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While dogs openly demonstrate joy or displeasure through wide smiles and grimaces (怪相), recognizing a cat’s emotions from its face is often hard, even for its owner. Now researchers from Canada’s University of Guelph claim that stoic (高冷的) as they may appear, cats also express emotions on their faces.

For their study, Professors Lee Niel and Georgia Mason found 6,300 people from 85 countries. The participants were asked a few questions and then watched 20 short cat videos. Each video highlighted just the cat’s face, its eyes, nose and mouth, and gave no clues (提示) to its surroundings. The viewers did not have to determine the cat’s exact emotions, but just decided whether it was in a positive or negative state.

The researchers found that only 13 percent, or 819 participants, were able to read the cats’ emotions accurately over 75 percent of the time. Further research showed that the so-called “cat whisperers” were mainly women and animal doctors. Younger adults also seemed to be able to read the expressions better than older individuals.

“The fact that women generally scored better than men is in line with previous research that has shown that women appear to be better at interpreting nonverbal expressions of emotion, both in humans and dogs,” said Mason. Being a cat owner did not help study participants, indicating that a strong attachment to the animal did not necessarily mean better understanding of its emotions.

Fortunately, all is not lost for cat owners who are unable to tell their pets’ emotions. The researchers believe the skills are not innate (天生的) but learned over time, which explains why animal doctors scored high in the study. “It is important to be able to do so because it could help strengthen the ties between cats and their owners,” said Niel.

【小题1】What’s the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The research tool.B.The research method.
C.The research process.D.The research subject.
【小题2】What do “cat whisperers” probably refer to?
A.Those behaving like cats.
B.Those loving cats very much.
C.Those speaking softly to cats.
D.Those good at telling cats’ emotions.
【小题3】What can we learn from the study?
A.Older people are more experienced in taking care of pets.
B.Women are better at sensing emotions than men.
C.Pet owners understand cats’ emotions more than others.
D.Young people scored lower than the old.
【小题4】Why does Niel think it’s important to identify cats’ emotions?
A.It helps cat owners train the cats.
B.It makes it easier to care for cats.
C.It is good for the cat-human relationship.
D.It contributes to developing cats’ potential.
知识点:人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

To Karanth, everyone in every part of the world is born with a fundamental connection to nature. Growing up in Karnataka, she began accompanying her father into the wild at just two years old. But in her hometown, kids grew up with a negative perspective on wildlife. Elephants destroyed crops and sometimes people were badly injured or killed. Karanth discovered kids wouldn’t appreciate the fact that it’s the best place to witness extraordinary animals.

In 2017, a conversation with her friend Gabby shifted her mindset towards education. Within half a year, Karanth and Gabby had the first version of “Wild Shaale” on their hands. A program designed for students who come into frequent contact with wildlife, Wild Shaale aims to develop a genuine understanding of wildlife and wild spaces and move beyond wildlife tolerance to concepts of conservation and environmental issues. The conservation education program fills a gap in environmental learning.

While it is fortunate that a basic environmental education is supported by local government, Karanth believes the challenge lies in the quality of the curriculum and whether it’s delivered effectively and consistently. “You have to visualize what these schools look like. They may not have electricity — forget having computers, internet, iPads, or anything.”

Encouraging the students to find commonalities between themselves and the animals is the first step to changing perceptions and hopefully, behaviors. “It comes down to the same things: we need food; we need water; we need space. Then they start to understand why situations of conflict arise,” Karanth says. “But then how do you convince them not to get angry, not to act in a way that leads to harm? That’s something we’re trying to work on. It’s not easy.”

【小题1】What problem might Karanth’s hometown have faced?
A.Human-wildlife conflict.B.Loss of wildlife habitats.
C.Overpopulation of elephants.D.Disregard for wildlife balance.
【小题2】Why did Karanth launch the program Wild Shaale?
A.To help students identify animals.B.To fill a gap in local education.
C.To change how students perceive wildlife.D.To publicize wildlife diversity.
【小题3】What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The support to the plan.B.The barrier to the program.
C.The curriculum arrangement.D.The schools’conditions.
【小题4】What is Karanth trying to achieve in the program?
A.A shift in humans’ attitudes and behavior.B.A breakthrough in environmental studies.
C.Appropriate ways to end local conflicts.D.Approaches to changing animals’ behavior.

For the last three nights I hadn't slept too well. I would wake up over an hour earlier than normal and then be unable to get back to sleep. I was a bit tired then when I went into my bedroom to watch a little television this evening. The nightly news was its usual horror show of hatred (仇恨), prejudice (偏见)and division. I turned it off and put on some music instead. I picked up a book and tried to read but could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Finally, I closed them and laid my book on my chest. A nap would be just what I needed.

After a while I felt something rousing me from my sleep. It was warm breath hitting me right in the face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a long, sweet looking face covered in white and gold fur.

I smiled and said, “ Hello, Fluffy”. Suddenly my face was covered in dog kisses while his curled tail wagged (摇摆). I hugged his neck, petted his head, scratched his belly, and laughed as he continued to shower me with his love. I soaked it all in and thought to myself: If only we humans could love each other as purely and unconditionally as our dogs love us, what a wonderful world this would be. ”

Dogs are our best friends and greatest teachers of love. We should not ignore the lessons they teach. We should give our hearts freely, our love joyfully, and our kindness unconditionally. We should live our lives on the side of love. We should spend our days creating happiness and making this world a better place. We should see everyone no matter how they look or what they believe as our brothers and sisters. We should love ourselves and everyone else.

【小题1】What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.The author had slept poorly for weeks.
B.The news on TV was pleasant that evening.
C.The author had a habit of reading books.
D.The author was in low spirits that evening.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “ rousing” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Knocking off.B.Focused on.C.Waking up.D.Frightening away.
【小题3】How does the author end the last paragraph?
A.By using some examples.
B.By giving some suggestions.
C.By making some decisions.
D.By making some comparisons.
【小题4】Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text?
A.On the side of love
B.A dog’s love
C.Little help brings much return
D.Nothing seek, nothing find

Has Iceland had its last whaling season?

Iceland’s last whaler has no plans to stop. But as global demand slows for whale meat, his business may be over anyway.

Iceland is a member of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) but goes against the 88-nation body’s ban on commercial whaling, in force since 1986. In 2006, the country began setting quotas(配额) for whale hunts in its waters. This year, after a four-year suspension caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Hvalur’s hunt restarted, from June through September. Iceland’s current quota of 161 fin whales(长须鲸) applies to the western region covered by the company’s license, which will be out of date at the end of 2023.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature, which last assessed fin whales in 2018, lists them in danger, largely because of their decrease by commercial whaling during the 20th century. Fin whales are speedy swimmers, and with the appearance of steam-powered ships and explosive harpoons, they became easier to catch. Since the 1970s, however, hunting restrictions have allowed these whales to rebound. The most recent estimate, in 2007, of fin whale numbers in the Iceland region was about 30,000.

In February, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, Iceland’s Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries, told local news outlets that “there is little to justify allowing whaling” because of the controversial nature of the industry and the low demand these days for whale meat.

The percentage of Icelanders who oppose fin whaling has more than doubled since 2013, while the percentage of supporters ‘has fallen more than 20 percent, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Only 2 percent of Icelanders say they eat whale meat regularly, and 84 percent had never tried it, a 2018 Gallup poll found.

“Continued whaling is a fool’s game, really, on the cost of the planet, biodiversity, the climate,” says Astrid Fuchs, policy manager at Whale and Dolphin Conservation, a nonprofit dedicated to marine conservation and welfare.

【小题1】The Iceland’s whaling industry stopped for a while because.
A.global demand for whale meat is declining.
B.International Whaling Commission (IWC) forbids Iceland to carry on.
C.the pandemic has influenced it for years.
D.the whaling company’s license will be invalid.
【小题2】What is the major reason for the fin whales’ decrease?
A.There are restrictions on fin whales hunting.
B.Steam-powered ships and explosive harpoons appeared.
C.Humans killed the fin whales severely in the last century.
D.Some Icelanders eat whale meat regularly.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Hvalur’s license will not be out of date until 2023.
B.With the help of hunting restrictions, the number of fin whales has increased.
C.Svandís Svavarsdóttir is in favor of whaling.
D.The percentage of Icelanders who support fin whaling is 20 percent.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Hunting and Conservation of Whales Worldwide.
B.Favorable: opposition to The Whaling Industry.
C.Endangered Fin Whales by Iceland’s Whaling.
D.Definite: The Last Season of Iceland’s Whaling.
