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More and more teenagers are becoming unwilling to exercise worldwide. Australia, a nation that prides itself on its outdoor culture, is doing particularly poorly. It is currently ranked (排名) 140th out of 146 countries for teenage exercise levels. The data shows that 85%of girls are physically inactive compared to 78% of boys. In Australia, less than 1 in 10 teenagers aged 12 to 18 are meeting the recommended levels of physical activity.

The current guidelines and evidence show that teenagers should be doing at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. This should include muscle and bone strengthening activities on at least three days per week, meanwhile limiting recreational screen time to a maximum of 2 hours per day.

Not being active can cause a range of health conditions leading to early adulthood and beyond. Adolescents may have decreased bone and cardio-metabolic (心脏代谢的) health which leaves them facing an increased risk of chronic disease (慢性病) in later life, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and decreased fitness. If you’re not moving enough you’re also at an increased risk of being overweight or obese, with data already showing that 29.8% of teenagers (14-17) are classified as overweight or obese.

So how can we get teenagers to exercise more? Firstly, high schools should place more importance on lunchtime and allow 1-hour breaks that increase physical activity. We should also encourage teenagers to be active on their lunch break. Parents and guardians also have an important role to play and should aim to devote 1 hour a day to moving more. This does not need to be 1 full hour and can be broken down into two 30-minute parts. The most important factor is to identify your teenager’s interests and needs surrounding their physical activity.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help in finding a safe and fun exercise program. A qualified exercise physiologist or exercise scientist can help your child find a way to be more active that is suited to their needs, age of development, and interests.

【小题1】How does the writer show teenagers in Australia lack enough exercise in Paragraph 1?
A.By analyzing reasons.B.By listing data.
C.By making comparison.D.By giving examples.
【小题2】What does the author mainly intend to say with facts in Paragraph 3?
A.A lack of exercise does lasting harm to health.
B.Outdoor activities help build positive characters.
C.Most chronic diseases come from getting overweight.
D.Teenagers tend to take in more calories than they actually need.
【小题3】What is especially important when it comes to encouraging teenagers to exercise more?
A.Parents’ full participation in exercising.
B.Arranging a balanced diet for them.
C.Taking their interests into consideration.
D.Improvement in the school PE course.
【小题4】What may be the author’s writing purpose?
A.To recommend fun exercise programs.
B.To encourage physical activity in teenagers.
C.To show the way to build a good living habit.
D.To explain the reason for teenagers’ poor health.
知识点:方法/策略体育健身 社会问题与社会现象议论文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Tips for living at home during college

Try to schedule your classes appropriately. If you’re commuting (经常往返), save money on gas by scheduling classes on the same day. Even more importantly, avoid scheduling classes for which you'll need to be commuting during rush hour.

Make an effort to be more active on campus. 【小题1】 Just that you don't live there doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy these opportunities and experiences.

Have an open dialogue with your parents. If something is bothering you that your parents are doing or not doing, take some time to appropriately think of how you can speak to them. 【小题2】

Make friends. While the dormitories are a go-to place to make friends for some people, it's not the only opportunity. 【小题3】 Do a little digging to find out which classes require group projects so you can get to know people that way.

【小题4】 As mentioned above, be active on campus. If you don't already have one, take on a job. If you're joining clubs or groups, volunteer for a leadership role. Your parents may still be willing to cook all your meals, do some cleaning, and do the laundry, but don't let them do those for you. Now is your chance to learn those skills, if you haven't already, to become a more independent person.

Be smart with your money. 【小题5】 Don't take advantage of your situation by thinking of it as just extra money to spend in going out and shopping. Whether you're contributing financially or not, now is the time to establish a budget for yourself.

A.Don't let emotions build up.
B.Don't give up learning to be independent.
C.Make every effort to study hard on campus.
D.Join clubs, offer to tutor, and attend campus events.
E.That program will push you to communicate more with strangers.
F.If you're able to save money by living at home, then actually save it.
G.You can still take advantage of community activities, which are great for meeting people.

Volunteering can, in fact, help you reduce stress, learn new skills, find new friends, and make a real difference in your new community. If you give it a try, it might open the door to a revolutionary time in your life.


◎You can make a real difference

You are extremely lucky. You have clean water, clothing, footwear, food, and access to free education. 【小题2】 Use your skills to make a real difference in your community.

Do you like to read? Consider teaching. Do you love animals? 【小题3】 Are you handy? Volunteer to build houses and schools for the less fortunate.

◎It gives you a sense of purpose

When you volunteer, you will find the things that drive you and make your heart pound with excitement. It changes your view. And it can also help you realise what you are truly supposed to do in your life.


Helping others and being useful can bring you high satisfaction and motivation, which are the foundation for a healthy mind and body. The social contact aspect of volunteering can have a powerful effect on your overall well-being.


Volunteering will make you feel good. It will help you appreciate the amazing, generous life you’ve been given, and it will help you grow as a person.

A.Work at an animal shelter.
B.Maybe it’s time to give back a little.
C.Volunteering brings happiness to your life.
D.Volunteering is good for your mind and body.
E.With that in mind, here are four reasons why you should volunteer.
F.Studies have found that working with animals can reduce stress and anxiety.
G.After all, nothing fights stress better than a real connection with a like-minded person.

We all want to know what happiness means and try to find ways to help make our life better. Happiness — you know it when you see it, but it’s hard to define. You might call it a sense of well-being, optimism or meaningfulness in life, although those could also be treated separately. 【小题1】 we know that we want it, and that is just somehow good.

We also know that we don’t always have control over our happiness. Research suggests that genetics may play a big role in our level of happiness, so some of us may start out at a disadvantage. On top of that, environmental factors can bring down mood and dry up our thirst for living. 【小题2】. Many studies have found a connection between psychological and physical well-being.

A 2022 review of more than 200 studies found a connection between positive psychological features, such as happiness, optimism and life satisfaction, and a lowered risk of heart disease.

【小题3】. If you have a good sense of well-being, it’s easier to maintain good habits: exercising, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep.

【小题4】, and they do not provide hard evidence of cause and effect. But some researchers believe that positive mental states do have a direct effect on the body, perhaps by reducing damaging physical processes. For instance, they found that optimism is associated with lower levels of inflammation (炎症).

If what you mean by happiness is specifically “enjoyment of life”, there’s newer evidence to support that, too. A study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that people aged 60 and over who said they enjoyed life less were more likely to develop disability over an 8-year period. 【小题5】. This study does not prove that physical problems are caused by less enjoyment of life, but suggests a relationship.

A.But whatever happiness really is.
B.It might take more work if your mood is low.
C.For now these studies can only show associations.
D.That refers to the person, and the situation he or she is in.
E.Being able to travel around was also related to enjoyment of life.
F.To manage our emotions is important for both our body and mind.
G.It’s not as simple as “you must be happy to prevent heart attacks”, though.
