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Time to make lemonade out of life’s lemons

When you have an unexpected lockdown staring at you, take it one day at a time. Instead of getting bogged down by the thought, take each of those days as an opportunity to build new skills, explore hobbies and do things you’ve always wanted to. 【小题1】.

1. Give your house a makeover

【小题2】? With a lockdown in full progress, this may be a good time to give your home a fresh new look. Change the curtains, move your tables, chairs and sofas around the house to try out new combinations. Besides burning good calories, this activity could help you hit the reset button and let you escape the boredom of same-old.

2 【小题3】 There are at least half a dozen people, at any given point of time that you need to call back. An elderly aunt, that slightly touchy friend, or your former colleague — you really meant to call them back, but ... you know how it is. This is a good time to find out how your friends and family are doing. Spread the warmth and stay bonded.

3. Find the bookworm in you

This is a no-brainer to be honest. Besides being a great entertainer, this can be a great use of your me-time, simply because you will enhance your knowledge of people, society, history and culture. 【小题4】.

4. Try digital housekeeping

Your home may be tidy and in order, but your digital life is a mess: photos all out of place, the music from god-knows-when, old text files that need to be cleaned up. 【小题5】. Most importantly, you need to change your passwords and keep them safe.

A.Be a social butterfly — on the phone
B.Here is a list of ideas for you to explore
C.Also, research suggests that reading keeps you smarter
D.Used to the common setting of your routine workplace
E.Therefore, you are supposed to finish the following things
F.Not to mention a system backup and an update of your operating system
G.Tired of seeing the same old seating/dining arrangements, day in, day out
知识点:方法/策略日常生活 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How to Keep a Diary

A diary is a way of writing down your memories, but it has other benefits as well. Keeping diaries is beneficial to your mental health and it helps you become a better writer! 【小题1】

【小题2】 Many people find it helpful to plan a right time to write each day. It’s good to write before bed or in the morning. Of course, you can write your diary at any time! It’s up to you!

Give your diary a special purpose. During some time of your life, you may not feel like there’s much interesting going on, which can make you harder to write something in your diary. You may devote your diary to a specific purpose.【小题3】

Write about thoughts and feelings, not just events. For example, your favorite band will come to your city.【小题4】 You can also write how the sound of the musical instruments makes your whole body feel like shaking and how excited and happy you are when they play your favorite song.

Use your diary for creative writing. When you write your diary, don’t worry too much about the rules of spelling and grammar. You don’t worry how other people think about your writing either! 【小题5】 Indeed, a lot of diary writing is just like that. Don’t be afraid, however, to use your diary to write more creatively. Some people even write their own songs in their diaries.

A.Schedule a time for writing.
B.Find a place for writing.
C.Most people think of a diary as a personal story.
D.You can describe the expectation you have before they walk onto the stage.
E.Filling your diary with your honest thoughts will make the experience more interesting.
F.To make diary writing an interesting part of your daily life, you can take the following tips.
G.For example, you can try a nature diary, in which you write about plants, animals, weather or other natural things.

It is a big struggle when we encounter problems in school. Whether it is a personal or academic problem, it can really affect your performance when it comes to your schoolwork and wear down your will. 【小题1】 Here are four ways to overcome the barriers to your academic success and help you achieve your goals in life.

Manage your time well. Balancing your time well can be a big help in doing your schoolwork. Do not let your social relationships take over all of your time. Don’t lose sight of doing well in school especially when you have goals in life. When torn between hanging out with friends and your schoolwork, make sure that you have set a schedule when meeting up with them. 【小题2】

Make full preparations. Nothing can beat a person who is prepared. 【小题3】 You can also avoid rushing when you have a list of what project you should do first. This will also help you to be less stressed whenever there are a lot of things to do.

【小题4】 Life can make you feel discouraged and lonely but always keep in my mind that it will all get better in the end. Being optimistic can help you feel less worried and start looking forward to the future. A negative mind or thinking will not give you a positive life. Life can be really hard but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Focus on the things that are important and will make you achieve your dreams in life.

Reward yourself when you have achieved something, whether big or not. You should reward yourself once in a while for doing well. In that way, you would not feel burned out in studying and doing schoolwork. 【小题5】 You deserved it.

A.Stick to your dream.
B.Have a positive attitude.
C.We should think about the way of rewarding ourselves.
D.This can also be your way of relaxing after all the stress you’ve met.
E.But always keep in mind that there are ways to overcome these challenges.
F.You can make a to-do list which can be a big help in doing your schoolwork.
G.In that way, you will not have to rush into finishing your schoolwork that needs to be done.

For nearly ten years, I have spent my Monday evenings attending rehearsals for my amateur choir(合唱队). Mondays are not my favourite day, and I often arrive in a bad mood, but by the end of the rehearsal, I usually feel energized. The singing does me good. So do the people. With a few exceptions, I would not describe my fellow choir members as close friends. We exchange brief chats, smiles and jokes-—but that is enough for me to come away feeling a little better about the world.

There is no choir practice now, and won’t be for a long time. I miss it. In lockdown, I do not feel short on emotional support, but I do feel short of friendly faces and casual conversations. Another way of putting this is that I miss my “weak ties”.

In 1973, Mark Granovetter, a sociology professor at Stanford University, published a paper entitled “The Strength of Weak Ties”. Until then, scholars had assumed that an individual’s well-being depended mainly on the quality of relationships with close friends and family. Granovetter showed that quantity mattered, too. He categorized a person’s social world as “strong ties” and “weak ties”. His central insight was that for new ideas, weak ties are more important to us than strong ones. As Granovetter pointed out, the people whom we often talk to swim in the same pool of information as we do. We depend on acquaintances whom we see infrequently to bring us news of opportunities.

This was the idea behind the Pixar building, the design of which was overseen by Steve Jobs. The building has a large central hall through which employees from different departments have to pass several times a day. Jobs wanted colleagues to bump into each other and shoot the breeze(闲聊). He believed in the power of these seemingly random conversations to fire up creativity.

Encounters with weak ties can be good for our mental well-being, too. Gillian Sandstrom, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Essex, investigated the extent to which people get happiness from weak-tie relationships. She found that on days when a person had a greater number of casual interactions with weak ties-say, a local barista(咖啡师), a neighbour, a member of yoga class-they experienced more happiness and a greater sense of belonging.

For these reasons, we should continue to find ways to cultivate weak-tie relationships, during lockdown and beyond. Sandstrom adds that we can also engage in more weak-tie-style interactions with our strong ties. The goal is to let others know that you are thinking of them without asking for a great deal of time, energy or attention.

【小题1】What can we learn about the author from the article?
A.She has been a singer from an early age.
B.She finds her Mondays quite difficult.
C.She barely knows most of her fellow choir members.
D.She has trouble maintaining friendships during lockdown.
【小题2】According to Mark Granovetter, it’s less likely for you to get new ideas from your strong ties mainly because you tend to ________.
A.have the same concernsB.avoid conflicts of interests
C.see each other too frequentlyD.be exposed to similar facts and ideas
【小题3】According to the article, building networks of weak-tie relationships can NOT ________.
A.make you feel connectedB.improve your social skills
C.put you in a cheerful moodD.provide you with inspiration
【小题4】According to the article, which of the following statements is true?
A.It’s important to regularly interact with all of our friends.
B.It’s difficult to achieve a balance between strong- and weak-tie friendships.
C.It’s unnecessary to spend a lot of time strengthening friendship with our strong ties.
D.It’s a pity that people have had to shrink their social networks during lockdown.
