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All over the world, people admire the beauty and grace of butterflies. Butterflies come in every color imaginable, and their_________display an incredible variety of patterns. The largest butterfly, Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing, has a wingspan (翼展) of up to 280 millimeters and lives in Papua New Guinea. The smallest, the Western Pygmy Blue in the southern U.S., has a wingspan of only 12 millimeters. Sadly, some of these beautiful creatures are now _________.

Estimates indicate that between 15 and 20 thousand species of butterflies exist around the world. A number of these species are endangered, over 20 in Japan_________. Although that number may seem small, losing even one species would be_________. Nowadays scientists even look to butterflies as a _________of the environment’s health, since they are _________ to environmental changes. Many environmentalists around the world are eager to protect the endangered butterflies from extinction. The American Museum of Natural History in New York, for example, has an unusual butterfly exhibit. This exhibit _________ the important role that butterflies play in our environment.

In recent years, environmental groups have made significant progress in _________endangered butterfly populations. Governments throughout Asia have passed laws to help protect endangered wildlife, including butterflies. An area called Butterfly Valley in Assam, India, has become the focus of conscious _________ to protect the butterflies’ habitat (栖息地). Other projects in Serbia, Japan, and Canada are also hoping to __________. Some of these efforts are already starting to work. The population of the El Segundo Blue Butterfly in California, for instance, has increased by 8 percent since 2010.

Finding a cure for the butterfly crisis is, __________, not just for environmental groups. __________citizens can plant butterfly gardens to support and enjoy these gentle creatures. A group of female prisoners in Belfair, Washington, are helping to rescue an endangered species called Taylor’s Checkerspot. They recognize how__________ seemingly insignificant creatures can be. The world cannot afford to lose any butterflies. As environmentalist John Muir once__________, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it __________ to everything else in the Universe.”

A.out of controlB.in great dangerC.on the flyD.out of date
A.set an exampleB.keep the promiseC.make a differenceD.take the time
知识点:人与动植物环境保护说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Borneo is home to some of the most extraordinary wildlife. Several years ago, I decided to go there for a visit. A local person offered to be my guide, which was a great _________for me.

One day, my guide turned off the smooth road and took me across a _________hillside instead. We picked our way carefully when _________, a Rafflesia (大王花) popped into my view among those stones. Oh, dear! More than_________, I bent down and put my nose practically inside the flower’s core.

Nevertheless, to my surprise, it was only one of the _________during the trip.

As I _________the end of my trip, there was still something I had yet to see. We planned to hunt for most feared creature there, the saltwater crocodile, which can grow to a length of 6 meters or more. _________we shone a flashlight towards the muddy shore, little sounds _________in the darkness as if something unseen underwater had broken the_________. Taking a second look, we spotted two greedy eyes just __________the water line. As we drew near, it moved and we saw clearly it was a crocodile. With great caution, we neared it and finally could __________its true dimensions. It was a baby — no more than 0.6 meter long. Aha, whatever, I could now report to the __________back home, who had never been to Borneo, that I had __________a hungry crocodile in the wild and lived to tell the tale.

The world out there is so __________. Don’t let work __________your life. Why not step outdoors and enjoy the wonders nature offers to you?

A.work outB.let outC.set outD.make out

One day in 2012, David and Pam Brennan were walking on the shore(岸) near their house in Brunswick, Maine. Then they _________ a seal(海豹) that seemed to be stranded(搁浅的). They were _________   because the tide went out and came back in, and the seal was _________ there.

Their first _________ was to Marine Mammals of Maine (MMoME), an organization that runs a 24-hour hotline, dealing with calls about stranded sea animals. _________, a volunteer arrived. While it was _________ that the seal was healthy and just resting, the experience encouraged the Brennans to _________.

Within a year, the two had completed volunteer _________. They learned how to tell a stranded seal and studied the rules governing seal handling. When it was _________ for their first seal rescue, they were __________. “As soon as MMoME made sure that a baby seal had been abandoned(被遗弃的) and that the mother wasn’t __________, we knew what we had to do,” says Pam.

“We have transported many a seal in our car. Those rides are kind of fun and also a little __________,” David says. “Seals are easily stranded in June, so it might be warm outside, but you have to keep the seals __________. So the car’s air conditioner runs and the windows are up and the car smells like a seal.”

“We feel a great responsibility to __________ these animals,” Pam says. “And really, this is what we were put on this Earth to __________.”

A.take placeB.take partC.lose interestD.lose heart
A.showing offB.coming backC.running awayD.staying up

Hot weather has forced dozens of commercial flights to be canceled at airports in the Southwest this summer. This flight-disturbing _______ is a warning sign. Climate change is projected to have far-reaching _______—including sea level rise flooding cities and shifting weather patterns causing long-term declines in agricultural production. And there is evidence that it is beginning to affect the takeoff performance of commercial aircraft, with potential effects on airline _______.

National and global transportation systems and the economic activity they support have been designed for the climate in which it all developed. In the aviation (航空) industry, airports and aircraft are designed for the weather conditions experienced _______. Because the climate is changing, even fundamental elements like airports and key economic parts like air transportation may need to be_______.

As scientists focused on the impacts of climate change and extreme weather on human society and natural ecosystems around the world, our research has quantified how extreme heat associated with our warming climate may affect _______ around the world. We’ve found that major airports from New York to Dubai to Bangkok will see more frequent takeoff weight _______ in the coming decades due to increasingly common hot temperatures, which can help reduce the aircraft’s weight so as to lower its required takeoff speed.

There is obvious evidence that extreme events such as heat waves and coastal flooding are happening with greater frequency and intensity than just a few decades ago. And if we _______ to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly in the next few decades, the frequency and intensity of these extremes is projected to increase dramatically.

The _______ on aviation may be widespread. Many airports are built near sea level, putting them at risk of more frequent ______________ as oceans rise. The frequency and intensity of violent air movement may increase in some regions due to strengthening high-altitude (高海拔的) winds. Stronger winds would force airlines and pilots to change flight lengths and routings, potentially increasing fuel ______________.

Many departments of the economy, including the aviation industry, have yet to seriously ______________the effects of climate change. The sooner, the better: Both airport construction and aircraft design take decades, and have ______________ effects. Today’s newest planes may well be flying in 40 or 50 years, and their ______________ are being designed now. The earlier climate impacts are understood and appreciated, the more effective and less costly adaptations can be. Those adaptations may even include innovative ways to dramatically reduce climate-altering emissions across the aviation industry, which would help reduce the problem while also ______________ it.

A.sneezing atB.responding toC.resulting inD.recovering from
