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Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion other individuals. And we all need transportation. The majority of cars, motorcycles, boats and planes cause pollution. They are also noisy. This is a serious problem in many cities. So inventors are coming up with innovative ideas to try to reduce the pollution and noise.

By Land

In many cities around the world, motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular. Currently, Vietnam has around 33 million motorcycles. China has almost 120 million. The convenience of these motorcycles comes at a cost. Air pollution is a growing problem. In large cities, people often complain it is difficult to breathe. They also complain about the noise.

To solve these problems, a U.S. company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle. It uses electricity as fuel. You can drive it for 40 miles (64 kilometers) before recharging the battery.

It is also quiet and fast-60 miles (96 kilometers) per hour. This makes it a good choice for getting around a city.

By Water

The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a few roads. There are no cars in the city center. Instead of cars, water taxis and buses carry people along the city’s canals. The engines of these boats are simple and cheap. However, they cause pollution, particularly to the water. This causes damage to the city’s buildings.

English mechanics Dick Strawbridge and Jem Stans designed a solar-powered water taxi. The solar panels charge three electric batteries. These, in turn, provide power to the engine. The water taxi can carry six passengers. It can run for a day. In the future, solar taxis could be an alternative to Venice’s current taxis.

By Air

Designing an environmentally friendly airplane is a real challenge. Planes use an enormous amount of jet fuel. This means they cause significant air pollution, and they are very noisy. Some major airplane manufacturers have started to address the problems. They are using cleaner fuels, for example. However, Swiss engineers have gone one step further. They developed a solar airplane — the Solar Impulse. Solar panels cover its wings. These panels provide power to four electric motors and batteries. The batteries allow the plane to fly at night. This plane holds the world record for the longest solar-powered flight — 985 miles (1541 kilometers) from Arizona to Texas in the United States.

【小题1】What do the three innovative ideas proposed have in common?
A.They aim to solve traffic problems in big cities.
B.They use cleaner energy and cause less pollution.
C.They aim to change traditional way of transporting goods.
D.They are good will of developed countries to help developing countries.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.China owns the largest number of motorcycles.
B.There are no cars in the center of Venice city.
C.Solar-powered water taxi can run for a day with one battery at work.
D.The newly designed motorcycle can drive 60 miles after being charged.
【小题3】According to the passage, the distinguished merit of Solar Impulse is ________.
A.lighter wingsB.less noise
C.powerful batteriesD.longest solar panels
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A robot, created by Washington State University (WSU) scientists, could help elderly people with limitations (限制) live independently in their own homes.

The Robot Activity Support System (RAS), uses sensors (传感器) in a WSU smart home to decide where its users are, what they are doing and when they need help with daily activities. It navigates (定位) through rooms to find people on its own, provides video instructions on how to do simple tasks. It can even lead its owner to objects such as his or her medicine or some food in the kitchen.

Now, about 50 percent of adults over the age of 85 need help with every day activities such as preparing meals and taking medicine. Every year the cost for that in the US is nearly 2,000 billion dollars. The number of adults over 85 is expected to double by 2050. Therefore, researchers hope that technologies like RAS and the WSU smart home will cut some of the spending on the health care system by making it easier for older adults to live alone.

RAS is the first robot that researchers have tried to put into their smart home environment. They recently published a study in the journal (专业期刊) Cognitive Systems Research. The study explains how RAS could make life easier for older adults who struggle to live independently.

“While we are still in an early stage (阶段) of development, our results with RAS have been promising,” Minor said, “The next step in the research will be to test RAS’ performance with a group of older adults to get a better idea of this robot.”

【小题1】What can RAS do?
A.Getting medicines for the user.B.Finding the people by itself.
C.Offering picture instructions.D.Treating people with limitations.
【小题2】How can we cut the spending on health care system?
A.By making older adults live alone.B.By using technologies like RAS.
C.By asking for help from the pubic.D.By struggling against limitations.
【小题3】How do researchers use RAS?
A.They tried to use it in smart home environment.
B.They tried to use it to live independently.
C.They tried to use it to save money for the elderly.
D.They tried to use it to make life easier for adults.
【小题4】What is Minor’s attitude towards the future of RAS?

Glass bottles have long conveyed (传递) a high-quality image for the wine they carry, but their carbon footprint is sizable. Fossil fuels are used to produce and recycle them. And when it comes to transport, they are also heavy and waste space.

“But Packamama, an Australian packaging start up, has launched a range of flat wine-bottles, the first for the country, promoting them as an environment ally-friendly alternative to traditional glass. The bottles are made from 100 % recycled PET plastic. The slim, flat profile (外形) is 83 % lighter, and allows twice as many bottles to fit into a standard case. “Australia is home to the two most significant successful wine packaging innovations of the last century. Bag-in-box and screw cap (螺旋瓶盖), both from the mid-1960 s,” says Santiago Navarro, Packamama’s co-founder.

Three months after the first bottles hit the shelves, the data suggests flat-bottled wines are becoming popular with drinkers. Packamarna’s first production order was for 65,000 units, a figure that has risen to 90,000. The demand was so strong that they were sold out after the first production. Questions remain, however, about the flat-profile bottle’s suit ability for high-quality wines. The wine maker Nicole Esdaile, of Cent are Vineyard in Victoria’s Yarra Valley, applauds the move but says it is not a workable option for her business, given its focus on classic, collectible wines typically exported to China. “Critically, they are not suitable for storing wine, with the recommended shelf life being no more than two years. The bottles are perfect for quick ‘drink-now’ style.”

The wine maker Tom Wallace wants to see how flat-bottled wines perform over the years ahead. “The priority for us is the quality of the wine going in, so the packaging has to reflect that and allow those wines to mature (酿成) in the best way possible. We will wait and see how the trials and research go before we jump on board.”

【小题1】What advantage do the flat wine-bottles have over glass bottles?
A.They can be recycled.B.They offer zero carbon footprint.
C.They save space in transport.D.They indicate good wine quality.
【小题2】Why does Santiago Navarro mention the two innovations of the last century?
A.To express his pride in his country.B.To explain his interest in innovations.
C.To show his confidence in his products.D.To display his knowledge in packaging.
【小题3】What is the weakness of the flat wine-bottles?
A.They have a short shelf life.B.They are hard to produce in mass.
C.They fail to meet Chinese standards.D.They are prohibited from being exported.
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “jump on board” mean in the last paragraph?
A.Ship bottled wines.B.Use the new packaging.
C.Quicken the process of maturing.D.Produce flat wine-bottles.

Many people are familiar with the horrible images of wildlife—including sea turtles, dolphins and seals—trapped in abandoned fishing nets. The main issue behind Nylon-6, the plastic inside these nets, carpet and clothing, is that it’s too strong and durable to breakdown on its own. So, once it’s in the environment, it exists for thousands of years, littering waterways, breaking corals and killing birds and sea life.

Now, Northwestern University chemists have developed a new catalyst (催化剂) that quickly, cleanly and completely breaks down Nylon-6 in a matter of minutes—without generating harmful byproducts. More importantly, the process does not require poisonous solvents (溶剂), expensive materials or extreme conditions, making it practical for everyday applications.

Current methods to dispose of Nylon-6 are limited to simply burying it in landfills. When Nylon-6 is burned, it produces poisonous pollutants such as nitrogen oxides. Although other labs have explored catalysts to degrade Nylon-6, those catalysts require extreme conditions (such as temperatures as high as 350 degrees Celsius), high-pressure steam (which is energetically expensive and inefficient) and/or toxic solvents that only contribute to more pollution.

To bypass these issues, the researchers looked to a novel catalyst already developed in the lab of Tobin Marks, the leader of the research. The catalyst takes advantage of yttrium—an inexpensive Earth-abundant metal. When the team heated Nylon-6 samples to melting temperatures and applied the catalyst without a solvent, the plastic fell apart—returning to its original building blocks without leaving byproducts behind. In experiments, Marks and his team were able to recover 99% of plastics’ original building blocks.

“Our research represents a significant step forward in the field of polymer recycling and sustainable materials management,” said Marks. After filing a patent for the new process, Marks and his team have already received interest from many potential industrial partners. They hope others can use their catalysts on a large scale to help solve the global plastic problem.

【小题1】What is Nylon-6 according to the text?
A.A chemical that causes wildlife extinction.
B.The strongest plastic invented in history.
C.A material that is hard to degrade.
D.The net used to trap sea creatures.
【小题2】What is a feature of the new catalyst?
【小题3】What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The use of yttrium.B.The anticipated result.
C.The research objectives.D.The experimental process.
【小题4】What can we infer about the new catalyst from the last paragraph?
A.It has been granted a patent.
B.It is in mass production now.
C.It is of great practical value.
D.It has been widely applied.
