选词填空-单句选词填空 适中0.65 引用2 组卷23
take part in;   cut back on;   take action;   to sum up;   when it comes to;   end up;
dispose of;   set a great example for;   come at a huge cost to;   a wide range of
【小题1】Meanwhile, the best advice may come from doctors who are advising patients to ________ salt voluntarily.
【小题2】________, it is an amazing film which is suitable for both children and adults.
【小题3】Many of these infections were avoidable if the syringes (注射器) had been ________ safely.
【小题4】By cleaning up your garbage before you leave the theatre, you can ________ your kids.
【小题5】The economic growth over the past 30 years has ________ the environment.
【小题6】Nowadays, ________ “script murder” activities has become a new way for young adults to entertain themselves.
【小题7】There are ________ career opportunities open to young people.
【小题8】He says ________ saving energy and money, big changes start with small steps like turning out the lights.
【小题9】The book Disappearing Destinations explains more about these disappearing places and suggests helpful ways to ________.
【小题10】He was so diligent that he ________ as a fresher in Tsinghua University three years later.
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