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Think about that. If you are anything like me, you struggle to ask for help when you need it. It’s something a lot of humans battle with. You don’t want to be a burden on others. You are afraid to speak up, or want to prove that you can do it yourself.

You don’t ask for help when you don’t know how to do something or can’t manage it on your own, because you might be afraid of looking stupid or incompetent. You might pretend like you know what you’re doing when you’re really drowning. Perhaps you think asking for help is a sign of weakness; that if you ask for help you’re admitting you’re inadequate in some way; that you lack knowledge, skill or experience to do something yourself. You don’t want anyone to see that you’re struggling and you want people to think that you’re in control and can handle things.

There are tons of reasons you won’t ask for help, but not doing so can be a mistake. You get in your own way if you make asking for help mean something negative about you when it doesn’t. Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re stupid or inadequate. It simply means you need help with something specific for a time.

Confident people often ask others for help. They do so not only because they’re secure enough to let it be known they need help, but they know that trying to do everything themselves is not always the best use of their time, skills or energy. They recognize it can leave them feeling overwhelmed and stressed and then they can’t do things properly. Confident people find someone who’s good at what they need to learn or get done and then ask for their help and guidance. They know that asking, “Can you help me?” shows respect for the other person’s knowledge and abilities. Otherwise, they wouldn’t ask.

【小题1】What does the author tend to do when encountering difficulties?
A.He is unwilling to turn to others for help.
B.He will actively seek for diverse solutions.
C.He will ask for help from his closest friends.
D.He will refuse friendly help from others.
【小题2】Why are many people reluctant to seek help from others?
A.To avoid making many mistakes.
B.To cover up one’s lack of confidence.
C.To reassure others about their own abilities.
D.To prove that they have been striving.
【小题3】What does the author intend to convey to us according to Paragraph 3?
A.It is a very shameful thing to ask for help.
B.Asking for help is the last way to improve one’s abilities.
C.It is stupid to ask for help when one meets difficulties.
D.Don’t hesitate to seek help when it is necessary.
【小题4】What is a confident person’s perspective on questioning?
A.They respectfully call anyone better than themselves their teacher.
B.They seek advice from people better than themselves in anything.
C.They consider it as a way to show respect for knowledge and abilities.
D.They strongly believe that asking others is lowering themselves.
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What Secrets Your Voice Reveals About You

So, have you ever stepped back and wondered what your voice sounds like to other people?【小题1】. And it turns out, it says a lot about us.

·Your voice hints at how social you are

【小题2】. Extroverts tend to talk loudly, quickly, and excitedly. Introverts tend to speak quietly and more slowly. So, if you're that loud person at a party, you'll probably find that all eyes are on you, whereas introverts won't likely be at that party at all.

·Your voice says something about your height

This may sound strange, but if people close their eyes and hear you speak, they can probably tell if you're tall or short.【小题3】, whereas shorter people tend to have a higher voice. This is true for both men and women.


If you've noticed a lot of changes in a person's voice—the pace at which they talk, the tone and pitch of their voice, or whether their voice has become quieter—they may have Parkinson's disease. These changes can happen in the voice due to the tremors(震颤)that a patient would be experiencing.

·Your voice can tell how successful you are

Successful people's voices tend to be of a lower, warmer tone. Their words come out evenly, and their vocal cords won't be tight.【小题5】, but not so loudly that they're unpleasant to listen to.

A.Taller people tend to have a deeper voice
B.Your voice can tell others about your health
C.Your voice reveals how professional you are
D.They'll speak loudly enough to make themselves heard
E.A confident person will have a smooth and steady tone
F.Specifically, people can tell whether you're an extrovert or introvert
G.Your friends and family can probably identify you just by the sound of your voice

If you want to lose weight, you should choose your lunch companions wisely. A study found that co-workers who ate together tended to pick similarly healthy foods.

The researchers said their findings offered policymakers new strategies against fatness. “We found individuals tend to mirror the food choices of others in their social circles,” said Dr. Levy, lead author of the research. “People may change their behaviour to strengthen the relationship in their social circle.”

Co-workers may give each other permission to pick unhealthy foods, the researchers said, or place pressure to make a healthier choice. Levy added, “The effect was a bit stronger for healthy foods.”

Employees at a hospital could pay using ID cards, allowing the researchers to collect data on what, when and where to buy. They worked out social relationships by looking at how long apart two people bought food, how often they ate and whether they visited a different cafe at the same time. They surveyed over 1,000 employees to ask them about the names of dining partners.

“Considering other shared characteristics, co-workers were influencing each other's habits, rather than friendships formed between people with similar lifestyles,” Levy said.

The researchers said their findings could be widely used for public health interventions. It showed that interventions to improve healthy eating in a particular group may have a wider impact in individuals with social connections to that group.

Levy said, “To work out whether people with similar lifestyles and food preferences were more likely to become friends and eat together, we controlled common characteristics and analyzed the data from different angles, consistently finding the results were the same.”

【小题1】What is the study mainly about?
A.How people choose lunch companions wisely.
B.How social circles affect people's food preference.
C.How policymakers offer new strategies against fatness.
D.How researchers give co-workers permission to pick foods.
【小题2】How did researchers conduct their study?
A.By analyzing data.B.By visiting cafes.
C.By making comparisons.D.By interviewing experts.
【小题3】The findings may be useful for             .
A.public health guidelinesB.food processing standards
C.personal career suggestionsD.social service requirements
【小题4】According to doctor Levy, what may strengthen social relationships?
A.Buying food at the same cafe.B.Picking food at the same time.
C.Using ID cards to pay in hospital.D.Copying each other's food choices.
