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As much as it’s a time for growing and learning, childhood is also a time for joy. But the joys of playtime aren’t just reserved for human kids—animal offspring are just as likely to get into the act as well, and some of their activities are similar to our own.

Scientists believe that for certain animal species, some fun is play for the sake of play, but like humans, other forms of entertainment are preparing youngsters for adulthood. Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. This holds true in the animal kingdom as well.“Horses are known to engage in play almost as soon as they are born. Once they can walk, they immediately start to gallop, frolic and buck, developing the motor skills they may need when they’re mature,” notes BBC Earth.

But along with motor skills, play also teaches animals essential hunting and survival skills. Natural-born predators, such as kestrels, use play to develop their hunting skills by practicing with targets that look like real prey when they’re young. In the oceans, dolphins chase underwater air rings to fine-tune their sonar (声呐) skills. And while it’s unclear why bear cubs are so playful, zoologists believe at least some of their funny behaviors have a more serious purpose that aids in their survival as adults.

One of the most important teaching aspects of play is socialization. These days, for human kids, that usually means the basics like learning to share, teamwork, and knowing boundaries. For animals, especially those that live in packs, play gives an understanding of where each animal fits into the community hierarchy (等级). In ways that are remarkably similar to the training which children of traditional tribal cultures receive, it is through the rules of play that lion cubs, kangaroo joeys, and wolf pups discover and establish the roles they’ll be expected to perform as adults.

So whether it’s chasing in the pasture or hanging from a tree, it seems that play will always be an inner and fun part of both human and animal development.

【小题1】What does BBC Earth say about horses?
A.Horses often play in different groups.
B.Newborn horses like to play with their parents.
C.Horses can gain some skills while playing.
D.Play is vital for baby horses’ social development.
【小题2】Which may be an example of animals’ developing their survival skills?
A.Dolphins leap out of water.B.Young kestrels follow their real prey.
C.Bear cubs play in a funny way.D.Wolf pups stay with their human friends.
【小题3】What do humans and animals have in common according to Paragraph 4?
A.They have a strong desire to make friends.
B.They get socialized in a similar way.
C.They change their social roles through play.
D.They gain their social ranks through competition.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.What Are the Benefits of Play?B.Why Do Animals Play?
C.How Do Animals Develop Skills?D.Why Are Humans and Animals So Similar?
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The number of birds in North America has declined by almost 3 billion since 1970, according to a study published in Science. The researchers estimated changes in the populations of 529 species using long-term bird-monitoring databases. Those data showed that the number of individual birds across all of those species had decreased by 29 percent, from around 10 billion in 1970 to just over 7 billion in 2017.

“The data they used provide probably the best long-term, large information on species abundances for any group of animals or plants anywhere in the world,” Natalie Wright, a bird biologist tells The Atlantic. “There’s always uncertainty, but if they are wrong, they are likely underestimating the size of population declines.”

The team also examined 10 years’ worth of data from a network of 143 weather radars, which pick up bird migrations, and found a reduction in migratory biomass of about 14 percent since 2007. “Two completely different and independent monitoring techniques thus signal major population loss across the continent,” the authors wrote in their paper.

The results are particularly concerning because many of the species showing declines are not considered rare or in danger, but are almost everywhere and potentially act as important contributors to food webs and ecosystem function. More than 90 percent of the loss in abundance in the survey data was due to declines in 12 families, including sparrows and blackbirds. Some other species, including many ducks, instead showed increases in abundance—possibly as a result of focused conservation efforts in recent years.

The findings should be a wake-up call. Many of the birds studied spend time in multiple countries within and beyond North America. What our birds need now is a historic, global effort that unites people and organizations with one common goal: bringing our birds back.

【小题1】How does the first paragraph show the bird reduction?
A.By comparing figures.B.By listing some examples.
C.By using experts’ words.D.By doing experiments.
【小题2】What can we infer about the function of the data according to Natalie Wright?
A.It’s wrong.B.It’s formal.C.It’s helpful.D.It’s useless.
【小题3】Which of the following is particularly worrying?
A.The focus of conservation efforts has turned out wrong.
B.Some ducks are likely to lose their ecosystem function.
C.Few species across the continent show the increase.
D.The population of widespread species is declining.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To point out the importance of raising birds.
B.To call on people to work together to bring birds back.
C.To analyze the concerning results of long-term research.
D.To inform people of the dangers many species are facing.

Record sea ice loss caused a mass die-off of emperor penguin chicks in part of Antarctica last year, strengthening predictions that the world’s largest penguin will soon be in danger of extinction.

Unlike other penguins, emperors breed (繁殖) on sea ice rather than land.Male emperor penguins hatch the eggs during the Antarctic winter. The furry grey chicks need stable sea ice until December to grow their black waterproof feathers and gain enough muscle to swim. If they go into the water before they develop feathers, chicks can drown or freeze to death.

In February, the area of sea ice around Antarctica reached the lowest extent ever observed. After much of the ice began breaking up late last year, four out of five habitats in the hard-bit central and eastern Bellingshausen Sea suffered a total breeding failure, with no chicks surviving to the feather growing period. In mid-November, the sea ice there broke up, forcing the penguins to abandon the habitat and most if not all of their chicks.

A research team from Oxford Brookes University monitored populations by spotting penguin faeces (排泄物) in satellite photos. Emperor penguins tend to stay close, walking in a tight group to stay warm in temperatures as low as -60°C.The buildup of the habitat’s faeces stains the ice so brown that it can be seen from space. Once a habitat has been identified, researchers can count the individual penguins in very high-resolution satellite images.

The observations add weight to modelling predictions that 90 percent of emperor penguin habitats could be extinct or past the point of no return by 2100 if current rates of warming continue. While habitats can lose chicks in heavy storms or when severe winds break up the sea ice, this is the first-time widespread breeding failure has been linked to disappearing ice.

“Failure is the norm, but complete failure across a whole region, that’s not normal,” says Tim at Oxford Brookes University. “Will this impact the population? It really depends on how often it happens.”

【小题1】What was the result of the ice breaking last year?
A.The area of the sea reached the lowest point ever.
B.Emperor penguins left the habitats with their chicks.
C.Emperor penguins had to search for food themselves.
D.Most emperor penguins chicks studied failed to survive.
【小题2】How did the team identify a habitat in satellite images?
A.By counting the penguins.
B.By making the images clearer.
C.By spotting brown stained ice.
D.By collecting penguins’ faeces.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.The area suffered breeding failure for the first time.
B.Severe storms caused the extensive breeding failure.
C.The total failure has made emperor penguins extinct.
D.The frequency of ice breaking needs to be controlled.
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The main causes of global warming.
B.The exlinet emperor penguin habitats.
C.Emperor penguins’ severe breeding failure.
D.Health problems of emperor penguin chicks.

The hippo is a very important animal to the health of African rivers and lakes. However, researchers warm that the population of hippos is becoming less.

The hippo is a large animal. Hippos spend nearly 16 hours a day in the water. They come ashore to feed at night, and they eat more than 200 kilograms of grass every time they eat.

Professor Douglas McCauley and his team have studied the waste of hippos. He says, “We have looked carefully at hippos and found that the most useful thing is their waste. They eat lots of grass on land and then take that all back to the lakes and rivers where they rest. They basically get rid of that in the form of waste. And it turns out to be a huge amount of matter full of energy and Nutrients.”

Every year, hippos provide over 60,000 kilograms of waste for African lakes and rivers. Some fish need the waste in their diets. And some of the nutrients in the waste are the building materials of some small plants in the water.

Although researchers learn more about the importance of hippos, there are fewer of them. The number of hippos has dropped a lot in Africa. Douglas says humans are mainly responsible for it due to illegal hunting And animals, including hippos, often lose to humans in competition for water. Douglas explains, “Both of them need water.” He says when we’re harming wildlife, we should realize that our future is closely inked with wildlife's.

【小题1】Where do hippos stay most of the time?
A.In the water.B.In shade.C.Near the rivers.D.By the side of lakes.
【小题2】What is the most valuable thing in hippos in Douglas's opinion?
A.Their meat.B.Their fur.C.Their horns.D.Their waste.
【小题3】What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Hippos sometimes eat some fish.B.Hippos contribute much to river ecosystem.
C.Hippos like looking for food at night.D.Hippos' waste causes pollution to rivers.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.There are sill many hippos in Africa.B.Humans have caused great effects on hippos.
C.People should not compete with hippos.D.Hippos need to drink much water in a day.
