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The Four-day Work Week

If Liz Truss can reduce a whole premiership to seven weeks, why can’t a standard working week be squashed into something shorter? A six-month pilot (试点) scheme, in which around 3,300 workers from 70 companies are testing out a four-day workweek, is due to conclude this month. 【小题1】 Like previous such experiments, it is likely to be praised as a success. A mid-point survey by the trial’s organisers — researchers at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and Boston College — found that the transition had worked well for 88% of surveyed companies.

【小题2】 In particular a four-day week forces firms to think harder about time management. Most businesses in the trial have encouraged employees to leave meetings when they are not contributing, and to be more selective about accepting invitations. Daryl Hine of Stellar, an asset-management company in London, calls this a “diary detox”. This also extends to reducing commutes.

Of the participating organisations, 46% reported maintaining overall output at the same level, and 49% said it had improved. 【小题3】 Its HR department has goals for response time to emails; its staff are given so-called net promoter scores, which track how colleagues rate their services. On both counts, they have made “rare” leaps, says Sharon Platts, the company’s chief people officer. Participants say that their employees feel more motivated.

Becoming a four-day operation can be hard in a five-day world, however. Bookishly, an online shop, chose Wednesdays off to avoid having three days in a row when packages are not mailed out; people are warned about the new schedule before they order. 【小题4】

More tests are on the horizon. In January South Cambridge shire District Council will become the first British local authority to try out a four-day week. The lessons learned are likely to be valuable even if the idea does not spread.

A.Sceptics might observe that the companies involved are self-selecting.
B.Advocates say a shorter week delivers a better work-life balance without hurting overall output.
C.The trial’s largest company, Outcomes First Group, tracks indicators for its 1,027 participating employees.
D.The scheme holds useful lessons about productivity.
E.Platten’s, a fish-and-chip shop in Norfolk, gives its 50-or-so employees two days on and two days off to cover the week.
F.But customers are not always prepared to wait, so most firms in the scheme have tried to spread staff more thinly.
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When we think about people who are leaders, we often get a mental picture of someone who is older, smarter, and wiser than ourselves. Studies of leadership, though, have usually found that there is almost no relationship between skill as a leader and traditional measures of intelligence.

Some recent research by psychologist Red Fiedle and his colleagues suggests that both intelligence and experience may be important—but just now how important depends upon how stressful the work situation is and what kind of task is to be accomplished. The researchers obtained measures of intelligence, experience, performance, and stress.

Overall, these variables did not relate to one another. Men with high and low intelligence were equally likely to give good performance, as were men with more and less experience, or more and less stress with their bosses. When you look separately at those men who have high stress with their bosses, however, the picture changes.

In high stress situations, there was no connection between intelligence and performance, but there was between experience and performance. In other words, in difficult situations, it was helpful to “know the ropes”. In low stress situations, the findings were just the opposite. Experience was not related to good performance, but intelligence was. That is, when things are going well, intelligence is very useful in leadership.

A study of fire fighters’ performance under high and low stress conditions also found the experienced officers performed best under situations of stress. None of this is really very surprising. If you have ever had a supervisory job, you probably found that at least as much energy went into dealing with people as went into managing the job itself. Tests of intelligence—at least the ones we have now—do not predict success in dealing with people.

【小题1】What kind of people can do the best job in stress situation?
A.intelligent peopleB.experienced people
C.calm peopleD.skilled people
【小题2】In the second sentence of the fourth paragraph, “to know the ropes” most probably means_____.
A.to understand the situationB.to control the situation
C.to get rid of the situationD.to make sure what to do about the situation
【小题3】In the third sentence of the last paragraph, “a supervisory job” refers to         .
A.a management jobB.an advisory job
C.a teaching jobD.an organizing job
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.In stress situations, there are no association between experience and performance.
B.Some recent research suggests that most leaders are lack of intelligence.
C.In low stress situations, intelligence plays an important role in leadership.
D.Generally speaking leaders are likely to be cleverer than ordinary people.

Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.

If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of “Boy, I can’t wait to get back to work.”If you didn’t feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, attend classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-respect would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play are not good, all play and no work are disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form of order in our lives.

The second and perhaps more common reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you’ve been at a company for five years and get married, have a mortgage(抵押贷款)and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren’t turning out as you’d planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest restrict of all. People hate having to do something because they have no other choice.

If you find yourself hating your job, your option takes the form of an up-to-date resume(简历). You might also take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where low-key networking can take place. You’re not giving up on your current job. Rather, you are providing yourself with an option. If things get unbearable at work, you could jump ship.

At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is, above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment, but they really aren’t. They have to learn to manage that environment so they can get from it what they need.

【小题1】Why do some people believe that working is wasting time?
A.They think it can’t make them happy and display their natural abilities.
B.They think it prevents them from accompanying their families.
C.It can’t guarantee they can get the payoff satisfying their needs.
D.It makes them have no time to do their private things at will.
【小题2】The second main reason for people’s unhappiness in their jobs is that they feel________.
A.they have been working in a company for too longB.they have no other way out but to keep working
C.they have to work to pay off their debtsD.they are not permitted to change a job
【小题3】With an up-to-date resume ready as an option, you may feel better at your job because________.
A.you have made a decision on your own
B.you have done wonders in your current job
C.you have chance to choose between two alternatives
D.you have chance to glance through the help-wanted section
【小题4】It can be inferred that the author________.
A.thinks holding an “up-to-date resume” is the best way to remove the unhappiness in one’s job
B.can hardly tolerate one’s complete enjoyment of life
C.believes that one cannot change his/her environment
D.will support the idea that one should make a balance between working and enjoying life
【小题5】What is the author’s attitude towards “self-respect”?

A recent survey found children would rather be online influencers than astronauts. It made headlines and led to plenty of complaints about “kids these days”. Is influencing a promising career path? The lifestyles we see advertised on social media are enticing, but under the shining appearance lie uncertain income, pay inequality, disability and mental health issues.

Successful influencers will be the first to claim that anyone can make it in the industry. However, social media economy experts uncovered a huge income gap between successful influencers and everyone else. For most people trying to become an influencer, their passion projects of content creation often become free work for brands.

Most influencers are self-employed, often experiencing inconsistent income and a lack of protection that comes with long-term employment. The risks of self-employment are increased in the influencer industry by an absence of industry standards and little pay transparency(透明度). Influencers are often forced to assess their own value and determine fees for their work. As a result, content creators often undervalue their own creative labour, and many end up working for free.

Influencers are also often at the mercy of algorithms (运算法则) — the behind-the-scenes computer programs that determine which posts are shown, in which order, to users. Platforms share little detail about their algorithms, yet they finally determine who and what gains visibility and influence on social media, the threat of invisibility is a constant source of insecurity for influencers, who are under constant pressure to feed platforms with content. If they don’t, they may be “punished” by the algorithm-having posts hidden or displayed lower down on search results.

Constant online presence leads to one of the most common issues in the influencer industry: mental health concerns. Influencers can connect to their platform workspaces and audience at any time of day or night, which can lead to them overworking. Coupled with the fear of online criticism, it contributes to mental and physical health issues.

Although becoming an influencer may look appealing to more and more people, the industry’s dark underside needs to be made visible and improved through enhanced employment regulation and industry-led cultural change.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “enticing” in paragraph 1 mean?
【小题2】What might lead to many influencers undervaluing their creative work?
A.Their belief in winning through quantity.
B.Money paid by the industry is often hidden.
C.Their eagerness to make their work visible online.
D.There’re few employment opportunities in the industry.
【小题3】Why do the influencers feel stressed according to paragraph 4?
A.They are often punished by platforms.
B.They have little knowledge of platform algorithm.
C.They find it difficult to create new content constantly.
D.They have to work out the order of posts to be displayed.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To describe the life of self-employed content creators.
B.To stress the importance of visibility in the online world.
C.To reveal relationships between platforms and influencers.
D.To show the dark side of working as an online content creator.
