阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷32

Have you noticed that some people just seem to accomplish tons and still appear happy and relaxed? Here are some tips for making life more productive and fun.

Combine your activities

Many people go crazy trying to figure out how to spend time with friends, family, work, play, etc. Stop trying to balance time between them separately. 【小题1】. Build your social life around people in your life. Find people in your life who share common interests and develop your career around the people and activities you love.


Under certain circumstances, social media, family, friends and co-workers all can waste your precious time if you let them. Budget your time for necessary activities. Make a choice to limit non-supportive interactions. As for social media, it can easily be a black hole for time and productivity. 【小题3】, but stay away from the games.

Be an active learner

【小题4】, but actually there are always new tools and new ways of doing things that can save you time on daily tasks and free you up for more activities. Always look for a new way to gain back an hour here or there.

Lighten up

There is no need to beat yourself up if you can’t do all the things you want because you are handling other stuff that needs attention. It happens. The world won’t come to an end just because you leave a few things undone. Instead, celebrate your progress. 【小题5】

A.Make a to-do list
B.Actively manage time-wasters
C.Find ways to enjoy them in a combined manner
D.You might think learning takes more time from you
E.Use it appropriately as a tool to support your needs
F.Every completion is a small victory that adds up in a big way
G.The things you do well usually give you greater joy and require less time
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Do you like traveling by bike? Even if you are an expert cyclist, deciding to travel by bike on an adventure will demand thorough preparation and research. Here are some tips for you.

Whether you have the best mountain bike under 300 or the best mountain bike under 200, safety is more important.【小题1】Confirm your helmet is all set. If you are planning to ride in the night, have a light fixed on your helmet and on your bike. Make sure it’s sharp enough for other cyclists and drivers to clearly see you.【小题2】This will help you rule out some of the doubts you could be having on safety.

If you are planning to travel with your bike, at least, be sure that you know how to change the tire in case of a flat. Also, you have to know how to adjust your brakes accordingly. Knowing how to replace a slipped chain is just as important.【小题3】

Most importantly, bring your phone with you, a backup phone battery or portable charger and an ID card. If an accident happens, you might need to contact a friend or family for help.【小题4】It’s also important to set aside some money for an emergency that you can easily access.

【小题5】You surely don’t wish to get worn out, so pack healthy snacks to keep you energetic all through. Also don’t forget to carry enough water in case you feel thirsty. Besides, pack appropriate clothing. It helps to check the weather forecast first to know the kind of dress you’ll need.

A.Go over your map carefully.
B.Take your bike for a long-distance test-ride.
C.You need to feel as safe as possible with your bike.
D.Push yourself a bit further if you regularly exercise.
E.Remember to bring with your appropriate tools for such problems.
F.Cycling demands much energy especially for a long distance.
G.And an identification card will help to identify you just in case.

Attention management is a valuable skill in the age of distraction (分神)。In fact,today, more than ever,our attention is very fragile.【小题1】 Finding focus in a distracted world is really hard.

Attention is how you are spending your time and life. The simple act of paying attention to the right things at the right time can change the course of your life.

【小题2】 It's how you make time for meaningful things in life. It's also how you get distracted and waste your time. To get the most out of life, we must learn to spend our attention effectively.

Spending attention is a choice. It's a choice that's getting you closer to what you want in life or leading you to the opposite path. Where you spend your attention is where you spend your life.

Like any other skills, develop your attention skill..【小题3】Start creating the conditions for uninterrupted work by noticing everything that distracts you. You can also start tracking your attention to get a better insight into how you are currently using your time. 【小题4】Take space from the things that usually fill your time, and begin your awareness. Make a list of the things that fill your time every day, and explore each one on a deeper level.

Attention, like time,is limited.【小题5】 Am I spending my time on things that add value to my life? Are my actions moving me toward or away from what matters most in my life? Managing your attention is managing your life.

A.We lose focus easily.
B.So keep asking yourself every day.
C.Attention is how you get things done.
D.Our attention is a precious resource.
E.We should make the most of the limited time.
F.Train your attention by practising demanding tasks often.
G.Then take a step back, and assess how you spend your attention.

After his father was sent to the hospital, Desouvre fell into a great anxiety. So he did the one thing to calm himself: He wrote. Over the next few weeks, Desouvre filled several notebooks, writing about his worry as well as his happy memories with his dad. 【小题1】 It is referred to as “expressive writing.” People who do this, recording their deepest thoughts and feelings, often show mental and physical health.

Expressive writing works because it allows you to make meaning out of a painful experience. Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step. 【小题2】 It allows you to take careful thought and keep a sense of control.

【小题3】 The more you avoid a problem, the more trouble you will have with it. That’s because you create a circle of fear and anxiety, which increases negative emotions. Of course, to face emotion is more than thinking or talking about it, which can lead you to get lost in your emotions. On the contrary, writing can discourage the neural (神经的) instant activity in the threat area of the brain. 【小题4】

Expressive writing can result in lower depressive symptoms (症状), greater positive mood, and a good appreciation for life. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar, and don’t share your writing with anyone. 【小题5】 The goal of the expressive writing is to find a true meaning in an unsettling event.

A.Writing causes your anxiety.
B.But do dig deep into your feelings.
C.Expressive writing has become a popular major.
D.It forces you to avoid getting lost in your emotions.
E.Writing such a difficult situation helped him to face his fear.
F.Expressive writing is powerful for the people unwilling to face emotions.
G.And then translating it into words leads you to organize your thoughts.
