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A young woman was waiting for her flight at an airport. She was leaving for London because she got a new job there. She was excited as well as a little nervous about her new life.

With several long hours before her flight, the woman hunted for a book in the airport shops, bought a packet of cookies and found a place to sit. She took out a book and started to read. Although she was absorbed in her book, she happened to see that the man sitting beside her, as bold (大胆的) as he could be, grabbed (抓) a cookie or two from the bag in between them. Educated to be well-mannered, she tried to ignore it to avoid an argument. But to show that she was the owner, she started to take cookies from that bag too. Unfortunately, the man didn’t get that hint (暗示), since he didn’t stop grabbing the cookies.

“How annoying!” she thought. As the greedy cookie thief kept eating, the woman munched (用力咀嚼) some cookies and watched the clock.

She was getting angrier as the minutes went by, thinking, “If I weren’t so nice, I would blacken his eyes.” With each cookie she took, he took one, too; when only one was left, she wondered what he would do.

With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her a half, and ate the other. She grabbed it from him, glared at him and thought, “Oh, brother. This guy has some nerve and he is so rude! Why didn’t he even show any gratefulness?”

She had never known when she had been so angry, and sighed in relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings, put them into the backpack (背包) and headed to the gate quickly, refusing to look back at the rude thief. She boarded the plane, sank in her seat, and looked for her book, which was almost complete.

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As she reached in her backpack, she was surprised to find something in it.


Surprisingly, she found the man sitting just behind her.

知识点:个人经历生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

It was a cold winter morning when Lily woke up from her deep sleep. She stretched her arms and yawned lazily, feeling a sense of emptiness deep within. As she looked out the window, she noticed that the once lively and colorful garden outside was now covered in a blanket of snow.

Lily had always been fascinated by the beauty of nature. She loved watching the flowers bloom in spring, feeling the warmth of the sun in summer, and appreciating the golden colors of autumn. But now, with winter’s arrival, there seemed to be empty in her heart.

Determined to bring back the lost spirit of spring, Lily decided to take matters into her own hands. She put on her warmest coat, wrapped a scarf around her neck, and went out into the frozen world. With each step she took, she imagined the scent of fresh flowers filling the air and the sound of birds singing happily.

As she walked through the snow-covered garden, a small ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, casting a soft glow on the barren landscape. Lily’s eyes widened with wonder as she came across a tiny sprout (嫩芽) growing from the ground. It was a sign of hope, a promise of new life.

Eager to raise this fragile little life, Lily carefully dug a small hole and gently placed it in the soil. She watered it with tenderness, whispering words of encouragement. Days turned into weeks, and the sprout grew into a young plant, its leaves unfolding gradually.

One morning, as Lily stopped into the garden, she was greeted by a breathtaking sight. The once lifeless garden was now blooming with rows of colorful flowers. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of nature, and the sound of buzzing bees and singing birds created a symphony (交响乐) of joy.

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One day, the weather took an unexpected turn.


Through this painstaking process, Lily witnessed her own growth and transformation._


Monica grew up under the care of her grandparents, whom she missed much after their passing. She especially missed the happy times when her grandfather played the guitar for her. After graduating, she joined a caregiving organization because she didn’t want to feel lonely.

“Miss Monica! You have to go to a senior’s on 11th Street and…” her manager told her one day. Monica was excited because she loved taking care of old people. Moments later, Monica arrived at her destination. The door was open. “Hello, anyone there?” she shouted. But there was no answer. She walked further. “Is there anybody home?” She saw an old man sitting in an armchair. She stood behind him, but he wasn’t aware of anything. His eyes were fixed on the TV, and there was a blank expression on his face.

“H-hello, sir! I’m Monica, your new caretaker,” she raised her voice. The man got up immediately and turned around. “Well, hello, Miss…” he paused. “Monica!” “Nice to see you, Miss Monica! Please have a seat,” the man told her. “I’m Charles!” He looked happy but lost.

Monica sat down and observed many medicines. “Alzheimer’s(阿尔茨海默症) drugs?” She was shocked. She realized the man had Alzheimer’s disease, so she decided to be extra careful with the care. Monica told him she would be taking care of all household chores(家务). Old Charles invited her to tour the house delightedly.

After checking the kitchen and dining room, Monica went upstairs to the man’s room and found several old photographs hanging on the wall. As she admired each one, she froze upon seeing a particular picture. “Amazing!”she said, staring at the picture of young Charles playing the piano in a large concert hall. “Was he a musician or something?” Monica hurried downstairs to ask him to tell her about his youth. But to her disbelief, Charles couldn’t recognize her. “Who are you and why are you here?” he asked. Thinking of his disease, Monica explained again. The old man calmed down and slept while Monica prepared dinner. With everything finished, she left a note reading “See you tomorrow at 9 am” and went home.

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That evening, Monica’s friend Janice visited her and Monica told her about the old man.


Charles spent much time on the piano from that day on.

