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Parts of Africa are covered by a dark cloud. But this is no rain cloud. It is a living cloud made of billions of locusts(蝗虫) that are travelling across the continent eating everything in their path.

And now in the battle to stop this disaster, a radio station in Senegal, West Africa, is offering listeners 50 kilograms of rice if they can catch and kill 50 kilograms of locusts. “We think this idea will get more people to take part in the war on the locusts,” said Abdoulaye Ba, from Sud-FM, a radio station in one of Senegal’s worst affected areas.

This is West Africa’s biggest locust disaster in 15 years, and it is moving east, causing huge damage to crops. As they move they produce young and increase their number and will soon threaten(威胁) Sudan in the northeast of Africa. Some say it could reach Asia.

Experts say the harmful effect on crops in areas already suffering from food shortage and war could cause many people to go hungry. Governments in the areas are not well equipped to fight the pest.

Although leaders of 12 countries have agreed on a plan, it is not expected to be enough. “We are now treating 6, 000 hectares(公顷) per day with pesticide(杀虫剂), but we need to treat 20, 000 hectares per day in order to have any hope of controlling this disaster,” said Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Babah, director of locust control in Mauritania.

“Requests are being made for international aid, which is the only way to limit the disaster,” the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations warned.

【小题1】By using “dark cloud” to describe locusts in the first paragraph, the author of the article __________.
A.showed the relationship between rain and the locusts
B.suggested the great damage locusts have caused in the world
C.warned that locusts would sweep the continent like rain clouds
D.showed the large number of the locusts
【小题2】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Africans united effort in fighting a disaster.
B.The difficulty in controlling locusts.
C.How locusts caused great damage to West Africa.
D.A struggle to fight against a disaster brought by locusts in West Africa.
【小题3】The locust disaster _________.
A.would be even more serious in Asia
B.is out of control
C.affected only the warning areas
D.cannot be stopped unless twice as much pesticide is provided for the affected areas
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Sud-FM offered a reward for fighting locusts so that more people would join in the effort.
B.Senegal is to the west of Sudan.
C.The locusts can cause such damage mainly because they have no natural enemy in West Africa.
D.12 countries affected by locusts have agreed on a plan.
知识点:自然灾害与防范说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Hurricane Katrina, tropical cyclone (气旋) that struck the southeastern United States in late August 2005. The hurricane and its aftermath caused more than 1,800 deaths, and it is ranked as the costliest natural disaster in U. S history.

The storm that would later become Hurricane Katrina surfaced on August 23, 2005, approximately30 miles (560km) east of Miami and made landfall (踏上陆地) between Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as a category I hurricane. It quickly heightened when it reached the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. On the morning of August29, the storm made landfall (踏上陆地) again as a category 4 hurricane at Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, about 45 mile (70 km) southeast of New Orleans.

In New Orleans, where much of the area is below sea level, federal officials initially believed that the city had “dodged the bullet” While New Orleans had been spared a direct hit by the strong winds of the storm, the true threat was soon apparent. The levee (防洪堤) system that held back the held back the waters of Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne had been completely overwhelmed by 10 inches (25cm) of rain and Katrina's storm. Areas east of the Industrial Canal were the first to flood; by the afternoon of August 29, some 20 percent of the city was underwater.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin had ordered a mandatory evacuation (强制的疏散) of the city the previous day, and an estimated 1.2 million people left ahead of the storm. However, tens of thousands of residents could not or would not leave. They either remained in their homes or sought shelter at locations such as the New Orleans Convention Center or the Louisiana Superdome. Many local agencies found themselves unable to respond to the increasingly desperate situation, as their own headquarters and control centres were under 20 feet (6 metres) of water.

It was not until September 2 that an effective military presence was established in the city and National Guard troops was mobilized (动员) to give out food and water. As the recovery began, dozens of countries contributed funds and supplies, and Canada and Mexico sent troops to the Gulf Coast to assist with the cleanup and rebuilding. U.S. Army engineers pumped the last of the floodwaters out of the city on October 11, 2005, storm caused more than $160 billion in damage, and the population of New Orleans fell by 29 percent between the fall of 2005 and 2011.

【小题1】When did hurricane Katrina strengthen quickly?
A.When it surfaced approximately 350 miles (560 km) east of Miami.
B.When it made landfall between Miami and Fort Lauder dale, Florida.
C.When it reached the warm currents of the Gulf of Mexico.
D.When it made landfall at Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.
【小题2】What did federal officials believe at first?
A.They believed New Orleans had taken a risk.
B.They believe New Orleans had avoided a disaster.
C.They believe New Orleans had made a difference.
D.They believed New Orleans had had an adventure.
【小题3】Why did local agencies find themselves unable to react to such an serious situation?
A.Their headquarters and control centres were flooded.
B.Their headquarters and control centres were under control.
C.Their headquarters and control centres were understaffed.
D.Their headquarters and control centres were under construction.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.An effective military presence was established in advance.
B.New Orleans was lacking in food and drinkable water.
C.Dozens of countries sent troops to assist with the cleanup and rebuilding.
D.The population of New Orleans fell by 29 percent in the autumn of 2005.

Question: Recently I heard the news that about 5,000 people die in fires a year, and 80 percent of these deaths occur in house fires. Fires kill more people per year in the United States than all the other natural disasters. 【小题1】 Could you help me?

Answer: Don’t worry. In fact, most fires can be avoidable and easily prevented. Here are some tips for preventing a fire in your own home.

◆Dispose of all cigarette butts (烟头). Never leave them out where babies or children can reach them. 【小题2】 Keep ashtrays clean and safe by promptly disposing of the ash.

◆Avoid smoking in bed. In case you fall asleep on the couch while watching television, do not smoke while lying on the couch.

◆Keep all lighters safely out of reach of babies and children.

◆Do not overload electrical circuits, and check electrical appliances regularly for loose connections or damaged cords.

【小题3】 These would include the kitchen, near the furnace and fireplace, and the garage. Examine the extinguishers (灭火器) yearly for pressure and expiration date (有效期).

◆Install smoke detectors. Make sure that there is a detector on every level of the house. Also, make sure that there is a smoke detector near every bedroom. 【小题4】

◆Install a rope ladder or fire escape in selected windows upstairs. Make sure that all family members know how to use the ladder.

◆Come up with an emergency escape plan. 【小题5】

A.However, I don’t know how to prevent house fires.
B.Have a designated meeting area outside the home.
C.Have fire extinguishers in high-risk areas of your home.
D.Keep candles where they will not be accidentally knocked over.
E.Discuss it with the family and have everyone practice using the escape routes.
F.If you smoke, get into the habit of properly disposing of your butts immediately.
G.Check your smoke detectors monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year.
