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Fifty-five years ago, I got into my father’s lime-green 1960 Rambler American-a car to take my driver’s exam in Lindenhurst. I crossed my fingers to pray that the start button would work. It did, and my father and I got to the test site on time. The streets seemed quite narrow to me. Although nervous, I was determined to do my best. Parallel-parking was my flaw, and I hoped that my tires would not hit the curb(路边线).

When I was practicing for the test, my father, far from being the best teacher, was rather unpleased with my parallel-parking. His fearful cries could be heard along the streets of Woodward Parkway in South Farmingdale, my hometown, or in the large empty parking lots where I first put my foot to the gas pedal. I felt embarrassed when he said, “Step on the gas! Check your rear-view mirror! Step on the brake!” I was convinced that no one could do all those things at the same time. I had seen the driver’s education films showing bodies were cut off in accidents and came away fairly frighteningly.

During my test, I drove cautiously, probably a little too slow, without the benefit of power steering or electronic helpmates. I kept my hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel( 方向盘), checked my mirrors, stopped at stop signs and signaled for turns. I was satisfied with my performance up to that point, but then it was time to parallel-park.

Fortunately, the parking area had no curb, just something like a mound of dirt at the edge. I pulled up next to a car, checked my rear-view mirror and began to back inward. Somehow, I nailed it on my first try, lining up right behind the car in front of me. Minutes later, the tester announced I had passed. I knew that my life had changed. I had earned freedom of movement and felt a sense of maturity.

【小题1】Which can best replace the underlined word “flaw” in paragraph 1?
【小题2】What can be learned from paragraph 2?
A.A terrible accident happened during the practice.
B.A quarrel between the author and his father broke out.
C.The author was doubtful about his father’s direction.
D.The author was touched by his father’s consideration.
【小题3】Where did the author park his car during his test at last?
A.Behind a car in lineB.On a mound of dirt
C.Over a curb.D.In the street of Woodward Parkway.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To show off his achievement with good luck.
B.To share his experience of taking his driving test.
C.To thank his beloved father for his help.
D.To accept the constant changes in his life.
知识点:交通方式记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Today, bicycles are elegantly simple machines that are common around the world. Many people ride bicycles for recreation, whereas others use them as a means of transportation. The first bicycle was invented in Germany in 1818. Because it was made of wood, it wasn’t very strong nor did it have pedals (脚踏板).Riders moved it by pushing their feet against the ground.
In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, invented a much better bicycle. Macmillan’s machine had iron-covered wheels to keep them from getting worn down. He also used foot-operated levers, similar to pedals, so his bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace. It didn’t look much like the modem bicycle, though, because its back wheel was substantially larger than its front wheel. Although Macmillan’s bicycles could be ridden easily, they were never produced in large numbers.
In 1861, Frenchman Pierre Michaux and his brother Ernest invented a bicycle with an improved pedal mechanism. They called their bicycle a velocipede,but most people called it a “bone shaker” because of the effect of the wood and iron frame. Despite the impolite nickname, the velocipede was a hit. After a few years, the Michaux family was making hundreds of the machines annually, mostly for fun-seeking young people.
Ten years later, James Starley , an English inventor, made several innovations that revolutionized bicycle design. He made the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel, put a gear on the pedals to make the bicycle more efficient,and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes. Although this bicycle was much lighter and less tiring to ride, it was still clumsy, extremely top-heavy,and ridden mostly for entertainment.
It wasn’t until 1874 that the first truly modern bicycle appeared on the scene. Invented by another Englishman, H. J. Lawson, the safety bicycle would look familiar to today’s cyclists. The safety bicycle had equal-sized wheels, which made it easier to ride. Lawson also attached a chain to the pedals to drive the back wheel. By 1893,the safety bicycle had been further improved with air-filled rubber tires, a diamond-shaped frame, and easy braking. With the improvements provided by Lawson;bicycles became extremely popular and useful for transportation. Today, they are built, used, and enjoyed all over the world.
【小题1】This passage was most likely written in order to _____.
A.compare bicycles used for different purposes
B.describe the problems early bicycle makers experienced
C.persuade readers to use bicycles for transportation
D.tell readers about the early history of the bicycle
【小题2】Macmillan covered the wheels of his bicycle with iron to _____
A.add weight to the bicycle
B.make the bicycle easier to ride
C.allow the wheels to last longer
D.let the bicycle be more comfortable
【小题3】Which of the following bicycle types was invented by James Starley?
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Two hundred years ago,bicycles did not exist.
B.The first bicycle could be ridden at a very quick pace.
C.The Michaux brothers called their bicycle a “bone shaker”.
D.Macmillan’s machine had wheels with rubber tires.
【小题5】The information about bicycles in this passage is arranged according to _____.
       Sydney has a huge bus system. No buses accept cash, and a ticket needs to be bought ahead of time. The buses often run at busy hours and regularly during the day. The Sydney Explorer bus provides air-conditioned service and stops at 27 tourist attractions. Its partner, the Bondi Explorer, stops at 19 attractions. Tickets allow holders to jump on and off as they please, and they can be used for one or two days. It’s an easy way to see the city and the surroundings.
       Sydney’s train service runs throughout the central city area and the surroundings. Tickets can be bought from machines that operate 24 hours a day or from ticket offices. The monorail(单轨火车) travels through central Sydney. It is the most excellent way to gain a good view of the whole city. The monorail runs every three to five minutes, and it takes 15 minutes to complete its journey.
       Sydney is built around a harbor, and the Parramatta River has a large ferry(渡船) system. It serves the area around the harbor. These include Taronga Zoo, Darling Harbor, Rose Bay, the North Shore, Cockatoo Island and Sydney Olympic Park. The ferries have operated for more than 135 years and 14 million passengers take the ferries each year.
       Water taxis can offer special services that some visitors enjoy, such as transporting passengers to specific locations, offering guided tours of waterways and so on. The tickets sell for 20 Australian dollars for a day or 57 Australian dollars for a week. It is strange,isn’t it?
【小题1】What should people take when getting on the bus in Sydney?
A.CashB.TicketsC.ChangeD.Bank cards
【小题2】The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means that passengers________.
A.can stop the bus at any time
B.can visit the city at night
C.should buy two tickets to get on and off the bus
D.can get on and off the bus many times with a ticket
【小题3】Which of the following is the best way to view the whole Sydney?
A.By monorailB.By bus
C.By trainD.By ferry
【小题4】Compared with the ferry, what is the advantage of water taxi?
A.It is much faster.
B.It is much cheaper.
C.It can reach more places.
D.It can provide special services.

Cycling in cities with proper biking infrastructure(基础设施) can give people a closer experience of traveling around a place that cars and buses simply can’t. Here are four cycle-friendly cities around the world.

Utrecht, Netherlands

While the Netherlands’most populous city, Amsterdam, is definitely bike friendly, we’re heading southeast to Utrecht, a city that has a fair claim to being the globe’s most pro-two-wheel destination. In its center, up to 50% of all journeys take place by bike and local authorities are building a 12,500-space cycle parking facility advertised as the world’s biggest. Copenhagen, Denmark

More than half the locals in the Danish capital cycle to work or school, and with an estimated bike population of 650,000 there are slightly more cycles than people. City leaders determine not just on increasing bike use further, but promoting safe bike infrastructure that features bike lanes(车道) of up to three meters in width.

Berlin, Germany

Germany has been quietly getting on with boosting bike use in many of its cities. Berlin is the standout example. About 13% of all trips in the city are made by bike, nearly twice the rate of 20 years ago.

Tokyo, Japan

In this vast capital city, an amazing 14% of all trips are made by bike. There are practical reasons why many Tokyo residents prefer a bike to a car for shorter journeys. Before you can even buy a car in the city you must prove you possess a (are and usually expensive) off-street parking spot. However, few people cycle to work-distances tend to be long and public transport is hugely efficient. Also, a lot of cycling takes place-legally-on footpaths and sidewalks.

【小题1】What is special about Utrecht?
A.It has a much larger population than Amsterdam.
B.It is the only cycle-friendly city in Netherlands.
C.Cycling accounts for about half of trips downtown.
D.It has the world’s largest non-cycling population.
【小题2】Which city takes security into consideration when building bike infrastructure?
【小题3】Why do some citizens in Tokyo have a preference for a bicycle?
A.They prefer to travel long distances by bike.
B.They are not allowed to cycle on sidewalks.
C.They have no easy access to buses or trains.
D.They probably can’t afford a parking place.
