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When I was growing up, Father Christmas played an important part in my family’s Christmas tradition.

Each year my parents would feed us a light meal, make sure we put on our new pajamas (睡衣), and put us to bed. Father Christmas himself was going to leave presents at night! A few hours later, my mom would wake us up telling us to hurry up because he was getting ready to leave. With our eyes barely (勉强地) open, we would go down the stairs and Father Christmas would meet us at the bottom of the stairs by name, tell us how good we were that year, and hand us each a present. In all the excitement, we didn’t realize that our dad was missing until he walked in the door.

When I was 8 years old, my mom very gently (温柔地) and lovingly told me that Father Christmas was just a fun story. She then asked me to never tell my younger sisters or any of the other kids in our family. She believed every child should decide on their own when they were ready to move on and know the truth about Father Christmas. It was a promise I have kept all these years.

Until this year.

My youngest is 10, and I thought other children might make fun of him if he were to say Father Christmas was real. So I gently mentioned that there really wasn’t a man who lived in the North Pole.

“Oh, okay. I know that.”

I then told him not to ever tell anyone else, especially his two cousins, who at 7 and 5 still believe. I didn’t want him to blow my father’s cover.

“Mom, I know Father Christmas is Grandpa and I won’t say anything to them.”

It then dawned on ( 开始明白) me that for my children, Father Christmas would always be real. For them, he was their grandfather who took the time each year to dress up and their grandmother helped him get ready so that their Christmas could be a little more special. My mother was right; Christmas is the spirit of love and giving.

【小题1】What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.Her great expectation of Father Christmas.
B.The importance of Father Christmas to her.
C.Her memories of Christmas celebrations in her family.
D.The preparation her family made for Christmas Eve.
【小题2】Why did the author’s mother let her keep the secret of Father Christmas from other kids?
A.She wanted to give them a surprise.
B.She didn’t know how to explain it.
C.She didn’t think they were old enough to understand it.
D.She thought they should decide when to unlock it by themselves.
【小题3】What does the underlined part “blow my father’s cover” mean in Paragraph 7?
A.Say no to the Christmas present from my father.
B.Regard my father as the real Father Christmas.
C.Tell the truth about my father dressing up as Father Christmas.
D.Notice my father being away from the family party at Christmas.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The True Spirit of Christmas
B.The Real Life of Father Christmas
C.A Secret My Son Found at Christmas
D.My Experience of Meeting Father Christmas
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When my father was getting ready for work, our house was ruled by knocks and words. He used to come downstairs to breakfast.

The morning paper lay beside his plate. He always read the “Deaths” first, and then he knocked once on the table. One of my sisters brought his bread, already buttered for him. Usually he said nothing, but once I heard him say, “I love you very much, Edith. I would love more if you buttered my bread on both sides.” He read the paper all through breakfast.

Two knocks on the table meant “I am ready for my tea. “If a single knock followed that meant, “More bread, please.”

After breakfast he said, “Boots.” The paper was spread for him over the back of an armchair. Yesterday’s paper was put on the chair for his feet, and his boots were brought to him, freshly cleaned. He read standing at the same time putting on his boots. With one boot finished he said, “Bus.” At that point one of the girls went outside to the garden gate and waited there. Her job was to stop a bus when it came. It came early sometimes and it had to wait for my father. “Overcoat, hat.” One of my sisters had already brushed his overcoat. Now she held it open for him. Another girl came with his hat, nicely brushed. “Handkerchief,pipe.” They were brought and put, with his tobacco, into his pocket. He looked out of the window and said either “Walking stick” or “Umbrella”. It was handed to him. Ready now, he was still reading the paper. He didn’t put it down until he heard the shout “Bus coming!” Then he kissed my mother and went out. The girls breathed freely.

How lucky a man was to have a wife and five daughters at home!

【小题1】When the father made the first knock, he meant ________.
A.he had begun to read the morning newspaper.B.he was made to feel sad by the “Deaths” news.
C.he would start to read the other parts of the paper.D.his breakfast should begin.
【小题2】What does “Edith” refer to?
A.A kind of bread.B.One of the writer’s sisters.
C.The writer.D.The writer’s mother.
【小题3】All the daughters were quite busy in the morning because ________.
A.their father never helped them.
B.their father always gave different instructions at the same time.
C.each of them had to start and finish her job just on time.
D.they were not clever or quick enough to do their jobs.
【小题4】From the story we may see that ________.
A.the father was so lazy that he hardly did anything.
B.the father was the “centre” of the family.
C.every girl in the family was afraid to do wrong because they didn’t know clearly enough what to do.
D.the father was hated by all his daughters.

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited(小气的) at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they create you, raise you, and are in part, a source of who you are. 【小题1】

Tell them you love them every morning. A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm the coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world.

Respect them more. It is inevitable that we may disagree with our parents or be dissatisfied with them sometimes. It’s OK to get angry but angry actions don’t help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down your feelings, or talk to a friend. 【小题2】

        Obey their requests. It will make you have a better attitude and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you are not recognized. However, you had better remember they shelter you from rain and snow. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes. 【小题3】 Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

【小题4】 Do things with your parents like watching TV or going somewhere with them. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can. Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in one way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents. 【小题5】 Seek help if you are being abused(虐待) in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A.Forgiveness is the key.
B.Keep them company.
C.Here are some ways to love your parents.
D.Parents will in turn express their love for you.
E.After these, share your feelings with your parents.
F.Please remember parents are as important as friends.
G.There can be realistic reasons for that, for example family violence.

It was a normal school day for senior Solymar Solis until an unexpected visitor arrived. Her dad, Sgt. Carlos Solis Melendez, surprised her by coming home early from Kuwait and visiting her unannounced at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina.

After serving in Kuwait for nine months, Melendez returned home a week earlier than his daughter expected. He held balloons and flowers in a classroom as he sat at a student’s desk to blend in with the crowd. “It came across my mind like, ‘How is she going to react?’” he recalled the heartwarming moment. “Is she going to be happy and run to me and hug me, or cry? That was all going on through my mind.”

As unsuspecting Solymar entered the classroom, she was soon overcome with emotion, immediately bursting into tears and covering her mouth. She didn’t talk. She was just crying. She was overwhelmed with everything. She thought it was a dream.

Melendez was a single parent so while he was deployed (调动), he got his sister to live with his daughter. When he was coming back and talking to his sister, both of them came to the conclusion that they should do something special for his daughter. Melendez and his sister got in touch with the school, and they planned this whole being-in-the-classroom thing, and it turned out perfect.

The two are very much looking forward to some good daddy-daughter time now that he’s home. “It means everything,” Melendez said of being able to surprise his daughter this way. “After all the sacrifices she’s made, she deserves all the special arrangements and special occasions and celebrations. I’ll do anything for my daughter. I believe I’m doing good parenting.”

【小题1】What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Father’s Selfless Love for His Daughter.B.Girl Expecting the Returning of Her Dad
C.Girl Surprised at School by Her Dad’s Return.D.Father and Daughter’s Expected Reunion
【小题2】How did Solymar feel at first when entering the classroom?
A.She was eager to hug her father.
B.She felt everything was as usual.
C.She got excited at seeing her father.
D.She was surprised by what she saw.
【小题3】What was Melendez’s attitude to the surprise?
【小题4】Why did Melendez plan the surprise for Solymar?
A.To get involved in her school life.B.To show his concern for her in a special way.
C.To build a strong emotional bond with her.D.To make up for what she lost in her growth.
