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Which do you think is the best way to keep healthy?


With the development of society, people no longer worry about where their next meals come from as they did in the old days. They become more and more concerned about their health problems. Different people come up with different views: eating green food, doing outdoor exercise or going to hospital for medical treatment frequently. As far as I am concerned, the best way to keep healthy is to develop a good quality of psychology (心理).

According to some surveys, nowadays, most patients are not physically sick but mentally(精神上) ill. They feel the burden on their shoulders is much heavier than others, so they can’t step out of the shadow of depression and sadness. They need to release their spirit to the nature.

Besides, if you have developed a good quality of psychology, you’ll become more sociable and thus more willing to do your part in society. Joining some keep-fit clubs or tour groups, which are various versions of physical exercise, will benefit you a lot.

As a poem says, youth is not a period of time; it’s a state of mind. Everybody wants to keep young at heart because youth is a symbol for endless energy and passion for living.

Keep a good quality of mind, or keep a sense of humour, even if you are 80 years old, and you’ll never be old.

【小题1】According to the passage, in the old days, what people cared about might be _________.
【小题2】According to the writer, the best way to keep healthy is to ________.
A.have meals regularlyB.do outdoor exercise
C.go to hospital frequentlyD.keep psychological health
【小题3】The most probable reason for patients being mentally ill might be ________.
【小题4】The best way to develop a good quality of psychology might be ________.
A.undertaking social responsibilityB.talking with people frequently
C.asking an expert for adviceD.taking physical exercise
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The Olympic flame

The Olympic flame is a symbol carried over from the ancient Olympics,where a flame burned at the altar(祭坛)of Zeus(宙斯)throughout competition.It was finally reintroduced at the 1924 Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹) Games,and again burned in 1932.

Carl Diem,chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Berlin Games,proposed that the flame be lit in Greece and transported to Berlin via a torch relay.The idea was adopted(采纳) and continued at every Olympic Games since 1952.

The flame is lit at the ancient site(场所) of Olympia by the natural rays of the sun reflected(反射) off a carved(雕刻) mirror.

Olympic motto

“Citius,altius,fortius”is a Latin phrase meaning“swifter,higher,stronger”,which Baron de Coubertin borrowed from Father Henri Dideon of Paris.Dideon was the headmaster of Arcueil College,and used the phrase to describe the athletic achievements(成就) of students at the school.He had previously been at the Albert Le Grand School,where the Latin words were carved in the stone above the main entrance.

Olympic oath

“In the name of all competitors,I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games,respecting and abiding(遵守) by the rules that govern them,in the true spirit of sportsmanship,for the glory(荣誉) of sport and the honor of our teams.”

Written by Baron de Coubertin,the oath is taken by an athlete from the host nation(主办国) while holding a corner of the Olympic flag.The athlete’s oath was first taken by Belgian fencer Victor Boin at the 1920 Antwerp Games.A judge from the host country also speaks the oath,with slightly different wording(措辞).

【小题1】The Olympic flame was first burned at “________” in modern times.
A.the 1920 GamesB.the 1924 Games
C.the 1932 GamesD.the 1936 Games
【小题2】The underlined word in Paragraph Two means“________”.
【小题3】From the passage we can learn________.
A.the first torch relay was held at the 1936 Berlin Games
B.before 1936,no flames were burned at the Olympic Games
C.Carl Diem suggested that flames should be burnt at the Olympic Games
D.the Olympic torch has been burned since 1924
【小题4】The Olympic motto was ________.
A.written by Baron de Coubertin
B.from Greek
C.from the ancient Olympic Games
D.borrowed from Father Henri Dideon of Paris

Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore.        【小题1】 Getting the right amount of exercise can increase your energy levels and even help improve your mood. Need more convincing to exercise? Check out these ways about exercise which can improve your life.

【小题2】Exercising causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy. Exercise can help some people sleep better. It can also help some people who have mild depression and low self-esteem. Plus, exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal — like beating an old time in the 100-meter dash.

【小题3】People who exercise burn more calories and look more toned than those who don’t. In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight.

【小题4】Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person’s risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases, which used to be found mostly in adults, are becoming more common in teens.

【小题5】This may not seem important now, but your body will thank you later. Women are especially prone to a condition called osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones) as they get older. Studies have found that weight-bearing exercise, like jumping, running or brisk walking, can help girls (and guys!) keep their bones strong.

The three components to a well-balanced exercise routine are: aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility training.

A.Exercise benefits you, regardless of your age, sex or physical ability.
B.Exercise helps people in good shape and lowers the risk of getting ill.
C.Exercise can bring a lot of fun to your life.
D.Exercise won’t make you feel lonely.
E.Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind.
F.Exercise can help a person age well.
G.Exercising can help you look better.

Think energetic exercise is just for the young? Think again. Contrary to the common belief, a new study finds seniors should stay physically active. The study reveals that physical activity shifts energy away from biological processes that cause disease and moves it towards systems throughout the body which extend (延长) life.

Researchers used apes (类人猿) — the distant cousins of humans —in their research. They theorize that humans separated themselves from apes during evolution (进化) by developing the ability to make themselves fitter through physical exercise.

Typically, apes live only 35 to 40 years. However, apes are also much less active than most humans. This suggests that humans reached a point in their evolution where people developed a way to stay alive longer through more activity. The behavior of apes stands in sharp contrast to that of ancient hunter-gatherers, who the team says averaged around 135 minutes of moderate-to-energetic physical activity a day. Study authors believe this level of activity, up to 10 times more than the average American, is the reason hunter-gatherers lived to around 70 years old.

The team finds humans also use energy from physical activity to repair and maintain the body. Along with burning calories, exercise actually causes widespread damage to the body by causing damage on a cellular(细胞的), molecular (分子的), and tissue level. However, this damage is essential so the body can build itself back even stronger. Through exercise, the body starts repairing muscle fibers, broken bones, and other minor injuries. When people are less active, these processes are also less active, putting people at higher risk of disease.

We humans evolved to be active throughout our lives and our bodies need physical activity to age well. In the past, daily physical activity was necessary in order to survive, but today we choose to do voluntary physical activity for health and fitness. The good news is that you don’t need to be as active as a hunter-gatherer to reduce the effects of aging.

【小题1】What does the new study find out in the first paragraph?
A.Seniors should keep exercising.B.Sports make people look young.
C.Energetic exercise helps live longer.D.Only young people benefit from exercise.
【小题2】What does the data in the text intend to tell us?
A.The history of human evolution.B.The living habits of apes and hunters.
C.The link between exercise and longer life.D.The amount of exercise of ancient humans.
【小题3】What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.How the human body repairs itself.B.How exercise benefits the human body.
C.Why physical activity produces energy.D.Why sports do harm to the human body.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To present a scientific study.B.To persuade people to exercise more.
C.To recommend some health knowledge.D.To draw attention to the health of the elderly.
