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Children will become more and more independent and will do what they would like to do. However, as parents, you ought to take care of your own children and have a better understanding of them in the following cases.

School work becomes increasingly difficult as children grow up. So this is a time when some kids begin to do better in their school work while others struggle to understand more advanced and more difficult lessons. When they get home, talk with them about their school lessons and find out what they don’t understand. It’s a chance for you to stay close with your children as before and get them to relax.

For many families, homework can be a serious struggle. Many school-age kids are reluctant to sit down and study for a spelling test or complete their math homework. It’s natural for them to be bored with their homework, but you have to think of ways to help them form the right habit to finish their homework when they get home.

Many kids are busy with sports, music, and after-school activities. Others, however, may prefer to spend too many hours on the screen. It’s important to keep kids active at this age.

Friends become a bigger deal for children during this time too. Attending birthday parties or playing with kids on the playground can be good for their development.

Bullying (恃强凌弱的行为) can become a problem around this age. It’s important to talk to your child about kindness and respect so he doesn’t become a bully and it’s also quite necessary for you to talk about what he can do if he becomes a target.

【小题1】What would happen with school lessons getting more difficult?
A.Children are divided in their school lessons.
B.Children have more homework to do at home.
C.Parents have more chances to show themselves.
D.Parents find it more difficult to teach their children.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “reluctant” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】What does the author advise school children to do?
A.Spend more hours on the screen.
B.Be active both mentally and physically.
C.Organize parties at home and school.
D.Bully other students at school.
【小题4】Who are the intended readers of this text?
A.Students.B.Teachers.C.Parents.D.Office workers.
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Children should do housework. That’s a controversial idea, though not everyone will admit it. A few parents will declare that their children are too busy for housework. Many more of us assign housework, or say we believe in them, but the housework just doesn’t get done.

That' s a problem. For starters, housework is good for kids. Being a part of the routine work of running a household helps children develop an awareness of the needs of others, while at the same time contributing to their emotional well-being.

One small study, done over a period of 25 years, found that the best predictor for young adults success in their mid-20s was whether they participated in household tasks at age 3 or 4. Those early shared responsibilities extended to a sense of responsibility in other areas of their lives.

But for all that their help matters, few kids are doing much around the house at all. In a survey of 1, 000 American adults, 75 percent said they believed regular housework made kids "more responsible”. Yet while 82 percent reported having had regular housework growing up, only 56 percent of those with children said they required them to do housework.

Sports and homework are not get-out-of-housework-free cards. The goal, after all, is to raise adults who can balance a caring role in their families and communities with whatever lifetime achievement goals they choose. Housework teaches that balance.

What should you do when getting children to do housework? Accept no excuses. Don’t worry if you must repeat yourself again and again. If you’re spending more time getting the child to do this job than it would take to do it yourself, then you’re doing it right. Can an allowance help? Maybe. But if you’re trying to teach kids to share the responsibility of a home, paying them for routine housework is not the right message.

【小题1】What is most parents’ problem with children doing housework?
A.They are against the idea.B.They fail to put it into practice.
C.They doubt the possibility of it.D.They are finding excuses for their children.
【小题2】Why does the author mention the small study?
A.To state the reasons for early success.
B.To give examples of some successful people.
C.To prove doing housework is beneficial.
D.To suggest kids take responsibility for their behavior.
【小题3】According to the survey of American adults, how many of them used to do housework as children?
【小题4】Why does the author write the last paragraph?
A.To criticize some irresponsible parents.
B.To discuss the impact of a good family atmosphere.
C.To advise parents to spend more time with their kids.
D.To offer parents some advice on assigning children housework.

How would you like to increase the chance of achieving your goals? Whether you desire to lose weight, create financial independence, or raise responsible children, the formula for achieving any goal is the same. Here are some tips that will help you increase the probability of achieving your goals:

1.Identify what’s important to you!

The only goals you will succeed in reaching are those that are truly important to you. 【小题1】 Take 30 minutes and make a list of the things that are truly essential in your life; those that you highly value. Then highlight the most important points on that list and set your goals.

2.Learn from those who have already achieved “your” goals.

Once you are clear on what you truly want to achieve, your next step is to learn what you need to know. 【小题2】 Identify people you respect and admire, who have achieved the goals you desire, and learn as much as you can from them.


Far too often people focus on what they need to do to achieve their goals and fail to consider who they must become. To accomplish something you have never accomplished before, you must be willing to do what you’ve never done before; 【小题4】 ; become someone you’ve never been before. As you learn from those who have achieved “your” goals, pay as much attention to their personal attributes and characteristics as you do to what they did to realize their goals

4. Put together a plan.

After learning from and studying those who have been successful in reaching similar goals, your next step is to put together your plan. You need to clearly outline what you need to do and when, step-by-step, and then reduce those steps into daily activities. 【小题5】

A.go where you’ve never been before
B.Determine the person you need to become.
C.Success comes from consistent daily action.
D.Step out from the crowd and build a life for yourself that makes you proud!
E.If a goal is not meaningful or significant to you, you will quit when faced with obstacles.
F.Knowing exactly what you need to do every day is important to achieving any worthwhile goal.
G.The best source of knowledge will come from those who have already reached goals similar to yours.

Ways to know your feelings better.As we grow up, we get better at knowing what we are feeling and why.【小题1】It also helps us understand and get on well with other people. Even difficult feelings, like anger or sadness, help us know ourselves. Paying attention to feelings is a skill that anyone can practice. Here are some things to try:

Notice and name your feelings.

First, notice how you feel as things happen.【小题2】For example, you might say, “I feel proud” when a class presentation goes well, “I feel disappointed” at not doing well on a test, or “I feel friendly” when sitting with a group at lunch.


Pick one emotion — like joy. Track it all day. Notice how often you feel it. Every time, make a mental note to yourself or write it down. Is the feeling mild, medium, or strong?

Keep a feeling journal.

Take a few minutes each day to record how you feel and why. 【小题4】You can also make art, write poetry, or compose music that catches an emotion you feel.

The more you are aware of your emotions, the more they help you know yourself and understand the people around you. Noticing and writing about your feelings is a healthy way you express them.【小题5】

A.Learn new words for feeling.
B.Track one emotion.
C.Writing about your feelings is a way to express them.
D.Then name the feelings to yourself.
E.It is also a good way to keep difficult feelings from building up.
F.Knowing our feelings helps us know what we want and make choices.
G.It is a matter of choice for you to track different feelings.
