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While tea may have originated in Asia, now there are many countries all around the world that have tea woven into their food cultures and traditions. This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all result in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.

Chinese tea culture

Since China is viewed as the birthplace of tea, it is no wonder that Chinese tea culture is rich with history and tradition. Today, Chinese tea continues to be used in Chinese medicine and is commonly consumed on both casual and formal occasions both for personal enjoyment and to represent Chinese cultural traditions.

Japanese tea culture

Japan also has a long history with tea, especially Japanese Matcha, which is a kind of ground green tea that is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies and only in recent years has become popular in Western culture.

British tea culture

When many people think about tea, British tea culture is what comes to mind. A hot cup of English Breakfast or EarlGrey tea serves with a little milk and a biscuit in the morning as a pick-me-up for the day. Even though tea may not be native to England, this British tea tradition is still going strong today.

Moroccan tea culture

When you visit Morocco, it is hard to miss the outstanding tea culture that is such a large part of Moroccan hospitality. Before any gathering, negotiation, or sale of a product, a pot of mint tea is always prepared and served among the host and guests. This is an expression of Moroccan tradition and hospitality, which should always be accepted by guests as a sign of appreciation and respect to the host.

【小题1】Why can tea find its way into various food cultures?
A.It originates in Asia.
B.It forms different ceremonies.
C.It gets people connected easily.
D.It allows people to sit together.
【小题2】What do Chinese and Japanese tea cultures have in common according to the text?
A.They have a long history.
B.They are used in medicine.
C.They are famous for ground green tea.
D.They’ve long gained worldwide recognition.
【小题3】Why are the Brits keen on tea in the morning?
A.To get energy.
B.To bring out respect.
C.To show hospitality.
D.To observe a tradition.
【小题4】In which column on social media may the text appear?
A.Healthy You.B.Social Insight.
C.Cultural Corner.D.Itchy Feet Travel.
知识点:食物与饮料 饮食习俗 说明文文化差异 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Walk in London’s cobblestoned streets, cross centuries-old bridges and wander through covered markets — before the morning drizzle (毛毛雨) has given way to afternoon sun, history will become alive before you. The city’s old buildings, black taxis and red double-decker buses all have long and complicated stories that are deeply rooted in London’s traditions. So do fish and chips. Apart from being a fast-food favourite, fish and chips are also typically served as a Friday meal, in schools for lunch and at home for dinner. Former British prime minister Winston Churchill famously called fish and chips “the good companions”.

More than 229 million portions of white fish fillets are sold each year in England, each one coated in a light batter (面糊) and deep-fried, and served alongside fat fried slices of potatoes. For many English people, fish and chips are best served wrapped in newspapers and wolfed down with a combination of a wooden fork and greasy fingers, preferably seaside.

Most historians agree that it was in London, not on the coast, that the first fish and chip shop opened its doors. It was here too that the city’s working class pushed the dish into popular cooking culture. And it is in London that one of the oldest surviving chippies still stands today.

This is an understandable source of despair for nutritionists: Fish and chips may contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals, but both main ingredients are also deep-fried in oil that often contains unhealthy saturated fats. For all its traditional popularity, however, according to a 2016 study by the U. K. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, fish and chips consumption has lost significant market share in recent years to other takeaway items such as pizza and kebabs.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic of the passage?
A.By telling stories behind fish and chips.
B.By describing typical images of London.
C.By quoting the former British prime minister.
D.By stressing its importance as a traditional food.
【小题2】What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about fish and chips?
A.Its cultural value.B.Its related customs.
C.Its favorite way of eating.D.Its cooking process.
【小题3】What’s the influence of London on fish and chips?
A.London promoted the wide spread of the dish.
B.Londoners created secret cooking methods for the dish.
C.Londoners contributed to the unpopularity of the dish.
D.London has the largest number of fish and chip shops.
【小题4】What may contribute to the decrease of the market share of fish and chips in recent years?
A.They are harmful to our body.B.They are short of vitamins and minerals.
C.They are not recommended by nutritionists.D.They are being replaced by cheaper fast food.

Apple’s vitamin and mineral content, its easy availability, and its inexpensiveness are the reasons why it’s the second most-consumed fruit in the world.【小题1】 But what about the calories and nutritional value in it? Can we consume apples in endless numbers and still stay fit?

A medium-sized apple contains up to 95 calories. However, the sugar content—about 19g—is still less than the 21g you get in a regular-sized chocolate bar.【小题2】 The fiber present in fruits and vegetables helps control blood sugar levels naturally. It slows down digestion and stops the blood sugar levels from rising as they would after you consume candy.

Eating one medium-sized apple gives you your daily dose of 14% vitamin A and 11% of vitamin C, both that your immune system needs the most. Antioxidants like vitamin A and C save the body from damage caused by unstable atoms. 【小题3】   If we consume darker apples more, we can get an antioxidant that protects the body from diseases and a good amount of indigestible fiber our gut’s good bacteria feed on, so it’s a win-win deal!

【小题4】 Consuming one or two apples on a daily basis is good for your health. But if you’re diabetic, you should restrict the consumption to not more than a small-sized apple a day as apples are a high-sugar fruit. If you stay alert and take a proper diet, your body will benefit a lot. But if you eat endlessly, even the healthiest food in the world would damage your body and increase the number of doctor visits.【小题5】

A.So act smartly and stay safe.
B.How many apples can you eat in a day?
C.Therefore, you should watch out for the food quality.
D.How can we guarantee that we will get this fruit continuously?
E.Plus, this sugar is less harmful to your body since it comes with fibers.
F.They reduce the risks of illness and aging, giving you healthy and smooth skin.
G.Since it comes in many varieties and different tastes, people never get bored of it.

The History Of Chocolate

The Theobroma Cacao tree provides us with one of the world’s mest delicious foods—chocolate. The tree originally comes from the Amazon region of South America. Hand-sized pods(菜)that grow on the tree contain cacao seeds-often “cocoa heans. ”【小题1】

The earliest use of cacao beans dates back to around 1000 B. C. when the Mayan people used cocoa as a drink. It is believed that drinking cups of cocoa was important on occasions such as wedding ceremonies. 【小题2】 In Peru, for example, eating or drinking a mixture of chocolate and chili was said to be good for the stomach.

Christopher Columbus, the famous Spanish explorer, made his fourth voyage across the Atlantic in the early 1500s and arrived in-Central America. 【小题3】   Cocoa beans were used as money in many parts of Central America.

In the sixteenth century, chocolate was taken back to Spain by Hernando Cortez, another explorer. 【小题4】 It later spread to France in the seventeenth century. The popularity of chocolate continued to spread further across Europe and the Americas. The only Asian country to accept it at that time, though, was the Philippines, which the Spanish invaded in the sixteenth century.

【小题5】 Slaves’ were brought to the Americas from Africa to farm the cocoa. Eventually, the cacao tree was taken to Africa. Today. Africa provides almost seventy percent of the world’s cacao, compared with one and a half percent from Mexico. Who would have thought that chocolate bars had so much history?

A.Spain was a great country at that time.
B.These seeds are used to make chocolate.
C.These seeds are originally from South America.
D.It was at this time that he first discovered the value of cocoa beans.
E.Drinking cocoa was also believed to have positive effects on health.
F.The people there added other things such as sugar to make it sweet.
G.As chocolate became more popular, more people are needed to plant coco.
