阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用12 组卷493

What makes a work of architecture great? Most people would argue that aesthetics (美感) are the most important.【小题1】 However, Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio believed that we should also consider durability and function when assessing a structure. The Rostonville Library in my city is a great example of Vitruvius’s principles.

Constructed entirely of granite—a hard and tough stone, the library is durable. It can withstand environmental pollution. For example, it is resistant to acid rain. Moreover, its granite structure is stable so it’s more likely to survive an earthquake.【小题2】 It uses solar energy for heating and a rooftop garden for cooling.

【小题3】 Providing free access to print and digital information, it conveys a feeling of openness and accessibility. Furthermore, the entire library is on one level, and it has an open design—there are no inner walls or dividers. In addition, large windows let in plenty of natural light, so it’s easy to see and get to each department within the library.

Finally, the library is beautiful, with aesthetically pleasing details both inside and out. The large windows are copper-framed (铜框的). The copper color provides an interesting contrast against the color of the granite structure and it will remain as the copper ages. Growth from the rooftop garden, which reaches down the sides of the building, adds to the aesthetics of the building. 【小题4】

Durability, functionality and beauty make the Rostonville Library a great structure. Architects who follow Vitruvius’s principles help to make the city more pleasant to live in. 【小题5】

A.The library is also sustainable.
B.It is true that beauty is critical.
C.This is not the only concern of the architects.
D.The library was designed with functionality in mind.
E.It softens the lines of the structure and helps it to fit into its natural surroundings.
F.Plusthe library was built on the edge of the city parksurrounded by native plants.
G.Buildings that fulfill these criteria offer both peace of mind and beauty for their users.
知识点:科普知识 建筑 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Certain brands and products can be easily recognized at a glance by people worldwide. 【小题1】 Just mentioning the words golden arches (拱门) brings to mind burgers and fries from McDonald’s. With such universal popularity, many people are confused as to why these large and famous companies do so much advertising and have such large advertising budgets. 【小题2】

Most business owners who are just starting to understand how vital advertising is to their growth. Putting in the time and money to market your company can help it grow over time. 【小题3】 Continuing to advertise after achieving success helps businesses maintain a positive image with the public. It can also help attract new customers as demographics (客户群体) change as time passes. Furthermore, advertising helps to inform your customers of updates to old products and introduce new ones. However, the ultimate goal of advertising for both big and small companies is to earn more income and maximize profits.

【小题4】 Is it better to stick to traditional forms of media, like newspapers and television, or embrace (接纳) new forms of online advertising on social media sites? While many new smaller companies tend to focus their limited budgets on social media and internet marketing, it is usually better for larger, well-established companies to do both. For example, over 95% of homes receive television signals, while only around 75% of the population has access to the internet. 【小题5】 Also, older, wealthier people are more likely to notice television advertising than online advertising. While the focus of advertising might change over time, companies must certainly continue to use it to grow.

A.Is advertising necessary?
B.After all, shouldn’t their global success speak for itself?
C.This same principle holds true for older successful brands.
D.Therefore, television advertising gives companies access to more people.
E.Another major question companies must find the answer to is how to advertise.
F.The money invested in these advertisements could be used for more worthwhile businesses.
G.Almost everyone is familiar with the red labeling of Coca-Cola or the symbolic flower logo of Huawei.

AQ, or Adversity Quotient (逆商), refers to an individual’s capacity to effectively navigate and overcome adversities. It shares similarities with concepts such as resilience (应力) and persistence. Those with a high AQ have the ability to bounce back after facing setbacks. 【小题1】

Adaptability to shifting circumstances

Similar to how creatures in the natural world must adapt to survive, individuals in the professional realm must also embrace change. Individuals with high AQ understand that change is constant and inevitable, and instead of resisting it, they embrace it as an opportunity for growth and development. 【小题2】


Emotional stability is a crucial quality when facing adversity. Individuals with a high AQ possess the capacity to manage their emotions effectively, ensuring that they do not get overwhelmed by negativity or despair. They remain calm under pressure and approach problems with a clear and rational mindset.

Positive Mindset

High AQ individuals maintain a positive and optimistic outlook on life. They usually view adversities as temporary hurdles and believe in their ability to overcome them. 【小题4】 They also use setbacks as stepping stones towards personal development positively.

Problem-Solving Skills

【小题5】 They possess creative problem-solving abilities and a flexible mindset that allows them to identify effective solutions to overcome difficulties. They approach problems with a strategic mindset, analyzing the situation, and finding practical and efficient ways to resolve them.

A.Ability for self-management.
B.Capacity for emotional regulation.
C.Cultivating AQ is essential for personal growth.
D.Such individuals often exhibit the following qualities.
E.High AQ individuals excel at finding effective solutions.
F.They actively pursue growth through challenging situations.
G.Their ability to adapt enables them to overcome diverse challenges.

As we all know, trees are important to our life. They provide us with food, wood and most importantly, oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this list—blocking out harmful bacteria in water.

The discovery was made by some scientists and high school students who were seeking for a natural water filter(过滤器)—one that could help people in developing countries that don’t have access to modern water systems.

The researchers, led by Rohit Karnik, a professor ,decided to turn to trees for help because they were able to allow liquid to flow through while blocking out air bubbles(气泡).

They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branch of a white pine tree. The researchers then tested the wood’s filtering ability by pouring water containing red dye particles(染料颗粒)of different sizes through. To their surprise, they found it was effective in trapping all the particles. Encouraged, the team did another experiment, this time with water containing bacteria. Sure enough, the bark held back 99%of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through.

Mr. Karnik said the bark was able to filter water containing much smaller particles. This means that it can be used to get rid of most of the bacteria. However, what troubles them is that tree bark cannot hold back viruses, which tend to be much smaller.

Though the experiment is successful, we must remember one thing—the bark only works when damp. This means that before this natural filter can be put to practical use, the researchers will have to figure out how to keep the bark damp, or find a way to keep the bark’s great filtering ability even when it’s dry.

But the study is not done. The researchers plan on testing other types of trees, including those flowering trees. They think those may be more effective in trapping smaller particles and even viruses.

【小题1】How will the discovery affect the world?
A.No harmful bacteria will be found in water.
B.There will be no water pollution around the world.
C.More pine trees will be planted around the world.
D.Clean water will be more accessible in developing countries.
【小题2】What problem troubles the researchers when using the trees bark as a water filter?
A.Viruses cannot be prevented.
B.Tree bark should be wet.
C.It’s hard to remove air bubbles.
D.Not all bacteria can be held back.
【小题3】Why does the team plan to do other experiments?
A.To find other natural water filters.
B.To improve the filtering ability of other trees.
C.To find a way to keep the bark wet.
D.To test the filtering ability of other trees.
【小题4】In which column of a newspaper can we read this text?
