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This morning, while tidying up my office, I found an open box of packaged chocolate cookies that I’d bought sometime last year. The use-by date had come and gone more than eight months ago. Curious, I took a small bite. They still tasted pretty good.

Welcome to the world of ultra-processed (超加工) foods. And we’re eating a lot of them. Ultra-processed foods currently make up nearly 60% of what the typical adult eats, and nearly 70% of what kids eat. They include everything from cookies and sodas to packaged breads and frozen meals, even ice creams. You might not realize you’re eating one, but look close and you’ll see many ingredients you wouldn’t find in your kitchen.

And a large and growing amount of evidence has consistently linked overconsumption of ultra-processed foods to poor health outcomes. “Too much of it leads to obesity and type two diabetes (糖尿病) and heart disease and cancer.” says Christopher Gardner, a professor at Stanford University, who has spent decades studying the links between diet and chronic disease (慢性病).

One reason ultra-processed foods likely lead to health issues seems obvious: They tend to be low in fiber and high in calories, salt, added sugar and fat, which are all linked with poor health outcomes when eaten too much.

Eventually, Gardner says the burden of making healthier food choices shouldn’t fall completely on consumers-especially when it comes to setting kids up for better health long term. “It does need the whole society to pay attention to this, to work together, including the food industry and the government, to be able to reduce the amount of ultra-processed food our kids are consuming in their day,” he says.

【小题1】What does the author want to say in the second paragraphs?
A.Ultra-processed foods preserve the flavor long.
B.Ultra-processed foods have become a big part of our diet.
C.Convenience explains the popularity of ultra-processed foods.
D.A lot of health problems result from consumption of ultra-processed foods.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “overconsumption” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题3】What is a result of too much ultra-processed food in people’s lives?
A.Fewer diseases.B.Health problems.
C.Dietary changes.D.Market competition.
【小题4】What is Gardner’s suggestion for making kids healthier in the long term?
A.Punish the food industry.B.Reduce kids’ consumption.
C.Unite efforts from all sides.D.Make smarter food choices.
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Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world.【小题1】Experts think that there are more flavors of Coffee than there are of wine.Coffee contains caffeine,something that raises our awareness,keeps us from falling asleep or simply gives US a kick in the morning or after lunch.

【小题2】For a long time doctors have told people not to drink too much coffee, because it may lead to heart problems,high blood pressure,and headaches.

Scientists have now found out that it is the quality of coffee and the way it is made that hold the key to our health.【小题3】Among other things,this is linked to the consumption of a strong coffee.Experts also point out that different roasts and types of coffee beans have different effects on our health.Milk and sugar change the different levels of caffeine in a cup of coffee.

A new study by a Harvard research group says that there is no link between coffee and health problems.Drinking several cups of strong coffee a day is not connected with early death or other heart diseases.Coffee has many advantages,as the new study suggests.While alcohol makes people sleepy and slow moving,coffee gives them energy.【小题4】

Although a lot still needs to be uncovered about coffee,it seems to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes(糖尿病).【小题5】 But reports show that people who drink coffee may develop Parkinson’s disease later in life,or maybe not at all.

A.There are many different types of coffee.
B.Scientists ask people not to drink coffee at night.
C.Elderly people in Greece live longer than normal.
D.Doctors think that coffee may have a positive effect on our brain.
E.Sugar can change the different levels of caffeine in a cup of coffee.
F.However, food experts are still undecided on how healthy coffee is.
G.Getting together for a cup of coffee also has a positive effect on relationships.

As people in rich countries know very well, eating too much food and burning too few calories is why a substantial number of us are overweight or obese. Now, however a remarkable change in perspective has come from the discovery that obesity actually provides people with temporary protection from the harmful effects of fat.

The insight has come from re-examming the common assumption that fatness itself drives the development of metabolic syndrome(代谢综合征), which is what causes so much of the actual damage. The syndrome comes with a mixture of life-threatening effects, with heart disease being among the most serious. In fact, it now seems that body fat may be a barrier that stops millions of Americans and fatty citizens elsewhere from going on to develop the syndrome. And the real damage is caused by the inflammatory(发炎的)effect of high levels of fat in the bloodstream. And ironically, it is fat cells that protect us from this by serving as toxin dumps (毒素垃圾场), locking away the real trouble-makers of the modern diet.

The problem is that this protection only lasts this long, until there is simply no more room inside the fat cells. That is when they start to break down, leading to a toxin spill(毒素溢出)into the bloodstream. This sets off an inflammatory response that causes various kinds of damage to body tissues. In this way, every extra calorie takes people closer to metabolic syndrome.

So what can we do to stop a superabundance of fat triggering the syndrome? Of course there’s no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but actually involving them into your daily life is hard. As with cigarettes and alcohol, a tax on calories—pricing foods by their energy content—is increasingly seen as another “level” to change behavior by making obesity too costly.

The new research may even suggest treatments to fight against metabolic syndrome, such as anti-inflammatory drugs. One promising candidate is salsalate, a drug related to aspirin, and the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston is now considering large-scale trials.

What might be more helpful though, is simply a wider recognition that fatty and sugary foods are more directly toxic than we has assumed. Ideally, people should be as well informed about the harmful effects of what they eat as, for example, pregnant women are about drinking and smoking.

It is a relief to know that you have your fat tissue to protect you when you consume the extra burger or sweetened soda. But now you know the dangers of pushing your friendly fat cells beyond their natural limits.

【小题1】From Paragraph 2 we know that the actual damage to health is likely to be caused by_________.
A.fat cellsB.metabolic syndrome
C.heart diseaseD.bloodstream fats
【小题2】The protective function of fat cells stops working once ________________.
A.their capacity   reaches a limitB.toxin spills into the bloodstream
C.an inflammatory response appearsD.metabolic syndrome is developed
【小题3】The author indicates in the text that obesity can be restricted by ______________.
A.putting fats' protective function to full use
B.unifying people's diet and exercise habits
C.raising the prices of cigarettes and alcohol
D.controlling food prices by their calorie content
【小题4】What is the author's suggestion to fight against metabolic syndrome?
A.develop more drugs for heart disease
B.ask people to keep away from fatty and sugary food completely
C.strengthen the awareness of the harms of fatty and sugary food
D.protect pregnant women from tobacco and wine

Thanks to globalization (全球化), we can find all sorts of fruit and vegetables from all over the world in supermarkets. 【小题1】, and each season has different weather conditions. That's why different foods grow better at different times of the year in a specific country. Obviously, there are huge benefits of eating seasonal and locally sourced foods.

Fruit and vegetables in season and locally sourced are healthier. 【小题2】, and they also have higher nutritional value. Eating what's in season will also make you have a varied diet throughout the year.

【小题3】. Buying local foods can help create jobs. Supporting the local farmers, grocery stores and small businesses is also a good benefit of eating seasonal and locally sourced fruit and vegetables.

Buying seasonal and locally sourced foods benefits the environment. Choosing seasonal fruit and vegetables will help reduce the number of miles your foods have to travel before they reach your plate. Moreover, local fruit and vegetables in season are usually not packed in plastic. 【小题4】.

Eating seasonal and locally sourced foods is cheaper. Common misunderstandings about seasonal foods are that they are expensive. 【小题5】. There are plenty of local markets that sell cheap in-season fruit and vegetables at the end of each day.

A.Eating seasonal and locally sourced foods is good for the local economy
B.Fruit and vegetables in season usually have better quality
C.Today it's much easier to get fresh, seasonal and locally sourced foods
D.Avoiding packaging waste contributes to reducing our impact on the planet
E.But we have four different seasons
F.As a result, very few people know which fruit and vegetables are native to their homeland
G.Instead, eating seasonal and locally sourced fruit and vegetables will save you money
