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Have you ever watched a legal drama and found yourself wondering what everyone’s talking about? On TV or in movies, it might not be that important to know what everything means — but it’s different if you’re really living through a legal drama. 【小题1】

In fact, it matters so much that steps are being taken in some English-speaking countries to make legal language simpler. 【小题2】 In March 2023, the Colorado Politics website reported that a local judge had begun adding simple explanations to her decisions to make them easier to understand when people who didn’t have lawyers were representing themselves in court. This is often known as writing in “plain (简单的) language”, or “plain English”.

【小题3】 Set up in 1983, an international organization called Clarity encourages the use of plain language in legal documents. Clarity says it wants to give power back to people by allowing them to understand things that may be important to them.

As plain language supporters say, it’s a matter of equality: making sure everyone has easy access to information, whatever their educational background — or whether they speak English as a second language. 【小题4】 It even has laws explaining when plain language must be used in things like government documents. The US and New Zealand have also introduced laws designed to encourage clear language and reduce jargon (术语).

【小题5】 They argue that plain language can be less proper than legal vocabulary. But for many others, the use of plain language — even along with a more difficult text — has a great many advantages. For example, we can get plain language subtitles (字幕) on our favorite legal dramas.

A.So it can be understood by everyone.
B.How can we understand the language easily?
C.Then, understanding the language really matters.
D.However, some legal professionals have different ideas.
E.The plain language has a great influence on people’s life.
F.The plain language movement has been developing for many years.
G.Canada has long encouraged plain language in government documents.
知识点:语言与文化 社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
BAD weather, bad food and grumpy people – that’s what some people think of first when they think about Britain. Many online commentators even joke that Britons are so grumpy precisely because it constantly rains and they are always hungry.
In fact, many believe that Britons are inherently negative, in contrast to their neighbors across the Atlantic Ocean.
“Americans are more optimistic, due to the fact that they are told they can become the next president of the United States,” Ricky Gervais, a British comedian, told online forum Big Think. “British people are told, it won’t happen to you. And they carry that. They carry that with them. We champion the underdog .”
It’s no wonder that Britons hold the reputation of having a “stiff upper lip” – being cold and not showing any emotion.
Britain’s reputation as a grumpy country may, however, simply be the result of a cultural misunderstanding. According to the BBC, British actor Michael Caine once said: “I think what is British about me is my feelings and awareness of others and their situations. English people are always known to be well-mannered and cold, but we are not cold – we don’t ______ your situation. If we are heartbroken, we don’t scream in your face with tears – we go home and cry on our own. It’s completely to do with your comfort – we don’t intrude on your space. That’s very English.”
A BBC reader noted that the perceived coldness of British people is actually their way of dealing with hardship. Remembering the terrorist attacks in London on July 7, 2005, Stuart Colley, who lived in the capital at the time, said: “It seemed to me that most people’s response was a ‘cruel’ determination to carry on and not to ‘fall’ into an over-emotional outpouring of grief or anger – despite what many of us felt inside. Our stiff upper lip seems to be something that gives us strength as a society when we most need it.”
【小题1】What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?
A.To list common stereotypes about the UK.
B.To fight common misunderstandings about the UK.
C.To analyze what makes British people grumpy and negative.
D.To list some differences between Americans and British people.
【小题2】Which of the following statements might Ricky Gervais agree with?
A.Britons like challenging the underdog more than Americans do.
B.Americans are more optimistic and realistic than British people.
C.Britons are more comfortable with life’s losers than Americans.
D.Bad weather in the UK is the main thing that makes Britons grumpy.
【小题3】The underlined phrase “interfere in” in the second-to-last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A.think aboutB.benefit from
C.get in the way ofD.have a positive effect on
【小题4】Why does Michael Caine think British people are not cold?
A.They can be heartbroken, and they cry too.
B.They are well-mannered and unwilling to disturb others.
C.They care a lot about what other people think of them.
D.They are taught to face hardships by themselves.
【小题5】With the example of the terrorist attacks in London on July 7, 2005, the author intends to ____.
A.explain why British people tend to be cold
B.reveal that Britons don’t intrude on others’ space
C.present an example in which British people hide their emotions and feelings
D.show how not giving in to emotions can help one to get through a tough time

Bogre Udell,who speaks four languages,met Frederico Andrade,who speaks five,at the Parsons New School in New York City.In 2014,they started a project to make the first public records of every language in the world.They’ve already recorded more than 350 languages,and plan to hit 1,000 in the coming years.

“When humans lose a language,we also lose greater diversity (多样化) in art and traditions,” said Bogre Udell.Between 1950 and 2010,230 languages disappeared.Today,a third of the world’s languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers left.Every two weeks a language dies with its last speaker,and 50 to 90 percent of them are said to disappear by the next century.

Wikitongues has asked for volunteers in 40 countries to film native speakers talking in the past,present,and future tenses of their mother languages.Native speakers are asked to recall childhood,share their stories,and discuss their hopes and goals.One volunteer in the South Pacific islands of Vanuatu recorded a language that had never been studied by language experts before.Another volunteer found a speaker of Ainu,a language in Japan that has no relation to any other known language,and he also recorded it.However,priceless recording opportunities disappear regularly.Not long ago,one of the last two speakers of a Saami language in the Russian steppes died right before his recording session with Wikitongues.

A lack(缺少) of protection and globalization(全球化) are responsible for diminishing language diversity.For much of the 20th century,governments across the world forced some local people to use official languages.More than 100 languages in Australia have disappeared since European settlers arrived.However,most languages die today because of other factors; climate change and urbanization contribute(是……的原因之一) greatly to the disappearance of languages.

【小题1】What does the author point out in paragraph 2?
A.Language loss is becoming very serious.
B.Few people are worried about language loss.
C.Language loss makes it difficult for people to communicate.
D.Some countries fail to slow down the process of language loss.
【小题2】How do volunteers help protect languages?
A.By writing down native speakers’ stories.
B.By learning languages from native speakers.
C.By improving the living conditions of native speakers.
D.By videoing native speakers talking in their languages.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “diminishing” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题4】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Where language loss spreads.
B.What causes language loss.
C.How to deal with language loss.
D.What language loss brings to people.

Spoken language is a form of communication in which people uses the mouth to create recognizable sounds. These sounds come from a large vocabulary of series of sounds with agreed meanings. These series of sounds are called words, and each represents one or more objects or ideas. A shared grammar allows the speaker to form these words into statements which listeners will be able to understand.

The origins of spoken language remain unclear, although they are the subject of the research by experts. Evidence suggests that early humans used some form of vocal (发音的) communication, but it is not certain when this first became enough to be considered spoken language. Vocal communication occurs in many species of animals, but this communication does not appear to have the grammar and vocabulary which would qualify it as a language.

A study in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America suggests that the language developed in humans was about 100,000 years ago. However, the development of spoken language is extremely difficult to find the origin from the archaeological or fossil record. Unlike written language, spoken language leaves no physical trace (痕迹).

Spoken language is not the only form of human communication. Written language expresses meaning through the use of writing, in which words express the meanings of spoken language. Many languages have both a written and a spoken form, although there are a number of languages which have a spoken form but no written form. For example, the Mosuo, a group who live near Lugu Lake in China’s Yunnan, have a local language which is only spoken. However, the reverse is much less common.

【小题1】What makes it possible that words change into sentences?
A.Grammar.B.Agreed meanings.
【小题2】What is still unknown for spoken language?
A.The forms of spoken language.
B.The kinds of spoken language.
C.The beginnings of spoken language.
D.The meanings of spoken language.
【小题3】Why isn’t vocal communication between animals a language?
A.It doesn’t become difficult enough.
B.It doesn’t own the vocabulary.
C.It only includes grammar.
D.It can’t be used by humans.
【小题4】What do the underlined words “the reverse” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Languages have a written and a spoken form.
B.The Mosuo’s local language is only written.
C.Some written forms of language survive.
D.A certain language has only a written form.
