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Outside, it was raining cats and dogs. Rose got up at 5:50 in the early morning. She got dressed in a hurry as it was Monday, when the school she taught in would hold a short but important meeting. Then she dashed into the washroom and had her teeth brushed. With everything ready, she went downstairs and waited for Jack, her husband, to get up.

After what seemed like a century, Rose got very angry and her patience ran out. She began to shout angrily, ”Can’t you get up a little earlier? Look, we’ll be late for the meeting!“ Jack, who was always arrogant and disobedient, shouted back, ”Why should I get up so early?“ Jack’s words threw Rose into great fury and she got extremely angry, shouting ”Are you a man? Why are you always so slow at everything? I hate it when I have to wait for you all the time!“

Upon finishing her words. Rose rushed out of the house, leaving her husband far behind. That’s the daily routine in the well-furnished house. Such unhappy scenes just put the couple in desperate situation, especially Rose. She just couldn’t make out why things got this bad between her and her husband. 23 years ago, they fell in love with each other while studying at college. At that time they were always greedy for more time to stay together. During those memorable days, John would always wait for her down the dormitory, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand. They would go to the theater, enjoying a movie that would always interest both of them. Now things seemed different. They often argued about small things, like who was responsible for the laundry.

Memories of the once gentle and considerate young man would come flooding back to Rose, making Rose miss the good old days and the good young man in her memory as well. Tears welling up in her eyes, Rose got into her car. She was on the point of getting mad. Disappointed with the present life. Rose spent a lifeless day in her school. She felt a desperate need to let out her stormy feeling.

After work, Rose drove her car into the heavy late afternoon traffic, alone. Despite the fact that the argument happened between her husband and her in the morning, she was still in a blue mood. The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. So upset was Rose that tears blurred her eyes, making everything vague to her.


All of a sudden, Rose heard a bang and her car crashed into the car in front, thus throwing Rose into a great panic.


Soon, into her sight appeared her husband’s tall and handsome figure.

知识点:家人和亲人 生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Papa had a special relationship with nature. He always found something there to appreciate: a white cloud floating in the distance, birds darting about the trees, a field of grain blowing in the wind. Little things I barely even noticed captured his fancy and filled him with joy. He'd been that way since I was a kid.“Beautiful," he would say about a view we'd seen a hundred times before." Learn to love nature and you will find true happiness!" He always told me.

But the man looking out the patio door with me now wasn't the same father I'd grown up with. Diagnosed with Alzheimer (老年痴呆) at 52, he'd moved in with my husband and me and our four children. This Papa forgot names and words. Most of time, he just sat there quietly and listlessly, without saying a single word.

Every day I raced against time. Kids' busy schedules kept my eyes on our family calendar of events. Before I knew it, this day had flown by, and it was time to pick my daughter up from after-school swim practice. Papa and the toys took a ride with me to the pool. My daughter climbed in back with her towel, chatting with her brother In a low voice fearing that I would he angry about too much noise, while Papa sat quietly in the passenger seat.

I stepped on the gas, thinking about starting dinner. If I got the chicken in the oven right way. I could mix up a batch of cookies for desert. Jon could get started on his science project...My mind was occupied with housework, suddenly, I heard a strange noise. There was something wrong with my car! Pulling over, we all got out and waited for traffic police. The road at this spot lay between two lakes, a little far away from the city center. Thinking about my schedule and sick papa, my whole world was going to collapse at that moment.

Paragraph 1:

“Beautiful," said Papa.

Paragraph 2:

I decided to make a change to the way we live.


An old man went to live with his son, daughter­in­law, and four­year­old grandson. The family ate together at the table, but his shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter­in­law became angry with the mess. So they set a small table in the corner. There Grandfather ate alone while they enjoyed dinner.

Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The grandson watched silently. One evening, the father noticed the son playing with wood scraps(碎块) and asked the child sweetly, “What are you making?” The boy responded, “Oh, I am making a bowl for you and Mum to eat your food in when I grow up.”

The words struck the parents so hard that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. The son gently led Grandfather back to their table. From then on, he ate every meal with them. Neither of them seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.

