… and worst of all, you can’t hear a predator(捕食者). Noise is almost everywhere, especially noise from traffic.

Researchers have tried to study the influence of road noise on animals by looking at animals living near noisy roads.

“We figured out a way to have just the noise without any of the other effects of the road, and to do that we put many speakers in a forest where there was no road,” said Chris McClure, a biologist at Boise State University and The Peregrine Fund. He and his team carried out their experiment at a place popular with birds in Idaho as they fly south for the winter.

While the noise kept lots of birds away, some remained. But they had trouble putting on enough weight to support them in the next part of their migratory journey.

“They have to take food but they also have to avoid getting eaten by a predator. But these two things can’t be done at the same time because to eat, they have to look down, which means they aren’t looking at predators.”

And when it’s too loud, they can’t hear the alarm calls of other birds. So they have to waste time looking for predators instead of searching for food.

By 2050, it’s thought that enough new roads will be built to circle the planet more than 600 times. But there’s an easy solution to the noise problem—“Lowering speed limits does a lot.”

So next time you’re driving through nature, just slow down a little. It’s safer for you and the wildlife. And you can enjoy the view a little longer.

【小题1】Who does the word “you” in Para 2 refer to?
A.A driver.B.A predator.C.A researcher.D.A bird.
【小题2】Why did the researchers do the experiment in a forest without roads?
A.To prevent birds from being hit by cars.
B.To separate noise from other effects of the road.
C.To test a larger number of birds.
D.To put as many speakers as possible.
【小题3】Why can’t birds put on enough weight with much noise around?
A.They can’t concentrate on looking for food.
B.They have to fly south for the winter.
C.They can’t hear the alarm calls.
D.They feel afraid of the noise.
【小题4】What is advised to do to protect birds from the noise problem?
A.To build enough new roads.
B.To carry out more experiments.
C.To enjoy the view a little longer.
D.To drive slowly through nature.

The company SpaceX has already launched hundreds of its Star-link satellites, with plans to put as many as 42,000 of them in Earth orbit. Its goal is to provide high-speed Internet to billions of people. Moving toward that kind of access is important, but it comes at a cost. Glittering with reflected sunlight, these first orbiters, sent up in the past year, are brighter than 99 percent of the 5,000 or so other satellites now circling Earth, and obviously there are going to be a lot more. This sudden increase is bad for astronomy: the probability of a Star-link satellite crossing a telescope’s field of view and ruining an observation will be quite high near sunset. For that reason, my fellow astronomers have signed a petition (请愿书) calling for governments to protect the night sky from this invasion.

In response to protests, SpaceX has promised to address the visibility problem by, for example, applying experimental coatings — essentially painting the satellites black — but the company’s aggressive launch schedule remains unchanged. And the satellites’ illuminated (被照亮) surfaces are mostly their solar panels — exactly the part that cannot be painted over.

Unfortunately, at present no regulations govern how bright a single satellite can be, let alone thousands of them together. Even if there were such regulations, one nation’s laws can not hinder (阻碍) another country’s launches. Space literally has no borders, and the sky will need to be protected at an international level. As a consequence, we hope that the United Nations will find a way to think outside of the box to save the sky for everyone.

When I was growing up in Montana, it was a game to be the first to find a moving satellite among the host of stars in the night sky. Soon it could be a game to recognize the constellations (星座) behind a swarm of moving points of light.

【小题1】What is the writer’s attitude toward Space X’s launching plans?
【小题2】Why have my fellow astronomers signed the petition?
A.SpaceX plans to send too many Star-line satellites into space.
B.The Star-line satellites will possibly ruin an observation near sunset.
C.The first orbiters are brighter than most of other satellites circling Earth.
D.Space X fails to provide high-speed Internet to people around the world.
【小题3】According to the author, who should shoulder the responsibility to save the sky?
A.The United States.B.The United Nations.
C.The company SpaceX.D.Just one nation.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Preserve the Night SkyB.Ban Star-line Satellites
C.Observe the Stars AttentivelyD.Protest against Space X

Jake Oldershaw and his daughter Mollie from Birmingham, Britain have asthma (哮喘). Mollie, 11, has required hospital treatment several times while Jake Says he always finds breathing more difficult when there is heavy traffic. Air quality has an enormous impact on their lives and both noticed a marked improvement during the spring lockdown because of the epidemic (疫情). Jake said, “During lockdown there was a noticeable difference in air quality. I didn't suffer any asthmatic attacks during that period. These days you can feel the effects.”

However, under current COVID-19 restrictions in the UK this winter, many people probably will have to work from home. The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) says while emissions (排放) have dropped this year because we've been travelling less and doing less, the expected use of gas boilers to provide heating and hot water could rise by more than half.

Heating accounts for nearly 37% of the UK's total carbon emissions. Modelling by the ECIU suggests a 56% increase in boiler usage this winter resulting in a 12% increase in emissions of carbon. The ECIU says that's enough to offset the last two years' worth of progress on reducing traffic emissions.

Jess Ralston, author of the analysis for the ECIU, said, “Working from home and having increased gas use in the home could be really critical for air pollution and also climate change. The way we heat our homes needs to change if we are to get to net zero by 2050.”

Jess Ralston said, “The increase in pollution from gas boilers expected this winter provides a graphic illustration (图解) of their forgotten role in air pollution. And it is a role set to continue without practical policies to decarbonize home heating. ”

The government is set to publish its Heat and Buildings Decarbonisation Strategy in a few weeks which is expected to give details on plans to try to switch British homes to cleaner sources of heat.

【小题1】How did the spring lockdown in the UK affect Jake?
A.He was cured of his asthma.
B.He had to go to hospital for retreatment.
C.He suffered a noticeable difficulty in study.
D.He didn't suffer any asthmatic attacks during that period.
【小题2】What is concerning the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit?
A.The epidemic will become worse.
B.Air pollution will get worse this winter.
C.People may have to work from home longer.
D.There is less energy for gas boilers in winter.
【小题3】What would Jess Ralston agree with?
A.People prefer to work from home in winter.
B.The government failed to protect the environment.
C.People tend to ignore the harmful effect of home heating.
D.The climate has suffered a lot from the epidemic this year.
【小题4】How to improve air quality during winter according to Jess Ralston?
A.A warmer winter season.
B.Less and less gas boilers.
C.Practical plans from the government.
D.Improved awareness of cutting down pollution.
