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Enjoy the Challenge of a New Term

The new term is finally here, which means, of course, it’s time to re turn to school.

For many students across China, that also means having to leave home for the next several months and move into a school dormitory.

Being away from our family for a long time, however, often leads to homesickness, a feeling that most students have experienced at some point.

A study by the UK’s National Union of Students found that up to 70 percent of UK students living away from home experience homesickness within their first few weeks of being away.

But homesickness isn’t just a feeling of sadness that happens in our mind; it can also affect us physically. “You feel homesickness in your stomach-it’s an unease in which you feel uncomfortable, nervous, stressed because you’re in a place or situation that’s not familiar,” Joshua Klapow, a professor of public health at the University of Alabama, US, told HuffPost.

According to Klapow, the body reacts physically when it’s placed in an unknown situation such as being separated from one’s familiar surroundings for a long time.

“It’s an evoutionary(进化的) thing that makes us protect ourselves from danger when something is unknown,” he told the HuffPast.

“When we think about home, we know that the sense of unknown is not happening there, so we want to return.”

So, how can we overcome these physical reactions?

Ruth Hardy of the Guardian offered advice for students who are feeling the effects of being away from the safety of home.

“Try and establish routines(常规) quickly. This can make your new environment feel more stable and will hopefully make you feel more settled,” she wrote.

Making friends with others who are in your situation is also a great way to feel less homesick, according to Hardy.

The most important thing to remember, however, is that homesickness is completely normal and is nothing to be ashamed of.

And once it’s gone, you’re free to enjoy the adventures and challenges of a brand new school year.

【小题1】The study by the UK’s National Union of Students is mentioned to______.
A.show how homesickness causes harm to students
B.prove it common for students to feel homesick
C.introduce some causes of homesickness
D.show how all young people are troubled by homesickness
【小题2】What can we learn about homesickness?
A.It has a physical influence on our body.
B.It usually disappears after a few weeks.
C.It’s only a feeling in our mind.
D.It always happens once we visit an unfamiliar place.
【小题3】According to Klapow, why is homesickness helpful to humans?
A.It shows people the importance of their family.
B.It drives people to get used to changes.
C.It encourages people to express their feelings.
D.It keeps people away from possible dangers.
知识点:学校生活说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?” Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher might have found out. She seldom became angry, but she was this time.

“Oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. It was caused by a naughty throw of a baseball. If I admitted guilt, I would be in a lot of trouble. How would I be able to pay for a big window like that? I didn’t even get an allowance(零花钱). “My father is going to have a temper,” I thought. I didn’t want to raise my hand, but some force much stronger than I pulled it skyward. I told the truth, “I did it.” It was hard enough to say what I had done.

My teacher took down a book from one of our library shelves and I had never known my teacher, who would strike a student with it, but I feared she was going to start with me.

“I know how you like birds,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden(深感歉疚的)face. “Here is that field guide about birds that you are constantly checking out. It is yours now. It’s time that we got a new one for the school any way. You will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your misdeed; I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.”

I couldn’t believe it! I wasn’t being punished and I was getting my own bird field guide—the very one that I had been saving up money to buy.

All that remains of that day is my memory and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day, and it will echo(回响)forever.

【小题1】How was the author’s teacher in general?
A.She could get angry easily.B.She could become sad easily.
C.She was usually gentle and mild.D.She was usually strict and serious.
【小题2】What did the author think when his teacher took down a book?
A.She would introduce the book.B.She would hit him hard with it.
C.She would read an article from it.D.She would give it to him as a reward.
【小题3】What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?
A.The author had to pay for the broken window.
B.The teacher rewarded the author for his bravery.
C.The class would get a new book about birds soon.
D.The author felt proud when admitting his misdeed.
【小题4】Which can summarize(总结)the text?
A.Truthfulness is always appreciated.B.Action speaks louder than words.
C.Forgive others whenever you can.D.Kill two birds with one stone.

University-the best days of my life!I made lots of friends in my student dorm,went to great parties,joined the debating society…and,well,I did some work too--but I must admit my lecturers were very patient with my tardiness(拖拉).

It's easy to look back at our university days through rose-tinted spectacles but the truth is that when we first arrived on campus,most of us were out of our comfort zone.

In fact,a survey of students at Imperial College London has revealed that 3out of 4students experience high levels of stress,or a mental health condition,during their time at college.The survey,completed by over a thousand students,also found that 70% of those that experience stress do so at least once a week,and 9% of students feel stressed constantly.

Kirsty,a student at Exeter University,didn't enjoy her first days in college.She says:"When I first got to university I don't think I'd realized that I'd forgotten how to make friends.I'd been with the same school friends for seven years,and so I was trying to balance social success with academic success while learning how to look after myself at quite a young age."

Dr Ruth Caleb of the counseling service at Brunel University in London has some tips that should make life easier for students before they set off for university.She says:"Certain things that I think it would be very helpful for students to have put in place are an ability to do the practical things of life--to do the washing,to do the cleaning and so on-being able to cook.Budgeting is extremely important in university life."And Caleb adds:"You should learn how to spend time on your own comfortably."

I graduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way.I hope that new students these days remember to acquire some life skills before they make the big jump.

【小题1】What did Kirsty find most difficult to do during her first days in college?
A.Not knowing how to make new friends.B.Not realizing the importance of making friends.
C.Looking after herself at quite an early age.D.Trying to achieve academic success.
【小题2】Which of the following tips are helpful or important EXCEPT ______ according to Dr.Ruth Caleb?
A.having the ability to cookB.being able to do the cleaning
C.learning how to spend money on one's ownD.balancing social success and academic success
【小题3】Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.During the first few days at college for new students,most of them felt comfortable.
B.According to a survey,most students at Imperial College London suffered from stress at college.
C.The lecturers are always tolerant of college students' improper behavior.
D.Acquiring some life skills isn't that important to new students.
【小题4】What does the author probably mean by saying"I graduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way"?
A.He quickly adapted to the new environment when he first arrived on campus.
B.He graduated from college with many achievements.
C.It might have taken him some time to get used to college life.
D.It might have made him proud by leading an independent life at college.

Entering a new environment can be scary for students of any age. Anxiety can become an unpleasant disorder that interferes with daily life for some people. If you are struggling with anxiety at school, you are not alone. 【小题1】 This blog post will discuss some tips for coping with anxiety beforehand.

Display confident, open body language. 【小题2】 If your arms are crossed, you might seem unfriendly. If you toy with your hair, you may look anxious or nervous. To make a great impression, keep your arms uncrossed and make eye contact with people. Stand tall with your shoulders back so you appear confident.

【小题3】 The best impression you can make is an authentic one. You shouldn’t have to hide your personality or completely change who you are to make friends. People can usually tell if you’re being sincere and you’ll make better friendships if you act like yourself!

Set out your outfit (全部用品) and pack your bag before you go to bed. 【小题4】 Then, pack any notebooks, folders, and writing supplies that you might need in your backpack. Getting all set the night before means you won’t be rushing around in the morning which can stress you out.

Get to school a little early. You’ll probably need to find your classroom. If you’re running behind, you might feel stressed out. Try to get to school at least 10 minutes early so you can hang out a little before class starts.

Be ready to introduce yourself. Most teachers do an icebreaker exercise so everyone learns names. You’ll probably have to share something interesting so think about what you’d like to share about yourself. 【小题5】

A.Be true to yourself.
B.First, lay out your clothes.
C.Your body language tells a lot about your feelings.
D.This is a great chance to say hi to classmates or ask for directions
E.It’s really not hard to make a good first impression on your teacher.
F.Millions of students around the world deal with this issue every day.
G.You might talk about your hobbies, favorite sports or where you’ve traveled.
