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The best trips with friends are the ones that are well-planned. Here are a few tips on planning an incredible trip with friends and making memories that last.

【小题1】 Someone might be looking to rest and relax on a beach, while another person might be looking to enjoy as much nightlife as possible. Figure out what everyone wants and find out what everyone’s top three destinations are, and research places that have all of your common interests.

Nothing puts a damper on (使扫兴) vacation planning with friends than arguments over money.【小题2】 Meeting at a friend’s house or talking over dinner can reduce what can sometimes be an awkward discussion by group texts or emails.【小题3】 When the major (主要的) costs are out of the way, don’t forget about smaller joint (共同的) expenses like taxis and tips.

It’s fun to get lost in the excitement of booking things and crossing off your checklist of to-dos.【小题4】 It’s important to provide a window of opportunity for everyone to comfortably share their opinions and concerns about trip decisions.

Despite all the late-night planning and lunchtime meetings, some situations will be totally out of your hands.【小题5】 Remind everyone not to focus narrowly on a few dollars, and whatever you do, don’t ever let arguments get out of control.

A.Pick the right destination.
B.Book a cheap flight or hotel.
C.It’s important to choose the right group of people.
D.You need to discuss big costs like flights and hotels at first.
E.When it comes to discussing money, talk about it face to face.
F.So lower your expectations a tiny bit when things don’t go your way.
G.But don’t forget to communicate with your friends to see if anyone has any worries.
知识点:方法/策略旅游观光 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A group trip is much more different from what one might expect with an organized tour or a solo holiday. It’s special both in its form and the unique experience it offers. 【小题1】 .

Going on holiday with a group of friends is all about having fun, creating memories and trying a new experience with a shared interest to travel. It means being inside jokes, great stories and plenty of laughs. 【小题2】. Whether you decide to go in a large group of up to 10 people or more or go in a much smaller group of 4, group trips are a great way to bond and reconnect with one another. Besides, it doesn’t have to be a constant activity. It can happen periodically, perhaps once or twice a year. 【小题3】, but the result will be satisfying. Choose a popularly known destination or an unknown destination. 【小题4】. You will experience new or familiar destinations with close friends. This will give group members an idea of what they can expect for the next group trip.

The purpose of the group trip, for some, may be to escape from the city or their current busy schedules. For others, it may be to catch up with friends over a period of time. 【小题5】, the main idea is that as a group they will be able to link their trip to the memories created.

A.Planning a group trip may be difficult
B.You will only enjoy such a trip once in a lifetime
C.It also helps you learn more about how to travel
D.Thus, it is certainly an experience to enjoy
E.Whether they will be positive or negative memories
F.They have been alone for too long a time and thus badly need a trip
G.This decision can actually set the foundation for the mood of the trip

Everyone experiences unhappy times on occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing a short time of sadness and living an unhappy life. Here are some of the things that lead to an unhappy life and how to deal with them.

Only being a dreamer

Dream your dream, but also realize that you are more than just a dreamer. 【小题1】 But to achieve it, you must break out of your present comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar.

Continuous self doubt

Don’t spend all your time saying, “I’m not smart enough, thin enough or rich enough.” 【小题2】

Obsession (迷恋) with control

Learn to let go of control, relax and ride the path that life takes you. Try something new, take a chance, but above all, smile and enjoy the scenery.

Setting unrealistic expectations

You’re going to make mistakes every now and then. You’re a human being. 【小题3】 But making them is also how you grow.

Slacking (松懈) on exercise

【小题4】 The truth is you don’t have time not to, or sooner or later you’ll be making time for illness.

Overindulgence (过分放纵) of a good thing

Eating too much makes you fat. 【小题5】 Playing too much leaves important work undone and so on.

A.One should work hard to get more knowledge.
B.You should try to avoid making mistakes of course.
C.Your dream is your creative goal for your future life.
D.Working too much leaves your family at home missing you.
E.Actually you can be what you want if you take positive steps.
F.If you say you haven’t time to exercise, you’re lying to yourself.
G.People always put too much interest in trying to control everything in their life.

Four Health Tips for Students

As a student, it is important that you take all of the necessary steps to take care of yourself. 【小题1】, learning does not come as easily as it should.

Eat healthy foods.

You may eat a lot of junk food, especially during exams when you don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals. 【小题2】 . Don’t ignore breakfast. And don’t eat large meals in the middle of the night. Eat a piece of fruit between classes, and make sure that your healthy diet includes plenty of protein and fiber.

Watch for signs of depression.

【小题3】 . But it doesn’t have to be. You need to be watchful for the signs of depression and avoid using drugs and alcohol. Make sure that you have a good support system that includes friends, family members, and school resources.

【小题4】 .

We all need to have at least a half an hour of exercise each day in order to be healthy. Even if you are busy, it is still important that you take the time to exercise.

Get enough sleep.

It is common for students to not get enough sleep. Actually you have many things to do, however, you need your sleep, which is going to affect your studies. Make sure that you have a regular bedtime every night. 【小题5】 .

A.And don’t drink coffee before going to bed
B.Don’t exercise before sleeping
C.Take time to learn about healthy eating
D.If you get sick
E.Sometimes getting sick may let you lose the good chances of your working career
F.Depression is a common problem among students
G.Get plenty of exercise
