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In 2018, China became the largest producer and consumer of the fruit in the world. Ninety-two-year-old Wu Mingzhu, a native of Wuhan, is the unknown hero who has helped make this possible.

“About 80 percent of the watermelons and sweet-melons served at people’s dining tables every day are the result of painful efforts made by Wu and her team over more than 60 years,” said Zhang Wenjun, a colleague of Wu’s.

Helping others had long been a dream of hers. And she thought the most beautiful thing in life is that everything you create can serve the people, so she made efforts to grow quality melons, which began paying off in 1973. She is one of the 8, 000 agricultural scientists who have come to Hainan annually from across the country over the past 60 years and have cultivated more than 20, 000 of China’s new seed varieties through off-season breeding.

Using innovative measures such as radiation mutation breeding, double haploid breeding and distant hybridization breeding, Wu and her team developed new germ-plasm (种质) resources, from which they cultivated more than 30 watermelon and muskmelon (香瓜) varieties with better adaptability and stronger disease resistance, said Yi Hongping, former director of the Xinjiang Muskmelon Research Center.

The new melon varieties have been promoted to more than 1.86 million hectares of fields from north to south. Some of these varieties have been promoted overseas, as far as California. Wu’s work has left her a number of honors. The “queen of melons” became an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1999 and an honorary citizen of Sanya in 2004.

【小题1】Why did Wu Mingzhu mainly want to grow high-end melons?
A.Because she wanted to make China the largest producer of melons.
B.Because China is the largest consumer of melons in the world.
C.Because she wanted to create something that could serve people.
D.Because Chinese government asked her to grow high quality melons.
【小题2】What can we learn about from Paragraph 4?
A.Wu and her team cultivated melon varieties that could resist every disease.
B.Wu and her team cultivated high quality melons from the new germ-plasm resources.
C.Wu and her team cultivated 30 watermelon varieties from radiation mutation breeding.
D.Wu and her team cultivated melon varieties that could adapt to any circumstance.
【小题3】Which of the following about Wu Mingzhu is NOT true from the text?
A.She has cultivated more than 20, 000 of China’s new seed varieties.
B.She is committed to her work and makes remarkable achievements.
C.She helps make China the largest producer of fruit in the world in 2018.
D.She is awarded a number of honorary titles due to her contributions.
【小题4】What is the text?
A.A diary entry.B.A book review.
C.A school notice.D.A news report.
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After seeing the difficult living conditions for children in a migrant (移民) camp in Tijuana, Mexico, Estefanía Rebellón took matters into her own hands.

She could not believe what she saw: families lacking even the most basic supplies. The children, sometimes shoeless and often dirty, clearly had no place to go.

Back at home, Rebellón could think of nothing else. “We have to do something,” she told her partner, Kyle Thomas Schmidt. A school — a safe place for the children to gather and learn — seemed much-needed. So, Rebellón and Schmidt hired volunteer teachers via social media, and using a thousand dollars from their savings, set up a temporary school at the Tijuana border. Classes were held in two large tents.

In five years, that pilot program has grown into the non-profit Yes We Can World Foundation, which operates three classrooms in transformed school buses and two schools in Tijuana, plus another in Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican city directly across the border from El Paso, Texas.

Funded by donations, the foundation’s now well-trained teachers have provided a bilingual education to more than 3,000 kids from ages 3 to 15. The schools follow an official curriculum (课程) from Mexico’s education ministry. As well, Yes We Can offers special courses, including one that helps kids understand more about human migration.

“The program’s success is easy to see,” says Josh Phelps, former director of operations for World Central Kitchen, which has provided meals to some Yes We Can schools. “The kids really enjoy it. There are huge smiles on their faces.”

More than 6.6 million people live in refugee camps around the world, according to the UN Refugee Agency. Rebellón says she’d like to expand the foundation’s reach and support migrant children globally.

“She is a powerhouse,” says Phelps, “and, I think, one of the most important people doing work at the border right now.”

【小题1】What does the underlined part “took matters into her own hands” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Relied on others.B.Got rid of it.
C.Took it into account.D.Dealt with it herself.
【小题2】Why did Rebellón launch the program?
A.To find houses for migrants.
B.To establish a school for migrant children.
C.To raise money for migrants.
D.To provide migrants with daily necessities.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes Rebellón?
A.Easy-going and ambitious.B.Quick-thinking and generous.
C.Open-minded and imaginative.D.Warm-hearted and responsible.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How We Can Provide Education for Migrants?
B.One Woman Founded Schools for Migrant Children
C.One of the Greatest Women in the World — Rebellón
D.Yes We Can World Foundation — a Nonprofit Organization

If you expect to work in the future in the travel industry, you should begin learning Chinese.

That’s because Chinese people spent nearly $258 billion in total on international travel last year. That’s more than twice the combined amount spent on international travel by people from the United States and Germany, the next two biggest-spending nations. The Chinese are relative (相对的) newcomers when it comes to traveling beyond their nation’s borders and only a small percentage of them travel outside of China each year. Given the size of that nation’s population, even that small percentage represents well over 100 million Chinese travelers to foreign destinations.

Yet Chinese citizens flew, on average, just 65 miles last year vs. the 227 miles flown on average by US residents (居民), the 285 miles flown on average by Germans, the 271 miles flown on average by those from the United Kingdom, and the 632 miles flown by the average Canadian last year.

China’s high total spending on international travel and its low average number of miles flown on international travel may show that while only a small percentage of China’s residents actually travel outside their homeland, those who do spend a lot of money don’t go that far. But there are reasons for China’s low average of miles travel on international trips. A small percentage of Chinese now have enough money to travel internationally, while the number of people who do travel outside of China is growing fast every year. Besides, a large percentage of Chinese people traveling abroad stay close to home.

However, as more and more Chinese gain the financial ability to travel internationally and as Chinese become more and more interested in visiting destinations farther and farther away from home, their spending on international travel and the average distances flown will both rise rapidly.

【小题1】Why is it important to learn Chinese for the future work in travel industry?
A.Because being good at Chinese is a must for future work.
B.Because Chinese is most commonly used in travel industry.
C.Because travel industry requires employees to learn Chinese.
D.Because China will probably be a big-spending nation in international travel.
【小题2】What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.There is indeed great potential in Chinese travel market.
B.People from different countries have different preferred destinations.
C.Chinese people are more willing to travel abroad compared with Canadians.
D.People going on a journey around the world hate taking international planes.
【小题3】In what countries may many Chinese people choose to travel at present?
A.North America.B.Developing countries.
C.Southeast Asia.D.European countries.
【小题4】Which of the following words can best describe the future of Chinese people’s traveling abroad?

Friday and Saturday were full of surprises for Chinese, as two places in China were listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The first, a World Natural Heritage, is made up of a series of migratory bird sanctuaries (候鸟保护地) along the coast of the Yellow Sea in Yancheng, East China’s Jiangsu Province. The second, the Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Hangzhou, East China’s Zhejiang Province, was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site.

China began the application process for the bird sanctuaries in 2017. It only took two years to successfully complete the process. The migratory bird sanctuaries are the central point of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and many endangered species, especially threatened migratory birds including red-crowned cranes and flamingos, go there to hunt for food during the migration season. The birds usually take a month to finish their migration. At about 10 days into their migration, they must stop and find food in order to have the energy to continue their journey.

Compared to the short period for the World Natural Heritage’s application, the Liangzhu application was far more challenging. The application team spent six years making their dream a reality. The site in Liangzhu is evidence of the existence of an early regional state in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during the late Neolithic (新石器) period in China, which helps fill in the gaps in the history of the rice-cultivating (种植) civilizations of China and East Asia more than 5000 years ago. The site was one of the 20th century’s most important archaeological discoveries in China.

With these two new additions, China now has 55 World Heritage sites, the highest number in the world. The successful application means greater responsibility and duties. Protecting these places is much more important and is our future work.

【小题1】What do you know about the World Natural Heritage?
A.Its application process is comparatively easier.
B.It provides safe fixed habitats for endangered species.
C.It’s located along the coast of the Yellow River.
D.It prevents red-crowned cranes from finishing their migration.
【小题2】According to Paragraph 2, how do migratory bird sanctuaries protect birds?
A.By creating warm places to produce baby birds.
B.By keeping them from being killed by hunters.
C.By providing food supplies during their migration.
D.By offering treatment to the endangered birds after their journey.
【小题3】Why is Liangzhu chosen for the world heritage site?
A.It shows the long history of China.B.It proves the wisdom of the people.
C.It sees the civilization of an age.D.It introduces the food culture of the late Neolithic.
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly talking about?
A.China’s tourism industry has received greater promotion.
B.China’s responsibility is getting bigger after the successful application.
C.China’s history has been deeply influenced by these two places.
D.China’s performance in protecting World Heritage Sites is the best.
