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In an age when our phones are also our wallet, watch and GPS, I expect intelligent, multi-tasking efficiency from everyday skincare as well, especially SPF(sun-protection factor).

About Sunscreens

■Wear SPF daily. It helps protect against not only sunburn but also almost 80 percent of the skin and ageing problems. Meanwhile, remember to prevent skin from drying after the use of sunscreen since skin needs moisture (水分).

■Choose an SPF number based on length of time in the sun and the intensity of the sunlight. SPF30 lets about three percent of UVB ray s through;SPF50 about two percent.

■Understand the difference between chemical (or “organic”) and mineral (or “inorganic” physical) sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens tend to be more lightweight and less oily, which absorb UV light (紫外线). Their composition causes a reaction where light is changed into heat and then gone. Mineral sunscreens, meanwhile, act like a barrier. Active ingredients protect from UV rays, and sit on the surface of the skin, reflecting the sun’s rays. These are generally thicker in property and can leave a white cast.

Application tips

■Apply enough:about a shot glass for the whole body and about a quarter teaspoon (1.25ml) each for face and neck. No less for high SPF.

■Apply at least 20 minutes earlier before heading outside and reapply every two hours (more if you are swimming or sweating).

■Don’t miss the hairline, ears, front and back of neck.

■Make-up with SPF is not enough for sun protection. Layer it on top of sunscreen.

【小题1】What is one of the benefits of wearing sunscreens daily?
A.Protecting against sun damage.B.Solving skin problems entirely.
C.Relieving all the aging problems.D.Keeping skin from losing water.
【小题2】Which statement about sunscreens is acceptable?
A.Sunscreens with a higher SPF let more rays through.
B.Chemical sunscreens work by blocking the sun light.
C.Mineral sunscreens prevent the skin from absorbing the sun rays.
D.Mineral sunscreens are more lightweight than chemical sunscreens.
【小题3】Which of the following can be a suitable way to apply sunscreens?
A.Go outside 25 minutes later after applying sunscreens.
B.Choose an SPF number as high as possible.
C.Altogether put a quarter teaspoon on your face and neck.
D.Wear make-up with SPF alone to protect yourself from the sun.
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In a popular TikTok video, Emily McDonald, a neuroscience consultant, discusses three things she does each day to protect her brain staying off her phone in the morning, thinking positively, and avoiding junk food. 【小题1】. But there’s more to the health of the brain and the science behind it.

Catch some z’s.

Practicing good sleep hygiene (卫生), as well as getting six to eight hours of sleep each night, is one of the best things you can do for your brain health. Sleep helps the brain form memories, reinforce new concepts and ideas, and remove the buildup of bad proteins in the brain. 【小题2】. With enough sleep, you can preserve your brain’s functionality even when you get older.

Get your heart pumping.

【小题3】. And a strong heart helps pump enough blood to the brain to maintain its performance. The official recommendation is to have 150 minutes’ moderate exercise a week which is not limited to certain types of physical activities. Walking your dog a couple miles a day counts as well. Remember that anything is better than nothing.


Exposing yourself to new people, places, and challenges can keep your mind sharp, and improve brain plasticity. But trying new things doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend money traveling or take up a new hobby. It can be as simple as trying a crossword you haven’t done before. If you can keep using your brain in new ways, you’ll have better mental outcomes as you age.

Stick to a healthy, well-rounded diet.

Many studies have shown highly processed foods, like packaged goods, can increase the risk of health problems, like diabetes and high blood pressure. 【小题5】, including your brain. To keep your brain healthy, limit processed foods and get sufficient nutrition from a wide variety of plants and animals.

A.These diseases can generally harm the entire body
B.Remain socially involved
C.Regular exercise makes for powerful heart muscles
D.It also boosts the brain’s ability to adapt to new situations
E.Try new things
F.The advice McDonald gives in her video isn’t bad
G.Besides, this doesn’t mean getting into routines is necessarily harmful

Preventing heart disease is a topic I think about all the time, given my family history of heart disease. So last summer, I travelled to Bolivia. The natives, called the Tsimane,were reported to have the healthiest hearts in the world. I wanted to learn what they could teach me about preventing heart disease.

Getting to the Tsimane wasn’t easy. They lived in small family groups of about 60 people along river banks. We finally found one of the villages at sunset. That night, we set up our tents in the middle of the village. Thatched huts (茅草屋) surrounded us, with no electricity or modern conveniences.

I initially thought they mainly got their calories from meat. However, I found food such as rice and corn made up nearly 70% of their diet. The food was not processed, lacking added sugars or salts.

During my stay there, I went hunting and fishing with the men and played soccer with the kids. I found the Tsimane were standing or walking nearly all of their waking hours. Men spent lots of time tracking animals. Farming and gathering, mostly done by children and women,were all-day affairs.

I also got a clear idea of how they rested. As soon as the sun went down, people returned to their huts and went to sleep. And with the call of the cock in the morning, another day began.

The lifespan (平均寿命) of the Tsimane is actually much shorter than those living in the US. Various factors,like animal attacks and infections, bring down the lifespan. But up until the day they die, they are often very healthy. While heart disease kills thousands of Americans every year and costs nearly a billion dollars a day, the Tsimane remind us that wealth doesn't necessarily buy health.

【小题1】Why does the author pay so much attention to preventing heart disease?
A.He wants to teach others about the topic.
B.His family members encourage him to do so.
C.He was born with a high risk of heart disease.
D.He dreams of becoming a doctor.
【小题2】Which factors did the author mainly focus on in his research?
A.Diet, activity and rest.
B.Housing, food and cooperation.
C.Physical work, social life and lifespan.
D.Group size, family history and consumption.
【小题3】What was the Tsimane’s sleep-wake cycle mainly based on?
A.Natural light.B.Natural sound.
C.Routine activity.D.Animal behaviour.
【小题4】What might the author advise us to do after his travels in Bolivia?
A.Stand less and walk more.B.Take in less sugar and salt.
C.Eat white meat instead of red meat.D.Live in the middle of the community.

As is known to all, sports are necessary, but many people are worried about getting hurt in sports. The equipment(装备)you wear while taking part in sports and other activities is key to avoiding injuries(受伤).

Start with helmets(头盔). They’re important for sports and activities such as football, baseball, softball, biking, horseback riding, skateboarding, inline skating, skiing, and snow boarding—to name just a few.【小题1】Every helmet should be replaced after any accident, as there can be more problems you can’t see.

【小题2】Sports participation(参与)is the leading cause of eye injuries in teens, but proper fitting protective eyewear can reduce the risk of serious eye injury by 90%. Don’t just wear your regular glasses when you’re on the court or field.【小题3】

Wear a mouthguard if you play a contact sport where head injury is a risk, such as football, basketball, volleyball and boxing.【小题4】They can be fitted for your mouth by a dentist(牙医)or bought at sports stores.

And last but not least, the right footwear can keep you from tripping and falling. You know that sports like football, baseball, softball, and soccer require cleats(防滑鞋).【小题5】Ask your coach or doctor what shoes are best for your sport.

A.They don’t provide protection.
B.Need to find the right helmet size for you?
C.Eye protection is also a must for many sports.
D.Helmets reduce the risk of head injuries by 75% - 85%.
E.Mouthguards can protect your mouth, teeth, and tongue.
F.The right kind of equipment is important, so is the right size.
G.But you may not realize that sports like biking need special types of shoes, too.
