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Richard Browning has been attracted by flight ever since his father took him into the hills to fly gliders (滑翔机). He has certainly been an adventurer. Richard took it upon himself to develop his own jet suit and began to experiment with some of his friends. He made quick progress. In 2017, he felt confident enough to start a company called Gravity Industries that could make jet suits. It took 15 months to develop the very first one.

Five very small jet engines are built into the jet suit. These are powered by kerosene (煤油). Two engines are located on the pilot’s arms and one is placed on the back. Each engine weighs less than two kilos and can produce22 kilos of thrust(推力).

The pilot is able to control the direction and speed of the flight. He does this by small movements of the arms which require hours of practice. One wrong move and you could end up falling to the ground.

        Richard is not only in charge of his company; he is also the chief test pilot. He has spent hours and hours perfecting the correct moves to create a perfect flight. He was able to enter the Guinness Book of World Records in 2017 when he became the fastest man in a jet suit and flew at 51 kilometres per hour. Since then, he has presented his jet suit at 60 events in 20 different countries around the world. More recently, he flew alongside Brighton Pier on the south coast of England at 136 kilometres per hour!

The objective of Richard’s company has been to build a suit which members of the public can buy. The first went on sale in a department store in 2018 for f 340, 000. If you want to jet around your own hometown, it’s time to start saving—or to work for Richard Browning.

【小题1】What do we know about Richard?
A.He was absorbed in flight.B.He is no stranger to misfortune.
C.He is slow in making up his mind.D.He started his company with his father.
【小题2】What can be inferred about Richard’s jet suit?
A.It is easy to control.B.It is quite lightweight.
C.It consists of two engines.D.It leads the world in its field.
【小题3】What does Richard expect of the jet suit according to the last paragraph?
A.It’ll be much faster.B.It’ll save more energy.
C.It’ll reach ordinary customers soon.D.It’ll ease his hometown’s heavy traffic.
【小题4】What can we learn from Richard’s story?
A.Being good is different from being great.
B.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
C.One cannot succeed without time and practice.
D.Luck, talent and friendship help to achieve success.
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The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge—an artificial one. But just how accepting students are of an artificial instructor remains to be seen. That’s why researchers at the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication and Media are working to examine student perceptions of AI-based teachers. Some of their findings, published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant, it needs to be effective and easy to talk to.

According to Jihyun Kim, the lead author of the study, the hope is that by understanding how students relate to Al-teachers, engineers and computer scientists can design them to easily integrate into the education experience.

“To use machine teachers effectively, we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more,” Kim says. “This line of research is needed to design effective machine teachers that can actually facilitate positive learning experiences.”

AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher's workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students. These questions, which often appear each semester and become numerous in online classes with hundreds of students, can become a large task for a teacher. The quick delivery of answers also helps students.

An example of an AI teaching assistant is one named Jill Watson that was created by a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Jill was fed the thousands of questions and answers commonly asked in the researcher’s online class that he’d taught over the years. With some additional learning and adjustments, Jill was eventually able to answer the students’ commonly asked questions accurately without any human assistance as if she was one of the researcher’s human teaching assistants.

“I hope our research findings help us find an effective way to incorporate AI agents into education,” Kim says. “By adopting an AI agent as an assistant for a simple and repetitive task, teachers would be able to have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies.”

【小题1】What kind of AI teaching assistants can students easily accept?
【小题2】What do researchers need to do to design effective AI teaching assistants?
【小题3】Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
With the help of Al-based teaching assistants, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more time to answer commonly asked questions by students.
【小题4】Explain how AI technology can be used in a different field in our life. (about 40 words)

Most of us have looked up at the stars that fill the night sky and wondered whether we’re alone in the universe. Indeed, the question of whether there’ s life out there has been something humankind ’s been asking itself for countless years. But thanks to China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), the answer to this question may come a lot sooner than we expected.

The telescope has a huge round reflector, which measures 500 meters across and has a perimeter(周长)of 1.6 kilometers. Because of its great size, it would have been both difficult and inefficient to get FAST to move like a regular telescope. Instead, FAST’s designers came up with a great solution: its surface is made up of 4450 panels which can be individually adjusted. This clever design feature allows scientists to detect radio signals from any angle with a great degree of accuracy. “Panels can change their positions through connected wires and parallel (关联的) robots. We can control their position with an accuracy of 1 mm,” Zheng Yuanpeng, chief engineer of the telescope’s panel project, told Xinhua News Agency.

FAST’s engineers also had the task of finding a suitable location. As any interference would affect its ability to detect distant radio waves, it needed to be built in a remote area. Luckily, the perfect spot was found in the beautiful mountains of Guizhou Province. “There are three hills about 500 meters away from one another, creating a valley that is perfect to support the telescope," Sun Caihong, chief engineer of FAST’ s construction, told Xinhua.

And although it wasn’t yet fully operated, FAST had already made great discoveries by October 2017. Since 1967, only around 2000 pulsars (脉冲星) have been discovered, yet FAST had detected six more by October 2017. Once FAST is fully up and running, we may finally have the answer to one of the biggest questions in history.

【小题1】What is the purpose of mentioning the question in Paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the new giant telescope.
B.To explain why there is life in universe.
C.To remind readers to think about the life in space.
D.To emphasize the question that should be answered.
【小题2】What can we know from Paragraph 2?
A.The telescope is made up of many panels.
B.The area of FAST is about 800 square kilometers.
C.The engineer can handle FAST’s position accurately.
D.The individual panel helps scientists catch radio signals.
【小题3】Why was FAST built in Guizhou?
A.Because Guizhou is a remote province.
B.Because Guizhou has an ideal valley.
C.Because Guizhou has beautiful mountains.
D.Because Guizhou has the ability to build it.
【小题4】What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.FAST’s timeline.B.FAST’s future.
C.FAST’s operation.D.FAST’s discoveries.

Electricity has started flowing from the Hornsea 2 wind farm, which will become the world’s largest offshore wind farm when it is complete. Located in the ocean off the UK’s east coast, it is unlikely to hold the title long, however. The expansion of onshore wind has flattened out, but offshore is in the rapid growth phase,and some huge projects are under development and consideration.

When complete, Hornsea 2 will consist of 165 wind turbines (涡轮机), each with a peak capacity of 8 MW. At 1,320 MW, Hornsea 2 will take the title of world’s largest from the neighboring Homsea 1, which has smaller but more numerous turbines, for a total capacity of 1,218 MW.

The project came in the fortuitous-timing. The possibility that limitations in gas supply and a cold winter could seriously disturb electricity networks in the UK, causing anxiety for months. Even a small part of Hornsea’s eventual production will help reduce that danger. On its first morning, it contributed to almost 50 percent of Britain’s electricity.

Meanwhile, the development coincides (类似) with China’s largest offshore wind farm, Jiangsu Qidong, which reached full operation a day later. At a total of 802 MW, Jiangsu Qidong is behind either Hornsea stage, but it is twice the size of the existing offshore wind farm outside Europe. North American wind farms usually standardize with a single size of turbine, but Jiangsu Qidong uses seven models.

Neither Hornsea nor Jiangsu Qidong compares to the giant wind farms being developed by Denmark and South Korea,and the more potential giant off Iceland. Even before those come to fruition, Hornsea’s third stage—with 2,400 MW soon to start construction—will leave them well behind.

Even with operations beginning at these wind farms,offshore wind accounts for less than 10 percent of global wind production. It’s also currently more expensive. However, prices are falling faster for offshore, as turbines get larger and experience grows. It is anticipated that the next round of UK wind farms, instead of requiring subsidies (补贴), will return money to the public.

【小题1】What is Britain trying to do to provide more energy recently?
A.Expand more onshore wind power farms.
B.Produce more electricity from fossil fuels.
C.Develop wind power from the land to the sea.
D.Build the world’s largest turbine off the coast.
【小题2】What does the words “in the fortuitous—timing” mean in paragraph 3?
A.At a high speed.B.In a wide range.
C.At the right moment.D.Ahead of schedule.
【小题3】How is the passage mainly developed?
A.By making comparisons.B.By following time order.
C.By listing some statistics.D.By giving some examples.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward the offshore wind farms?
