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To get a better night's sleep, get into bed with Zeo Introducing the revolutionary Zeo Personal Sleep Coach
The inability to get a good night's sleep is one of the top health issues. A night of poor sleep can affect one's mood, energy level, and performance. Most people have felt powerless to do anything about it -- until now. Introduing Zeo, a revolutionary approach to the problem of poor sleep.
A revolution in the science of sleep
Designed by leading sleep scientists,the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is the first consumer product to help you take control of your sleep.Because understanding your sleep is the first step toward mananging it.
Wear the light Zeo Headband to bed and Zeo technology tracks and records your personal sleep patterns and wrielessly send them to the Zeo Bedside Display. When you wake up, you simply touch a button to get your sleep data: the time you took to fall asleep, your time in deep sleep and light sleep, and how often you woke up. Seeing how you slept is just the beginning. What you do with that information is what makes Zeo so remarkable.
Take control of your sleep
Zeo puts the science of sleep at your fingertips. The Zeo Bedside Display stroes your sleep data so you can easily upload it to the Zeo Peasonal Coaching website. Here you 'll find a collection of online tools that help you analyze you sleep and uncover the links between how you live and how your sleep. Zeo's Seven Step Sleep Fintness program assists you in creating a personalized action plan based on your own sleep pattems and goals, and delivers user-tailored coaching emails that help you get the sleep you need.
Try Zeo risk free,and enjoy free shipping
Order Zeo today and receive the headband, bedside display, full access to our powerful user website and you personalized, multi-week sleep coaching program--plus our satisfaction guarantee and free shipping.
The more you know, the better you sleep.
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Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is neither a medical device nor a medical program and is notintended for the treatment of sleep disorders.
【小题1】Zeo is a revolution in the science of sleep mainly because it _____.
A.can record one’s sleep process
B.is the first product to manage one’s sleep
C.is free of medical risks
D.provides access to sleep fitness websites
【小题2】What is the most remarkable feature of Zeo?
A.Its direct contact with sleep scientists.
B.Its individualized coaching program.
C.Its effectiveness in curing sleep disorders.
D.Its immediate analysis of sleep data.
【小题3】What customer service does Zeo provide?
A.Cheap online tools.B.A 30-day action plan.
C.Personalized bedside display.D.Free delivery of the product.
【小题4】The passage is primarily written to _____.
A.encourage people to try the new product
B.instruct people how to use a new tool
C.provide the latest health information
D.illustrate the importance of good sleep habit
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WeChat, one of the world’s most popular mobile apps and social networks, brought home iF Gold Award for its smart retail innovation, Scan & Go. It is the first ever Chinese product to win4 gold in the iF Service Design category.

Established in 1953, the German-based iF Design Award has always been known for its “Independent, Rigorous(细致的) and Reliable” standards.

Scan & Go enables shoppers at retail stores to turn their mobile phone into a virtual checkout counter. When shopping, customers use their mobile phones to scan product barcodes(条形码), view product information, get discounts, complete self-checkout, and pay directly within the app via WeChat Pay. There is no queuing up at the cash register.

According to statistics, sales during peak hours in traditional supermarkets account for 60% of total turnover, and on average customers spend three to five minutes on queueing and payment during peak hours. With Scan & Go, customers no longer have to queue, and the payment time is shortened to one minute.

In order to realize queue-less purchasing, the WeChat team greatly optimizes retailers’ in-store customer handling efficiency during peak hours, and enables overall management of the consumer traffic flow. By introducing dedicated lanes for Scan & Go, supermarkets have achieved over a five-fold increase in converting(转变) digital members within two months.

In addition to improving retailers’ checkout efficiency and providing customers with a better shopping experience, Scan & Go also combines promotion and marketing modes through Mini Programs, to help increase sales. It helps retailers(零售商) to link the online and offline aspects of their business, and has become the standard tool in China for merchants to realize digital transformation. Scan & Go is now widely used by retailers in China.

【小题1】What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
A.The convenience of Scan & Go.
B.The use of a virtual checkout counter.
C.Ways to get discounts from retailers.
D.Methods of scanning product barcodes.
【小题2】One of the advantages of Scan & Go is that customers
A.can buy more items
B.can save a lot of money
C.don’t have to pay for what they buy
D.spend less time to pay for what they buy
【小题3】What can retailers do by combining promotion and marketing modes?
A.They can sell more goods.
B.They can reduce the discounts.
C.They can create more Mini Programs.
D.They can make their goods more standard.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward Scan & Go?

A Shanghai shopping mall recently opened a “husband nursery” where men who are pulled around the shops by their wives or girlfriends can relax and rest from shopping. Do most men hate shopping with women? Forum(论坛)readers share their opinions.


Hey, that is an absolutely nice idea. I like it. It also makes it easier for women who have lots of bags to be able to drop them off at the nursery for boyfriends to watch over while they return to shop for more! Set it up with wifi too and you have a perfect hang out spot. And most importantly, don’t have to wait for complaints from the woman when I stop to look at computers or tools!

Sunnylin01 (China)

Most women like shopping while most men don’t. Men generally don’t spend hours deciding color, comparison shopping of finding the sale prices. They know what they want, get in, buy them and get out. 10-15 minutes and they’re done. This is quite different from how a woman shops. Going from store to store, trying to find the best ones. The tying will spend hours.

Seneca (a foreigner in China)

Many women view shopping as an entertaining way to get down from high stress levels. My wife is one of those. Stress comes too naturally to her; driving a car, doing her job, dealing with workmates all lead to some rising of her stress level. So shopping ideally happens every day. For me, that amount of shopping is stressful.

Blonde Amber (Ireland)

Some men take hours comparing products, trying things out, finding sales prices. They don’t always know what they want but enjoy just looking. Men can shop the same as women for things they are interested in and spend hours doing it. Equally not all women like shopping and go in, 10-15 minutes and they are done. People are not black and white, and don’t fit into boxes.

【小题1】According to forum readers, which is not the benefit of opening a “husband nursery”?
A.Men can escape the complaints from women.
B.Women can enjoy shopping more with bags left in men’s care.
C.Women can finish their shopping in a shorter time.
D.Men can relax themselves when women are shopping.
【小题2】Which saying below can best describe Sunnylin01 and Seneca’s opinion?
A.One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
B.Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbors.
C.A good wife makes a good husband.
D.Experience is the mother of wisdom.
【小题3】The underlined sentences in the last paragraph implies that         .
A.black people and white people are different in size
B.people with different skins have different views
C.people shouldn’t draw general conclusion blindly
D.shopping is not suitable for all kinds of people

There you are in your favorite clothing store. You don’t really need to buy anything, but everything is so cheap and stylish! Before you know it, you leave the store with bags and bags of new clothes.

On the surface, this doesn’t seem so bad. However, there are a lot of hidden costs behind the cheap price tags (标牌). To put it plainly, the fashion industry is terrible for the planet. Not only does it use up a lot of resources, but it also heavily pollutes the environment with chemicals, microplastics and unwanted waste.

Fashion is one of the least sustainable industries on the planet, commented Michael Stanley-Jones. “We’ve all become our own waste managers, hoarding fashion waste in our houses,” he noted.

It doesn’t just take up space in our cupboards, though. It also ends up in landfills (垃圾场), too. But, thankfully, the fashion trend tides are changing. People are increasingly examining their own consumption and what changes they can make to become sustainable, Jane Fellner, founder and CEO of sustainable fashion seller Loopster, told the Guardian.

In particular, with its typically lower prices and rare fashion finds, shopping secondhand   has become an increasingly popular and eco-friendly option. According to online reseller ThredUp, the secondhand market is predicted to reach $80 billion by 2029. And, although fast fashion will continue to grow 20 percent over the next 10 years, secondhand fashion is expected to grow an unbelievable 185 percent in that same amount of time. Fellner continued: “Secondhand has become more socially acceptable. Thrifting (节约) is now massive on TikTok.”

The only true sustainable way to shop is to not shop at all, unless you’re buying clothes that already exist.

【小题1】What does the fashion industry bring about?
A.People’s love for fast fashion.B.Damage to the earth.
C.Cheap price tags.D.Sufficient resources.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “hoarding” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题3】What does Jane Fellner think of secondhand fashion?
A.It is gaining popularity.
B.It has defeated fast fashion.
C.It makes people attractive.
D.It is huge among young people.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Young Consumers’ Habits
B.A Stylish Fashion Manager
C.The Fashion Industry
D.Sustainable Fashion Trend
