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Why Should We Take a Shower?

Bath or shower? How do you prefer to keep yourself clean? Whatever your daily ablutions, we know it’s important to have good personal hygiene. 【小题1】A shower can bring you certain other benefits, but how often should we wash ourselves under a watery spray?

Although you might think taking a daily shower should be part of your cleaning ritual, there’s no hard and fast rule, although dermatologists(皮肤科医生)agree that as a society, we shower too often. 【小题2】It can waste water as well. However, if you have a fitness regime that causes you to sweat, a more regular sprinkle of water is recommended to stop you ponging(散发难闻的气味)!

How often you shower is, of course, a personal choice. There’s nothing better than a hot, soapy scrub under the shower, and this doesn’t just have to be to clean yourself. Some people enjoy a shower to help them relax, warm up or soothe any aches and pains. It’s also a good opportunity to wash your hair at the same time. 【小题3】

【小题4】This might be a necessity if your boiler has broken, but some people choose this option because it has many health benefits, some experts claim. There is increasing evidence that braving an icy shower in the morning could keep illness at bay and may even help your brain stay sharp. A podcast called Just One Thing with Michael Mosley, found the shock of being doused(泼, 溅)with cold water could have a positive impact on your body and brain.

The thought of a cold shower might not make you jump out of bed in the morning, but whatever the temperature, a splash of water will wake you up and make you feel and smell great!

A.If the idea of a hot, steaming shower appeals, how about a freezing cold one instead?
B.In fact, too much washing can deplete the vital oils in our skin.
C.However, it is a wise choice to shower regularly for our skin and hair health.
D.Again, though, experts say we shouldn’t shower too often because, like your skin, your hair contains essential oils that you don’t want to lose through excessive scrubbing.
E.Nobody wants to smell, and nobody wants to catch your odour!
F.Experts say you should take a shower every day so that you get relaxed after work.
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Anger can feel like its eating you up inside as it practically ruins your entire day【小题1】Let's cool it a little shall we?

【小题2】Effectively, to constantly water it would mean you've created the habit of anger. You're probably even addicted to it. To stop being so angry, you've to break out of anger. Stop watering the angry seed within, live your life and start planting other seeds!

Anger is not a primary emotion. It's secondary.【小题3】What is it? Fear? Rejection? Sadness? Guilt? It's going to be terrifying, but you've to be honest with yourself and start asking the bigger questions in order to overcome anger.

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. It's only logical. Getting angry is not allowing other positive emotions to come in and that is time and space you'll never get back. And life is way too short to be pissed off(使生气) all the time.【小题4】

Happiness cannot come from hatred or anger. Nobody can say, “Today I am happy because this morning I was angry.”【小题5】They can say “Today I am not very happy, because I lost my temper this morning.” This is so straight-forward. Anger in the end, cannot sustain(维持) you. It can perhaps propel you with energy, but if you use it to create more anger, then happiness will never come to you.

A.On the contrary, people feel uneasy and sad.
B.You’re responsible for your anger.
C.You’ve found the root cause of your anger.
D.People will find a way to make you angry.
E.while filling your head with a bunch of angry, negative thoughts.
F.and it states how easy it is to be angry.
G.You're going to die eventually, so be smart about it!

Paris is one of the most-visited destinations in the world. There are lots to explore and there’s delicious food on every comer. A relaxing trip to Paris takes a little bit of planning. Here are some tips for you to make your trip smooth.

Planning your trip

Have a valid passport for international travel. A passport costs $ 110 and takes 6-8 weeks to arrive after you apply.

Booking Flights

The cheapest period to fly is during the Spring time, especially if you can leave on the first three days of the week. You’ll save even more money by booking around 90 days in advance. In the summer months, tickets will be more expensive no matter when you book.

Enjoying Your Time

Visit the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable symbol of Paris. To avoid the crowds, go to the Eiffel Tower early in the morning. It costs €25 to go to the top, or €10 to climb to the first 2 levels on foot. See the Notre Dame Cathedral.

At present, the Notre Dame Cathedral is not accessible to tourists due to the fire that ruined parts of the cathedral. However, you can still visit the outside of the cathedral.\

Go to the Louvre to world-famous art.

The Louvre hosts the Mona Lisa along with 35, 000 other pieces of art. If you’re pressed for time, visit the highlights. The Louvre costs €15 at the museum or €17 in advance (to skip most of the line).

Take a day trip to Versailles.

If you have a day to spare, head to the palace of Versailles, around 14 miles southwest of the city. Take a tour to see King Louis XVI’s palace and gardens. It costs e 20 to visit the palace and grounds.

【小题1】How can one save the most money if booking plane tickets ahead of time?
A.If he leaves on a Monday in June.
B.If he leaves on a Wednesday in December.
C.If he leaves on a Tuesday in May.
D.If he leaves on a Thursday in March.
【小题2】Which tourist attraction is not open to visitors at the moment?
A.The Notre Dame Cathedral.B.The Eiffel Tower.
C.The Louvre.D.Versailles.
【小题3】Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A course plan.B.A research paper.
C.A travel brochure.D.An encyclopedia.

The right Way to Move Plants Outdoors

Gardening can be both personally satisfying and a good activity for the mind and body. Flowers beautify your surroundings, while fresh vegetables provide some of the tastiest foods on your table.

A seedling is a young plant grown from a seed. 【小题1】 But what happens when they get bigger? Seedlings that start indoors or in a greenhouse need to go through a period of transition before they can safely remain outdoors. 【小题2】 It will prepare the seedlings for wind, stronger sunlight and up-and-down temperatures.

First, make the transition from indoors to outdoors slowly, over a week or two. A good place to harden off seedlings is in a partly protected area outside the home, such as a coldframe. 【小题3】 You can also harden off seedlings near a wall in an area where there is a mix of sun and shade. Or keep the seedlings fully exposed to outdoor weather conditions—for short, but increasing periods.

【小题4】 Sunlight can damage the leaves of seedlings that have grown indoors. Even without cold, outdoor sunlight can be as much as 10 times more intense than light from the inside of a sunny window.

Slow exposure to more intense light thickens cell walls as well as existing and new leaves. This exposure can begin in areas of partial shade, or with just a few hours each day of full sun. 【小题5】

A.Next, expose the seedlings to the sunlight slowly.
B.The home is a good place for seeds.
C.This period is called “hardening off”.
D.The hot sunlight might harm the young plants.
E.It can be easy to grow seedlings inside the home.
F.With increasing light shining, leaves also turn darker green.
G.It is usually an open-bottomed box with a clear, removable cover.
