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When we do not understand each other’s language, we can talk with the help of body language.

A Frenchman was once travelling in England. He could not speak English at all.One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them out again. He wanted to say, “Bring me something to eat.” The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head from side to side.The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came again with a cup of coffee and put it on the table. The man again refused his offer. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drink. When the man was going away, another man came in. This man saw the waiter,and he put his hands on his stomach. That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.

【小题1】According to the passage,when people do not understand each other’s language,they can talk with the help of    .
A.a waiterB.a translatorC.body languageD.an English-speaker
【小题2】A Frenchman signed to the waiter   .
A.to translate the wordsB.to tell him what he said
C.to bring him a cup of coffeeD.to ask him for food
【小题3】The waiter brought the Frenchman    .
A.a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a lot of other drinks
B.a large plate of meat and vegetables
C.a bill of fare
D.a piece of paper and a pen for him to write down the words
【小题4】From the story, we know    .
A.people can only understand the language of words
B.people can understand each other with the help of the language of signs as well as the language of words
C.people can make clear the language of the waiter and the translator
D.people can understand the native language
知识点:语言与文化 体态语夹叙夹议 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A euphemism (from the Greek words eu—well and pheme—speak) is a word or expression that is used when people want to find a polite or less direct way of talking about difficult or embarrassing topics like death or the bodily functions. Most people, for example, would find it very difficult to say in plain language that they have arranged for their sick old dog to be killed. They would soften the pain by saying "We had Ruby put down" or "We had Ruby put to sleep". Many people prefer to call someone plain than ugly, or cuddly rather than fat.
Euphemisms are an important part of every language, but it seems that English has an ever-growing number of them. The non-native speaker not only has to make sense of the euphemisms he hears, but he also has to learn which euphemisms are appropriate in any particular situation. He might be aware that his American friend needs to use the toilet when she asks where the bathroom (or restroom, or comfort station) is, but he is less likely to guess that his English friend has the same need when he says he has to see a man about a dog. He might have learned, for example, that "in the family way" is a euphemism for pregnant. If, however, he says to his boss, "Congratulations! I hear your wife is in the family way", he would be using an expression that is too familiar for the circumstances.
Schools are full of euphemisms. At Frankfurt International School, for example, the special lessons given to students who are having difficulties in their school subjects are called Study Center (in the middle school) and Academic Workshop (in the high school). Teachers rightly do not want to upset students or parents by being too frank or straight-forward, and usually choose a softer word or expression to convey the same message.
【小题1】According to the passage, people use euphemisms in order to ________ .
A.make themselves understood
B.attract attention
C.avoid embarrassment
D.sound straightforward
【小题2】A person who is described as plain and cuddly is in fact ________.
A.tall and handsome
B.ugly and fat
C.ugly but tall
D.pretty and slim
【小题3】When an English lady says she has to see a man about a dog, she might want to ______.
A.go to the toilet
B.see a doctor about her dog
C.have her old dog killed
D.see a pregnant woman
【小题4】The main purpose of Paragraph 2 is to ________ .
A.stress that euphemisms are an important part of every language
B.suggest non-native speakers use euphemisms as often as possible
C.inform readers that English has an ever-growing number of euphemisms
D.warn English learners to be careful about the meaning and use of euphemisms
【小题5】At Frankfurt International School, the students who receive lessons in Study Center ____.
A.work hard at their lessons
B.do well in school
C.have poor grades in the subjects
D.prefer to learn more

Texting and e-mailing have become a key part of how we communicate in our lives, so much that it’s fundamentally changing language and communication. According to linguist (语言学家) McCulloch. it’s making us better writers, speakers, and communicators.

“Language is humanity’s most impressive open-source project.” writes McCulloch, who studies and analyzes the patterns of Internet language. “Just as we find things on the Internet by following links from one place to another, language spreads through our conversations and interactions.”

From words and acronyms (like AIDS) to emojis and GIFs, people today have a wide range of ways to express online what they’re thinking and feeling, which can be more effective than pure words. If you’re meeting a friend for happy hour, sending a GIF of Betty White swirling (旋转) a glass of wine can often show your excitement better than words can. Hate Mondays? Posting a meme of Grumpy Cat can instantly convey your mood. Those fluent in Internet-speak can also play with punctuation, capitalization, even spacing to convey emotional state and tone of voice. Words can now be altogether replaced with emblems and icons, which helps explain the popularity of emojis and GIFs in our online conversations.

All of this helps make our social interactions more interesting, and the fluidity (不稳定性) of language is actually its biggest strength. “I mean, fashion can change, why can’t language?” asks McCulloch. “ In fact, language has changed and is always changing. Linguists are generally very positive about language evolution. There’s not one right way to communicate. We don’t speak the way Shakespeare did, and Shakespeare didn’t speak the way Chaucer did. But it’s unfortunate that this message hasn’t been conveyed to broader society as much because we’re still dealing with a history of people worshipping Latin.”

【小题1】What’s McCulloch’s attitude towards Internet language?
【小题2】Why does the author mention “Betty White” and “Grumpy Cat” in Paragraph 3?
A.To explain a rule.B.To clarify a point.
C.To present a fact.D.To make a prediction.
【小题3】What does McCulloch say about language?
A.It should be more flexible.B.It is stable.
C.It defines communication.D.It is dynamic.
【小题4】What does the author want to convey in the text?
A.Texting and e-mailing are signs of an evolving language.
B.The fluidity of language makes communication difficult.
C.The use of Internet language is constantly declining.
D.People tend to communicate differently as they age.

If you live in a place where most people speak the language you are learning, you may use the language for several hours each day. But you may not have these chances to practice English. You may even be self-taught. The good news is that thinking in English can bring you a huge step closer to fluency! 【小题1】, but it does take effort and practice.

Think in single words.

【小题2】. In your head, try to name each object in your surroundings. As you continue with this, it becomes more of a habit, so things are going to pop up into your head-computer, telephone, chair, and desk. Whatever it is, wherever you are. You can also do this at home when you wake up and before you go to sleep.


Another exercise is describing in your mind objects you don’t know the words for. An example would be if you couldn’t think of the word “garage”,   Hinshaw says. “ 【小题4】, but you can’t think of the name in English. You can say, ‘The place inside where I put my car.’”

Think in sentences.

The next exercise is thinking in simple sentences. For example, 【小题5】, you can tell yourself things like, “It’s such a beautiful day” and “People are playing sports with their friends.” Once this becomes easy, you can move on to more difficult sentences.

Describe your day.

Another exercise experts suggest is to describe your daily activities. You can mentally make plans in the morning when you wake up. This would require future verb tenses. So the skill level is a little higher.

A.Describe unknown words
B.Guess the meaning of a new word
C.if you are sitting in a park
D.A good first step is to think in single words
E.Hinshaw says doing this can help learners of any language
F.If you’re looking at your house and you see your garage
G.It is not very difficult
